Sunday, January 26, 2014
Love & Support
Good morning family. I pray everyone is up having a beautiful Sunday. Our house is quiet for the moment. Mia is with Ms Val and Baby Cory is with Auntie Zeina. Today and every day I'm thankful that God continues providing for us. This morning I keep thinking about the people in families that are supposed to lead. You know, the ones who have enough but tend to hold back because they feel everyone is responsible for helping themselves. They've adopted the attitude that "if I can do it, they can to". I'm not saying they're wrong but they are certainly not right. One of my favorite scriptures is "To whom much is given, much is required", Luke 12:48. It amazes me when someone who had nothing begins to accumulate things but instead of sharing and blessing others, they become hoarders. This isn't restricted to money and material things, it's knowledge/wisdom and love as well. I know it's hard to support what's considered foolishness when the same mistakes are being made over and over but our job is to offer support, lend a hand, listen. We have to open our hearts, be empathetic and in some situations sympathetic. Trust me when I tell you that seeing someone break through and rise above their problems feels so much better than receiving a financial down pour or material things. I don't know about you but I want to live a life that I says I love God and His people. All this fluff that we want comes and goes but our God will never leave us so it makes sense that we should do the same for people who need us. He wants us to be genuine in our giving and our living. Lord knows we can't do either of these things right if we're hoarding what we've been blessed with. What I know for sure is that all of us are on different levels, we reach places of understanding and maturity at different times. Knowing this and experiencing this reminds me that if I'm patient and work towards it, things change/people change. I'm living it right now. TeamLove/HelpOthers. Bblessedloveyou. Matthew 19:21-30, Matthew 20:26-28,
Saturday, January 25, 2014
God's Influence
Good morning family. I don't know what I like more, sleeping in or getting up before sunrise. I guess both are good as long as it's balanced. Anyway, can't wait for it to warm up again. Up enjoying being inside. Not sure if I will brave the cold today. There's so much non-sense going on right now. It seems like every day there's a school shooting. School used to be safe ground but it seems like it's open season on our children. Our country is at war within and we don't know who we're fighting. It could be the 12 year old that eats dinner with your family sometimes or it could be the neighbor that you've known and lived by for years. Maybe it's a loved one, maybe a co-worker. I know we can't predict tragedy but we can be mindful of how we treat each other. It's so easy to belittle someone who looks different and has different behaviors than ours but we should embrace those differences. As parents/leaders we also need to be mindful of how we treat and see our children. Most children mimic their parents/adults so we have to be careful/mindful of the things we say, the way we act. When we fail to exhibit/display high moral standards we miss the opportunity to influence our children. Speaking for myself, I let my guard down or should I say I didn't raise it high enough when my children were younger. I failed to realize that the Pharaohs of the world were out to kill and destroy their future. I understand that no-one targeted my children in particular but failure to fully empower, encourage and engage them at home put them in danger of being influenced by the world's standards. I remind you as I remind myself, don't let the world raise our children. Teach them God's word, don't half step. Outside influences offer material things and quick fixes that only bring temporary joy. TeamGod'sInfluence. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Strong Families
Good morning family. Feeling good and feeling blessed that everyone I know is safe and warm. This cold weather ain't playing. Sending out a reminder this morning that we are all responsible for forgiving. There are so many adults carrying grudges, bringing up the past and focusing on what someone did or didn't do. So many people unwilling to let go of what was and embrace what is and what could be. Over the last few days, stories that I've read have reminded me that we become stronger when we love others despite how we feel they treated us, despite feeling they let us down, despite thinking they could have done more and despite how selfish we feel they were. Joseph's brothers threw him away. He didn't punish them but told them what he'd gone through was God's plan to ensure they would be cared for and that their family line would live. My family, on both sides, has some healing to do. There are some of us stuck in "past hurt" because we've felt mistreated, unloved, ostracized, belittled and judged. There are some who felt others were favored and received more. Then there are those standing on the outside simply pointing out what others aren't doing, not lifting that "pointed finger" to help the ones who are at least trying. These issues are not limited to my family, they are issues that exist in all families. It's up to us to change things. One of my cousins reminded me that we are responsible for change, we are responsible for the future of our family, we are the ones who should focus on the good and the promise of God. To all my relatives who may read this, you are important to me. We are spread out but I love each of you. My prayer is for my family to meet as many family members as we can, to fellowship and to learn more about our history. God has truly blessed us all. TeamStrongerFamilies. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 45:1-15.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Gifted & Blessed
