Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Talk To Me
Good evening family. Getting ready to watch a little TV then call it a night. Feeling very blessed and satisfied. Just so very thankful for everything, my family, my friends, my job and My God. I don't want to take anything for granted anymore, I just want to "live out loud" as they say. This doesn't mean I want to party and go places, it just means I don't want to be quiet about my faith anymore. I want to share all of it with as many people as possible. Every day I talk to people about life, mine and theirs. Every day I learn something new about me and about them. The great thing about having conversations with different people is that they can make you realize how blessed you are through their words and at the same time you also start to recognize your weaknesses/flaws. I think this is great because God sends people to us that help us mature in our faith, they call us out without even realizing it. So tomorrow when you go to work, especially if you work with me, teach someone something or share something with someone that will help them in their growth process. We all need it. TeamTeachMeTalkToMe...Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 119 , vs 97-112vs 129-136
Sunday, July 28, 2013
No Fear
Good morning family. I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Thanking God for keeping us all safe, thanking Him for the rain and the sunshine. Praying this morning for continued peace and guidance. I'm always amazed at the messages I receive just by watching and listening. Understanding that I need only pay attention to what's going on around me in order to see God's plan in action. There are days when I feel so confused and then it's just like a "light switch" gets flipped on, the confusion stops, I process my lesson. One of my favorite stories in the bible is the story of Job. He lost everything but stayed faithful to God. He knew God would heal him and restore everything he'd lost. As I listened to a pastor repeat this story, he brought out a point that I'd never considered, Job feared loosing everything before he lost it all. His greatest fear came true. For the thing which I greatly feared is come on me, and that which I was afraid of is come to me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came.Hearing this made me realize something about myself, I walk in some sort of fear daily. It's not that I don't realize the power of God. It's the fact that this world is so crazy and it makes you feel like you have to be on guard 24/7. This morning I pray that we put all our fears aside. The only fear we should walk in is the true/healthy fear of our Lord and Savior. From this day forth, I will no longer be afraid of the unknown, I won't be afraid of loosing anything but look forward to all I have to gain. Remembering that whatever is lost, is in His plan. TeamNoFear. BBlessedloveyou.
Friday, July 26, 2013
Good morning family. Praise God, we have made it to the end of the week. It's a blessing to have family. There are so many people who are alone in this world. I can't imagine what it's like to have no one. God is my spiritual "core" and He has provided me with an earthly "core" made up of people who genuinely love me and I love them. I want my family to understand that I know I fall short on several levels but it doesn't mean I'm not going to be there to support them. I want them to understand that sometimes I'm not able to process the emotional journey they're going through but it doesn't mean I don't hear them. I want them to understand that based on God's word/will, that everything happens for a reason. Our results and relationships are based on how we choose to live, but when we begin to base our results and relationships on God's plan for us, then we experience a level of freedom and peace that goes beyond our understanding. I pray that we all begin strengthening our core by following God. Once we make Him our focus, everything else comes, maybe not the way we want it, but it comes. Loving this change. TeamStrongerCore. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Good morning family. Hope your morning is going well. We've moved through the month of July pretty fast. Getting closer to time for school and football season to start. Something that I heard made me think about my approach to every day living, Adam and Eve didn't have a care in the world before "the fall". They loved God and had daily conversations with Him. Doesn't this sound easy? It does to me, but that human face/flesh gets in the way sometimes. Speaking for myself, I focus to much on what I see and not what I believe. My believe is that God knows all and handles all our issues. He shows us mercy even in our most undeserving times. My prayer today is that we get back to the basics of having an on going conversation with God and thanking Him for all. I pray that we focus on "what's good" and understand that no matter where we are in life, He's there. He waits for us while we "goof" off chasing "worldly" dreams, He waits for us while we chase money and people, He waits for us while we allow our hearts/minds to be filled with lust. I thank Him for waiting for me, waiting through my complaining, waiting while I wasted precious time. I'm happy to report that I have that on-going conversation with Him and pray that anyone who doesn't, starts today. AMEN. Bblessedloveyou. TeamConstantConversation
