Thursday, January 31, 2013

Don't Be A Fool

Have you ever thought that the very thing/person that you're hanging on to could be sending you straight to hell? Jesus told the rich man to give up his riches but he was so attached to what he'd accumulated on earth that he just couldn't let go. Some of us have stayed in relationships for the wrong reasons, some of us make excuses for continuing to participate in illegal activities, some of us steal/cheat on our jobs, some of us can't/won't give up addictive habits. What I know is we can't continue living life as we do, I know I'm not/won't. We have gotten far to comfortable with sin. Don't be fooled, just because it's working for you doesn't make it right. We have to draw a line in the sand and choose who we will serve. As the bible says, we cannot serve two masters. If your family/friends/peers or anyone is not pushing towards the One True Master then it's time to move on. TeamWon'tBeAFoolAnymore. Bblessedluvi

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


At a young age we are introduced to lack/need or abundance/wealth. Our parents set the stage for how we handle what we have and what we don't have. What I realize and remember is that my parents worked hard and always provided. They purchased a small home and we always had transportation. That memory has been my guiding for force, however I've made the mistake of thinking that money is what I needed to be successful. I was so wrong. King Solomon asked God for wisdom not money and material things. This was brilliant on his part because without wisdom we can't manage financial blessings and gifts. Without wisdom we are mere fools walking around waiting to be taken advantage of. A wise person understands that all the money/materialthings/beautiful people/best jobs in the world mean nothing if God isn't directing and guiding your life. I pray that we all ask for wisdom, without it we fail. TeamWiseGuy. Bblessedluvu

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Don't Wanna Be Lonely

How many of us have been close to walking out on/away from a relationship? I know I have. Leaving a marriage, a job, a friendship, an entire family or a church is selfish. Most people leave because their needs aren't being met. Seldom do those people work on changing themselves. If they would put as much time into their personal growth as they put into complaining about others/things then they may have a totally different outcome. As opposed to complaining about what you're not getting focus on what you're giving. I am an example of someone who wants more out of life but I realize that I can't hold others accountable for my "wants". I personally believe that change starts on an individual level. A lot of you are going to loose or miss great opportunities and love if you don't get over yourself. I am a person who has been selfish and self serving, it's a lonely place to be. TeamI'mNotGoing. Bblessedloveyou

Monday, January 28, 2013


Don't mistake arrogance for confidence. An arrogant person thinks they have all the answers. They give but for the wrong reasons. Arrogance will leave you jobless, single and lonely. Confidence will make you a better spouse, parent, relative and most importantly a stronger child of God. Arrogant people have sense of entitlement. They feel like the world owes them things that they've yet earned. My prayer for each of us is that we move away from arrogance. It gets you know where fast and will cripple our opportunities. Confidence will help you obtain things, status and respect. An arrogant person doesn't like who they are so they make everyone else pay for their lack of confidence and self esteem. Start fresh today. Check yourself to determine if you've been arrogant or confident. It's important. TeamConfidentInWhoIAm. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Praying For Change

You tried living right but the living was to slow. You tried being a better person but the devil kept tempting you. Now you're stuck, right back where you were. When will it be your time you ask? I tell you this one thing, God is not in the business of rewarding those who don't/won't do His will. If you want a better life, start cleaning up your mess. I'm going to keep praying for you as I pray for myself. Just like you, I've let sin and temptation fool me into believing that the little slick stuff I do is ok with God. Not doing enough wrong to hurt anyone, right? Gotta pay my bills some how, right? Believe me, God is not pleased. He doesn't want us breaking laws, breaking hearts or breaking rules no matter how small. He wants us clean and up standing. Waisting time getting high, waisting time getting drunk, waisting time on a relationship that leaves you empty, no desire to create a future and not praying for a better life is just delaying your blessing. Maybe this isn't you but I'll bet you know someone who needs a reminder. TeamPrayingForChange. BblessedLoveYou

First Love

Good morning ladies...I hope and pray that everyone's Sunday morning is going well. Mine is okay...Feeling "some sort of way" this morning, haven't figured it out yet. I think I need a mini vacation. Wanting to see my Grandma...Her birthday is coming up in March so a Texas trip may be on my radar soon. Thank you to my sister and niece for hosting Court's girl's night out. Everything turned out nice. I'm very pleased with her "friends list"...Nice young ladies. Praying for Ms Lillie this morning, Teri's mom, she's a little under the weather but we know God is good and will touch and heal her. Asking God to touch our friend Dossie, we miss seeing you. I know we need only stop by your house or pick up the phone, but I don't want to intrude. Praying for you my friend. Thanking God for this incredible support base I have. The most encouraging and uplifting people ever. God knows I need it. Whatever you do today, make a difference some how.