Good afternoon family. We are freezing today. I had to get gas this morning and it didn't feel good, I stopped at $25.14. My heart is full just thinking of God's blessings. Sometimes we just need to sit back and think about how He's blessed us. Our focus really has to be on the "goodness" of life. I know it gets hard when the news highlights every single negative thing but when we understand Who we belong to, the news makes us pray more, say thank You more and makes us want to be better Christians. Riding into work this morning I thought about how the Lord has worked on me and my family. We are no where close to being where we want to be but we are so far ahead of where we come from. Faith has brought us a long way. Today I pray that God continues blessing us all. I pray that He delivers those of us who feel stuck and alone. I pray that He shows us how to work our gifts for His purpose. I pray that anything blocking our gifts be moved and tossed aside. Lord, we should all understand that since the beginning of "mankind" there have been "life" issues that we've had to overcome but because of Your grace and mercy, we've overcome challenges and moved on. There is absolutely nothing we can't do when we put God first. TeamGifted&Blessed. Bblessedloveyou
Monday, January 20, 2014
Do Better Woman Of God
Good morning family. Enjoying this cold morning and so grateful for the blessing of "heat". Happy "Martin Luther King" Day. We are blessed to live in a country that continues changing and healing. Growing pains but nevertheless still on the path to completion and greater equality. This morning I want to remind the women in my life of the important role we all play in the lives of our families. Our overall disposition sets the stage for how the day will go in our households. Our words, our actions and reactions play a major role in how our families leave home and treat home. Now this may not be you but I know I've manipulated situations so they play out in my favor, I've made comments that I know weren't necessary, I've judged my husband and children unfairly based on what I believe, I've been less than compassionate and empathetic when things didn't go my way. Wow, forgive me is all I can say because I'm so guilty. But guess what, I'm not the first and I'm not the last woman to do these things. I ask God to continue doing a work in me. I ask Him to continue helping me identify and correct "my" issues. I ask Him to forgive me for not always upholding His standards and responding in love. You may not admit it about yourself but women can be very tricky and deceitful when we want our way. It's time for some of us to realize it's not about us, it's about God. When we finally get it, then we relax, then things begin to happen, then we feel supported and loved. Genesis 2:2-7, Genesis 16:1-6, Genesis 19:30-36, Genesis 39:6-21. TeamDoBetterWomanOfGod. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Defining Need
Good morning family. Happy Sunday morning. I woke up and said "I'm so glad I'm off tomorrow". Wow, looking forward to tomorrow and today hadn't officially started. Feeling the blessings of the Lord, filled with praise and spirit. There is nothing we do that matters if we don't have allow God's word to penetrate our hearts. A conversation I had with someone yesterday upset me a little bit. I really had to shake it off because I know the devil loves division and I didn't want him to get the glory. But what I had to remind myself of is that we all have our own believes, we all see things differently. We profess to be Christians and to love the Lord but we still have the choice of how we'll walk through this world. Some look down on those in need, judging them and saying they really aren't in need, just to lazy to work or just scamming. While some give until they can't give anymore. What I know for certain is that we are not in a position to judge. There's no true definition of what "need" looks like because it comes from all walks of life. Simple minds look at the homeless and automatically think they're in need but some homeless people like where they are. They're goal is to be free of all our Americanized standards/believes. Then we look at people driving fancy cars, living in big houses, wearing nice clothes. Those are the people who hide their needs because they're embarrassed to say they've over indulged and let the American way bring them to their knees, they've hit rock bottom. We should never look at "need" through human eyes because we'll be deceived. I pray that we all ask God to touch our hearts and help us understand the power of giving. It's a release, a blessing and a "must". TeamDefiningNeed. Bblessedloveyou. Acts 20:35
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Dream On Dreamers
Good morning family. Ready to move around on this cold Saturday. Nadya has her first basketball game today. Simmie has his second. They're excited and geared up. Support the children people. Go sit on the sidelines, in the stands or in the classroom. We should be their biggest fans. I can honestly say that I don't have women in my circle who aren't supportive and encouraging. I truly feel that anyone we call friend should offer something. It can be as simple as being available just to listen or offering an uplifting comment on a FB or INSTA post. Our help comes from the Lord but He also sends the right people to help us get to the place in life He wants us to be. It's true that everyone won't believe in our dreams. There will be those who are discouraging and poke holes in everything that's presented. But we should all have cheerleaders. Those people who keep encouraging us no matter how bad the score is and no matter how badly we've been beaten. As I read again about Joseph and his brothers, I was reminded that we can't let those who don't believe in our dreams hold us back. Keep speaking it, keep putting in the work and understand that the road we're on to success and change may not be called "Easy Street". At times we may be discouraged and not able to see a positive outcome. We may even consider going backwards but if we hold on, stay in prayer, totally commit, sacrifice a little to get a lot and put God first, our dreams will be better than we could have imagined. Believe me, the haters will come but our Father is greater, wiser, loving and all knowing. TeamDreamOnDreamer. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 37:5-30, Matthew 12:24-37, Proverbs 3:27-32