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Good morning family. I'm so grateful for a new day. It's a priveledge to be amoung the living. I'm reminding myself that I still control my emotions and that we as human beings will always fall short. I think about this often because I'm always surrounded by people, my family, my friends and my co-workers. I am so thankful for "understanding" because without it I would be so "self absorbed". I mean, I would not be able to see things from anyone's point of view but my own. I want to continue absorbing God's ways. His words help me move past things that make no sense. This morning I pray this prayer for us all, Father God, thank You for blessing us to see another day even though we don't deserve it. You have provided all we need but we continue squandering away our provisions, wasting time looking for miracules and financial downfalls. Lord, Your word tells us to love one another but the bickering and back biting continues. We let our negatives thoughts and words run like a raging river. God we over look opportunities to help others and to forgive, standing in our mirrors applauding the fool looking back at us for our fleshly responses. Father I ask forgiveness for myself and anyone who needs it. Forgive me for judging my fellow man, forgive me plotting my next move or response. God, please fill my mind/heart with thoughts that are pleasing to You, I pray that my mind stay on You and not what I hear and see around me. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. TeamFeelingConvicted. Bblessedloveyou. Luke 11 vs 1-13
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Letting Go
Good evening family. Finishing up my evening but wanted to put a little bug in your ear before I turn in. I'm reminding all you as I remind myself, please be thankful for change. There are so many things we hold on to just because. It's time we realized that "just because" is not a reason to hold on to anything. Letting go allows others to move forward and it releases us from things that hold us "hostage". Letting go of fear allows us to grow and become stronger. Tonight I ask God for release, I ask Him to forgive me for not letting Him do His job. I thank Him for reminding me that Jesus paid it all and I just need to walk in the favor and grace His love purchased. I ask Him to make each of us stronger during our faith walk understanding that He already knows how it will end. God I ask You to touch each of us as we continue dreaming and reaching our full potential. I ask that anything not pleasing to You be removed. God I also ask that You continue clearing our paths but if it be Your will, let us stumble when it's needed. Lord, I am truly pursuaded that You and only You are the answer and cure to all things. Father God, watch over our leaders and touch their hearts so that they might make decisions based on Your word and not out of greed and obligation to the flesh. I'm so thankful, thankful for everything I am, that I'm going to be and even for who I was. Simply blessed and grateful. TeamNotHoldingOnAnymore. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, July 15, 2013
My Future
Good evening family. I've been a little down today. Not enough sleep I guess but early to bed tonight. Praying for the Martin family, still can't believe the verdict. Yesterday I talked to my grandchildren about attitude, forgiveness, respect and love. I reminded them that sometimes you have to walk away and that every battle is not yours to fight. I also talked to them about civil rights. I plan on doing this as often as I can. It seems the children of today are to far removed from this movement. They don't understand that it is because of our ancestors that they have rights. I reminded them that it wasn't to long ago that we were segregated. They're taught history in school but I think we need to bring it "home", cover all the bases. We become stronger by increasing and sharing our knowledge. I also want to remind parents and guardians that we are responsible for setting the right examples. We sometimes open the door to "sin", letting it walk right into our homes and get comfortable. When my children were young I didn't live an upstanding life. I worked, attended church (not consistently), I made sure they were fed, educated and clothed. What I didn't do was block those generational curses that followed me into adulthood. Tonight I pray for you as I pray for myself asking God to watch over us as walk through this life, asking Him to help us raise this new generation. Lord, I ask that You touch the hearts of every and anyone who is "head of household". Help us make the right decision based on Your word, leaving those bad habits behind. Without Your word we are lost. Allow us to move forward and leave past failures behind. As the song goes "give me a clean heart". Lord I ask that You continue showing me where "my" change is needed. I focus on You Lord because I can't change anyone else. I pray that my change be one that influences someone else to move in Your direction. Lord, thank You for my past but more so, thank You for my future. TeamMyFutureGeneration. Bblessedloveyou. Matthew 5 vs 21-26, Matthew 5 38-47,
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Each One Teach One
Good morning family. I pray everyone slept as well as they could last night. I know most of us went to bed disappointed. Thank you all for lifting Baby Chris up in prayer, he's still not 100% but getting there. I read a lot of comments on facebook last night, listened to the commentary and really didn't know how to feel, what to feel. This morning I'm feeling thankful. Thankful that this trial went the distance and that it was taken seriously by everyone. At the end of the day I believe the verdict was based on presentation and preparation. Who presented better and who was better prepared. I feel for any family that looses a child and even more so when they have to fight so hard for justice only to have it snatched away. Our "world" has changed but things still aren't as cut and dry as we would like for them to be. I'm praying for all parents/adults this morning. Asking God to give us the right tools to raise our children, I pray that we use common sense in our daily routines, I pray that we take God's word and apply to our daily living, praying that what we see in the media and our homes make us more determined to raise stronger/more knowledgeable children. I ask God to soften the hearts of those who are angry and resentful. I ask God to help us understand the importance of teaching our children their/our history, remembering that long before Trevone there was Emmit Till. I ask that our communities work a little harder at educating our future leaders. I ask Him to forgive me for being lazy and doing "just enough", I pray the same for you if you've fallen short. In Jesus' Name, AMEN. TeamEachOneTeachOne. Bblessedloveyou. Acts 20 vs 28-32