My spirit is a little damp this morning. You know when every little thing frustrates you or makes you cry, that's where I am. Not anything in particular, but just those little thoughts of self pity that keep rising. I'm going to allow it for a minute then I've got to get up and get moving. Locked in my room right now taking a break from "Ms responsibility". Ladies we have to learn to take breaks from our regular lives. Accept that some things and some days are not going to work in our favor. Learn from our experiences and build on every opportunity that life presents us. We carry so much on our backs and in our bags. Erica said it best when she advised us to "pack light". We stress about things that probably won't ever come to pass and we give others to much responsibility for our moods. We create problems for ourselves by over compensating for the short comings of others. What I know about life is that we have to move through it with a quiet strength, stop allowing "yesterday" to hold us down. We have to set guidelines and hold to them. Stay committed to what/who God says we should be. If you have vowed to move on, stop repeating past mistakes. Stop letting sweet/syrupy conversations bring you back to nothing. You control who you are.....We are strong and forceful...Think about what it takes to give birth, to carry a child, no man could ever withstand this pain. So stop waiting on someone or something to complete you, God has already done that...Stop being a "second thought" and accept that our "First Love" will never mistreat us, He will always take care of us...Just trust Him, ask for what you need, respect what He gives, live in peace....Be a blessing...PEACE...Love you all to life....FREE MY PEOPLE....AMEN...SN: Song of the day "First Love" by Kirk Franklin...

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Before you Leap

"Before you leap, you'd better think about it twice cause you're going to have hard times all your life". Words to an old church song that still rang true. Our problem is that we don't allow ourselves time to heal before we move on. Sometimes we need to inhale the pain so we can understand what happened. Then we need to exhale, finding joy in the fact that we still have life. We can't/won't find answers outside of ourselves, i.e. another lover, another drink, another drug, another job, more friends, another church. The God inside of us should be what brings us to understanding and peace. I see my failures/opportunities, I own them out right but my God, your God said that I am healed. All I had to do was ask, you can do the same. Nothing but The Blood of Jesus can make us whole. Stop looking else where, it's been here all the time. TeamYourHealingIsHere. BblessedloveYOU.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Get It Right

As parents/grandparents were all guilty of saying "not now" to children. They expect things to happen in their time but for whatever reason, we put them off. Most decisions are made because we're busy, tired, no money or the child is not mature/old enough. We should remember our responses when we're asking God for help. God's never to busy, He's never tired, He has everything and He knows when we're ready for our blessings. We are just like our children, disappointed when we don't get what we want. Wandering why things didn't work out the way WE planned. It's a hard pill to swallow but some of us are not ready for what we're asking for. A new car/new car payment, a husband/with your non-submissive self, a wife/with your non committed no job having self. A mortgage/with your late paying/non paying bills self. God knows that we're not prepared that's why He's not participating. TeamGetItTogetherFirst. BblessedLoveYou

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Change For Our Children's Sake

The sins of the father, our fathers, can come back to haunt us. I remind you all of this because some of us are living lives that will affect not only our children but our decedents as well. Saul was a man who killed and destroyed during his reign. After his death there were those who he'd tried to wipe out completely that had not forgotten about the treatment they'd received. They asked and were given five of Saul's descendants to hang in exchange for them asking God to be kind to His people again. Isn't it a shame that most of us are still paying for what someone else did? Even more shameful is the fact that some of us are setting our own children up for a spiritual/physical death/failure because of the way we live. Smoking, achoholism, fornication, cheating, stealing, lying, laziness, is this you? Can you see this being your child? Time to make a change? Yes. TeamGenerationNext. BblessedLuvu