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Forgiving and Forgiven
Good morning family. Hope everyone is doing well. Thankful Thursday and looking forward to staying home tomorrow. Just one thing, Duval county gives our kids to many days off. Seems like they're out more than they are in. Maybe it's just me. Something that's been on my mind all morning, forgiveness and growth. Sometimes we get so lost in pain and shame that we find it hard to forgive and/or to ask for forgiveness. Focusing on the wrong we've done or what others have done to us, robs us of joy, hope, love and fellowship. As Jacob returned home, he feared what his brother Esau had planned for him. Jacob knew what he'd done to his brother was wrong but like so many of us, he focused on what he wanted and thought he deserved what was promised to his brother. We have a tendency to take more than we give and to use up the generosity/compassion of others. At some point in life, the "light bulb" has to come on, we have to grow up. When we experience "spiritual" maturity, then we begin to understand the true meaning of love and forgiveness. We begin to genuinely open our hearts and homes to our family and friends, giving freely. Don't let 20 years pass before saying your sorry or asking for forgiveness. Time is precious and not promised. TeamForgivingANDForgiven. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 33:1-15, Matthew 11:16-19, Matthew 11:28-30
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Educate To Celebrate
Good morning family. Feeling fresh and revived this morning. Praying everyone is geared up for 2014, getting ready for our three day weekend. What a blessing to work for a company that acknowledges Dr. King's birthday and contributions. Now if we could just get all our young people to understand the true meaning of "Civil Rights" that would be amazing. We all have something to give our children, we all play a huge part in educating them about the blessing of being delivered from oppressive times. I know we still have a long way to go, but to go farther, the lessons must start/begin at home. We have to be as faithful/committed and determined as Jacob was during his time with Laban (who was determined to keep Jacob under his thumb). Jacob put in the work and with God's blessing he obtained all he needed as a man, i.e. wives, children and fortune. Some of us are running our households on "tumes and fumes" not realizing that material things are no match for what God has for us. We won't commit to anything, not a job, not a woman, not a man, not a friend, not our children and certainly not our Lord and Savior. We are so afraid that we're going to miss out some big "human reward". I'm praying that we all understand what God requires of us, i.e. our faith, hearts, time, attention and good works. It's a cruel world out here but with God, no man can touch us. Thanking Him for His word/promises/love/blood. TeamEducateToCelebration. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 31:17-42, Proverbs3:13-15, Proverbs 3:16-18
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Determined To Change
Good morning family. Thankful to see another Sunday. What a priviledge and blessing to be afforded another opportunity to walk into another beautiful day. Still working on getting rid of this sinus headache but I know I'll feel better soon. That Nyquil ain't no joke. I know most of us have made resolutions for the new year. Focusing on our transition and/or change. Boy, I tell you what, it brings on thoughts of fear and doubt but if we know who our true Provider is, doubt and fear will be/can be crushed. There are some who are being forced to make changes that they didn't ask for and some who have come to the realization that if they don't change, life won't get better. There are going to be people who won't believe in your change and people who are jealous of your change. Our job is to stay the course. Be determined to meet the set goals. We have to write down those things that have to be implemented for our change to occur. Then we have to take action. For those who are being forced into change, think about Isaac. He was asked to move because those around him were intimidated by his success. Those same people came to him later and said "We can plainly see that the Lord is with you". His faith was strong. When humans toss us aside, it should make us stronger because of our faith. I firmly believe that what our Father has for us, no man can destroy. Our Lord and Savior gives us courage to face and endure trials, understanding that we survive and live to tell our stories. Stop seeking validation from man and look to Him. Thanking Him for all He's done and for all He's going to do. Feeling grateful for everything and wanting for nothing. Praising Him for what I can see and what I can't. TeamDeterminedToChange. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 26:12-16, Genesis 27:26-299, Psalm 10:16-18
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Respectful Children