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Thankful For A Place To Lay My Head
Good morning family. Praying everyone is up and moving. Baby Chris is not feeling good this morning. Lex took him to the hospital. Keep him lifted up this morning. Love that kid, he so full of energy, huge personality. I've missed you all this week. Got a little busy and off track. I'm thankful for recovery this morning. The opportunity to get back on track and do things in an orderly manner. There's a lady who sits on the bench in the front entry of Walmart at Regency. She's there most mornings, homeless, usually has all her things with her. She told me once that the place that she's able to stay at cost about $12 a week. When I stopped by Walmart yesterday morning she was there. She was sitting straight up, sound asleep. My first thought was, wow, I just slept through the night in a bed I often complain about and here she is, sleep on this bench. My conviction set in. We are so quick to focus on complaining, so set on getting our way that we over look a major fact, we are extremely blessed. God has given us sound minds, bodies and souls, families, friends and all the resources we need to live in this world. Each of us have a place to lay our heads, more than enough food and people who care about us. Praying for us and thanking God for all this morning because if not for His grace, we could be warming a public bench as well. Psalm 147 vs 1-20. TeamThankfulForAPlaceToRest. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, July 12, 2013
Just Blessed
Hi Family. Just sitting here thinking about my day. How good it was. I enjoyed work and then spending time with my friends. What really made my night was when I logged into FB and saw pictures of my son and the kids a baseball game and when I came in the house and heard Charm taking a bath. God is our true source and blesses us with family and friends. It's up to us how we treat those blessings. I know it's hard sometimes to see our blessings, especially when you're working full time, living paycheck to paycheck, watching the price of everything continue increasing and dealing with people who don't really seem to care about life, but our reward comes when we're able to see past all of this. Our God always provides what we need. He sends the right people to help us. I'm the first one to admit that I get frustrated and I get tired sometimes but in the end I wouldn't change a thing. Only God knows how thankful I am for life, only God knows how full my heart is, only God knows. I pray for us all as we continue living, I pray that we all see the benefit of loving God, I pray that we see the benefit of loving of each other, I pray that we not allow what we don't have to hold us back. Remember, if you don't have it, you probably don't need it or you're not ready for it. TeamLivingABlessedLife. BBlessedloveyou.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Confession Is Good For The Soul
Good afternoon family. I assume everyone is back at it on this pleasant Monday. I haven't done all I need to do but I did get a few things checked off my list. Listen, I got a text last night from someone who I really respect and love. The message made me love this person even more. It was heartfelt and I could feel how much God had changed this person from the words that were used. Family, we all have a past and we all live with "some" regret but the Lord forgives and allows us to move forward. It's when we don't acknowledge our wrong doing, when we play the blame game and when we continue living in sin that we get stuck. I have to be honest, some of us are stuck on "stupid" because we can't see the blessing of taking ownership of our mistakes. We allow our mistakes to be our excuse for not doing what God's Word says we should do. I used to blame everything on the devil but one day I realized I was making my own choices, living in my own little fantasy world and had been since I was 13. What I'm trying to say is, confess your sins, ask God to cleanse you, drop whatever has you chained to the ways of the world. What I tell myself daily is, there's always going to be a storm waiting but it's up to me how I ride it out so I will look to God everytime and I hope you do the same. TeamConfessionIsGoodForTheSoul. Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 6 1-7
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Only You Lord
Good morning family. Hope everyone's weekend has been nice. For all you Sunday's Best watchers, it starts againtonight on BET. This morning I'm praying for my family and friends. Praying that we heal from the fractured lives we choose to live. Our God is so wonderful, He sees all and hears all. Heavenly Father, thank You for this gorgous day, thank You for healing and sight. I ask You to watch over us as we continue traveling through life. Help us to reach a place of understanding. Lord we don't have to be rich to enjoy "being", we don't have to have that handsome man or that beautiful woman to be complete, it's not our dream job that will make us whole, but it's You Lord. Only in You will we find peace, only You cover us with grace. You hold the key to our happiness, our completeness. Our strength and guidance is found in Your word. This world is ever changing but You're Word has stayed the same, Your Promise will not be broken. Father God, continue touching our lives so that we can bless others. Help us stay focused and to not loose sight of our true reward. Lord help us understand that even if we receive everything we "want" there will still be a void if You're not with us. Finally Father, help us move away from our worldly desires, keeping and moving us closer to what You desire for us. In Jesus' Perfect Name. AMEN. TeamOnlyYouLord. Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 145 vs 8-21, Psalm 146.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