Good morning family. Enjoying the morning, sinus headache and all. Thankful for Ms Allana sharing her music knowledge with the kids. God is good, we just have to position ourselves in order to enjoy His goodness. Decisions/choices. I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a time where children were taught to listen more and talk less. While I appreciate freedom of speech, I feel that some have taken it to far. We've simply stopped "listening to learn and only listen to respond". I remember all the words we weren't allowed to say as children. These words weren't even curse words but they would earn you a pop in the mouth if you slipped up and let one of them slide out of your mouth. Now-a-days our children say to much but it's not all their fault. As adults, we have to be better at teaching them respect, teaching them how to hold healthy conversations and reminding them that some situations don't deserve/need a response. Responsibility for what our children do in the street falls back on "home" training. I know we can't be with our children 24/7 but we can plant the seeds that will eventually sprout into beautiful adults. It's not an overnight process but it can be done. Our children are God's blessings and His promise. Handle with care. TeamRespectfulChildren. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 16:10. Proverbs 17:24-25
Respectful Children
Good morning family. Enjoying the morning, sinus headache and all. Thankful for Ms Allana sharing her music knowledge with the kids. God is good, we just have to position ourselves in order to enjoy His goodness. Decisions/choices. I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a time where children were taught to listen more and talk less. While I appreciate freedom of speech, I feel that some have taken it to far. We've simply stopped "listening to learn and only listen to respond". I remember all the words we weren't allowed to say as children. These words weren't even curse words but they would earn you a pop in the mouth if you slipped up and let one of them slide out of your mouth. Now-a-days our children say to much but it's not all their fault. As adults, we have to be better at teaching them respect, teaching them how to hold healthy conversations and reminding them that some situations don't deserve/need a response. Responsibility for what our children do in the street falls back on "home" training. I know we can't be with our children 24/7 but we can plant the seeds that will eventually sprout into beautiful adults. It's not an overnight process but it can be done. Our children are God's blessings and His promise. Handle with care. TeamRespectfulChildren. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 16:10. Proverbs 17:24-25
Friday, January 10, 2014
Wise Up
Good morning family. What a beautiful day it is in Jax. Thankful that my family and friends are safe and sound. We had a nice dinner with Tara last night. This lady will be 50 years young soon. I am blessed to call her my friend. I always say God blessed me with strong relationships that have endured the years of change. He is so awesome when it comes to "placement" of people in our lives. Our Father is wise and all knowing. This morning I thank Him for "pure" grace and mercy, without it we are lost. To all my ladies, married and single, please be reminded that we have to focus on inward change. We share our thoughts and desires about the perfect relationship but we fail to examine our ways and habits. I know for sure that I've blocked blessings because I wasn't submissive. I've lived selfishly because I thought that living for someone else would damage the person I wanted the world to think I was. What I've learned is that if we aren't willing to be women of God then we will always run into "emotional" brick walls. So ladies, let's get into God's word and live the true definition of life. I don't know about you but I'm tired of the struggle. I have more peace in my life by taking a back seat and letting our Father drive. Genesis 21:1-6 Matthew 7:24. TeamWiseUp. Bblessedloveyou
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Good morning family. The first full week of January 2014 is almost complete. Make sure you're all taking time for yourself and listening for those internal messages that say "you're doing to much". I'm spending the morning with the best baby ever, Chase DeJuan Matthews. He doesn't cry, just likes to eat. What a beautiful child. I had a busy holiday season at home and at work so I took a few days off to catch my breath. As women, we sometimes fill our days with to much. We really want to be "super" women but getting to that status leaves us frustrated. We were not designed to do "everything". I have a strong desire to see the younger women in my life live better, live smarter, to live without shame and to understand the journey that lies ahead. I've always had strong women in my life who tried to give me direction but in "blindness" I couldn't see in front of me. I only saw my worldly journey, my "flesh" driven journey. Ya'll know how jaded that can be. I often wonder what life be would look like if I'd actually listened. That's not to say that I'm not happy with who and where I am right now but it is to remind those teenagers and 20 something year old women that life is about listening and learning. Don't think the wise women in your life are judging you, they're only trying to keep you from making the mistakes they've already made. Take the example of Sarah. Because she didn't believe she could have a child, she chose a path that brought her pain and anger. God's word is true, just believe and be patient. Walk in His ways, understanding and trusting that following His direction will fill our hearts/lives with everything we want and need. Proverbs 2:1-5, Genesis 16:1-8. TeamListen, Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Thank You