My Worst Enemy
Good morning family. It's SATURDAY, YAH. Looking forward to the day. No plans, just glad to see another day. So thankful for another holiday weekend. As we finish out our days off, I ask God to continue watching over us. Thanking Him for positive thoughts. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me, Lord please help me get out of Your way. Continue watching over and forgiving me/us for our short comings. Lord, we've come such a long way but sometimes we forget just how far we've come. We forget those days when we didn't know what tomorrow was going to bring, how we were going to get to work, where our next meal was coming from, where would we live or if our relationships would be repared. We tend to only look at what's bad as opposed to looking at all the good You've done in our lives. Lord, we are our "worst enemy", our "biggest hater" because we look past our blessings. We sit around looking for reasons to attack our "fellow man" as opposed to looking for reasons to celebrate them. Lord, you've rained down on us with blessings that we've tossed aside because they weren't what we wanted. that man, that women, that job or anything else we've tossed. Lord please forgive us. Father God you've blessed us with "good relationships" that we take for granted. Lord help us move away from the foolishness and recognize "the real". I give it all to You this morning for You know my/our hearts and You know my/our needs. Lifting You up this morning and thanking You again for all. In Jesus' Perfect Name, AMEN. TeamMyWorstEnemyIsMe. Psalm 143, Proverbs 17 vs 27-28.
Friday, July 5, 2013
Good afternoon family. Enjoying my day off. I hope everyone had a great 4th of July. Thank you to my family and friends for the company yesterday. Us old people beat the youngsters in kickball, they want a REMATCH. Thank you also to Cory and DT for coming with the big firecrackers. Saved us a trip downtown. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I took the kids to the firecracker stand yesterday and it brought back so many memories. Anybody from Vernon remember going to the stand and having a brown paper back full of firecrackers? I can't remember how young I was when I had my first bag but it was something I looked forward to every year. My grandkids had so much fun especially Lil' Cory. So adventurous. Today and every day I thank God for His brand new mercies. I thank Him for me and you. He allows us to share our lives with those we love so don't miss the opportunity to tell your childhood stories. I don't know about you, but I have fond memories of growing up in Vernon. Running those dusty streets every Summer, spending time with my cousins and my friends. I wouldn't trade that time for anything in the world. Heavenly Father thank you for the wonderful blessing of memory, thank you for letting us live to tell our stories and thank you so much for our journeys. Father God, You've brought us from a mighty long ways and for that I am eternally grateful. Lord, some of us are still struggling with childhood issues, unable to move forward, but we have to understand that what's past is past, there's no changing it, only acceptance of it. Thanking you for taking away the pain from anyone who's afraid to let go, asking You that if there be anyone of us who can't find the blessing of the past, good or bad, that we look to You for healing. In Jesus' Name, AMEN. TeamRememberingIsGoodForUs. Psalm 78
Thursday, July 4, 2013
My Kids
Good morning family. Happy 4th of July. If you don't have any plans today, stop by for a plate and conversation. We didn't make official plans for today either but as always, there will be food. I went to bed with my children on my mind. Thinking about how blessed I've been over the years. Anyone with children knows that it's not easy being a parent. We make mistakes and sometimes don't know the right things to say. I think the hardest part for me has been learning how to talk to my kids now that they're grown. It's easy to give orders and discipline them when they're younger but when they become adults you have to manuever the lines. I don't like getting in their business unless they ask me to. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my kids and I want the best for them. This morning I pray for me and all parents, whether you have newborns, tolders, tweens or adult children. Heavenly Father, I pray that we keep an open line of communication, I pray that we look on the bright side even in the darkest times, I pray that we honor the blessing/blessings God has given us as parents, I pray that we be patient as our children move through life, I pray that we respect the choices our children make (don't have to agree with them), I pray that we be supportive and give them the benefit of a doubt and lastly, I pray for the courage/energy/resources to support their dreams. In Jesus' Name, AMEN. Remembering Cedric this morning, the 4thwas one of his favorite holidays. TeamLoveMyKids. Bblessedloveyou. Proverbs 17 vs 22, 2 Kings 4 vs 11-17, Proverbs 17 vs 19-21, Psalm 139 vs 1-24
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