Good afternoon family. Enjoying this warm spell today. This weather is touch and go. Praying everyone is having a blessed Sunday. I am. It's a beautiful feeling to know God is in control no matter what the situation. Life can get so busy and so consuming that we forget the most important part of living and that's to serve God and to be of service to others. Most of us take the "human" road through life. Always looking for someone to do something for us or always looking for the "hook-up". When "what's coming in" has our complete attention, we miss out on the true blessing of giving. I thank God for where I am in life right now. There's nothing fancy about what we own but it's ours. Our bank accounts aren't exploding but they're not empty either. We are employed but understand where our help comes from. Our hearts have been broken but thank the Lord for healing. This morning I pray for you as I pray for myself, Father God thank You for always picking us up when we make mistakes, thank You for an abundant life that we don't always appreciate, thank You for our great families/friends, thank You for health and strength. Lord, thank You for ushering us into this wonderful year of promise. I thank You for all You've done and praise Your Holy Name. In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN and AMEN. TeamThankYou. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
God and Family
Good morning family. Enjoying this cold weather this morning? It's actually not that bad because the wind isn't blowing. Dosing the kids up on cold medicine today. Preparing them for school Monday. It's been a long two weeks. I'm so very thankful for the holidays and for the New Year. I've made a few promises to myself this year just as I did last year. Every year of our lives should be better than the one before but it's up to us how we move and change. Two areas of life that I think all of us should focus on - Spiritual growth/a closer relationship with God and building a stronger bond within our family units. When we seek understanding through the word of God and take our eyes off man, our vision is made clear. We begin to understand that change starts within, we stop trying to force others to be the people we think they should be. I can honestly say that I struggle with the "me" within because I still hold on to old habits that aren't benefiting "me". I'm unlearning the things of the past that I thought gave me strength and incorporating God's word/ways into my daily walk. Yesterday I spoke with my granny, she's 89. Whenever I call her, she recognizes my voice and calls me by my name. As simple as it may sound, this is something that grips my heart and reminds me that God has blessed our family. I understand that as a family unit there are regrets, resentment and anger. But I also understand the love that has to be resurrected. When we allow the "devil" to whisper in our ear our families are divided. This morning I challenge and pray for you as I pray for me. I pray that we all strengthen our relationship with God and family. Doing this will help us move forward and the blessings from our Father will flow continuously. TeamGod&Family. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Continuous Joy
Good morning family. I pray everyone made it to work safely. What a nice holiday season we had. God has certainly been good to us. I just want to share something and remind myself as I remind you, the joy that we feel during the holidays doesn't have to stop there. We control our emotions and we control who we are. If you've come into this new year with the same issues you had last year, then you have missed the whole point of our Savior's birth. God's desire is for us to be happy and prosperous. That's not to say that we won't feel sadness sometimes. But we shouldn't be getting on and off the same emotional roller-coaster. It takes courage to move away from people and things you thought were for you, but it has to be done. Tell the enemy to get out of your ear with that non-sense. That man or woman you thought you'd live the rest of your life with may be the very one keeping you from who God has waiting for you. That fast money, nice clothes, big house and jewelry that looks so good on you may be the very things blocking your salvation. Those children that you refuse to care for may be the very ones who have to take care of you in your old age. That parent you continue to call unfit may the very one who ends up with sole custody. I'm telling you, God does not like ugly. He wants us to live the good life, get from under the foot of "our" devilish ways and be a light that shines for the lost. TeamContinueousJoy. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 4:1-14
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Good morning family. Giving honor to our wonderful God. Thanking Him for bringing us to a New Year. 2013 has been a blessing. Let what we've learned, experienced and received take us into what promises to be a fabulous year. "Singing glory to His Name, Precious Name. There to my heart was the blood applied, singing glory to His Name". Praying that everyone had a safe New Year's Eve. Thank you to my friends and family who texted me at midnight. Ya'll know I slept through it. I tried to stay wake this year but that "sleep monster" got me again. This year is going to be a journey. It should be the year that we all see "day light" in our relationship with God. That is the most important relationship any of us will ever have and it's the foundation that our achievements are built on. I'm praying that He touch all our lives and lift us to higher places. I pray that we all rise above what we were able to accomplish in 2013 and blow 2014 out of the water. Asking God to touch the hearts of our children and give them the courage to make the "right" choices based on what His word says. Praying that family relationships be healed and that we all take responsibility for each other (am I my brother's keeper? yes I am). Praying that whatever is holding us back be loosed and shaken off. Asking God to watch over our grandchildren as they finish out this school year. Praising Him this morning for the honor, the glory and privilege to see another year and to be in His presence. Reminding myself as I remind each of you, "talk is cheap", "showboating" is short lived and fast money may cost you everything. I'm leaning on Him, preparing to let my light shine, please join me. Team2014. Bblessedloveyou. Jesus is real ya'll.
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