Friday, February 28, 2014


I am so happy it's Friday. I love what I do, but I love being home even more. This morning I am certainly appreciative of another opportunity to work and make a difference. Do you agree that everyone should live to make a difference and not just "live" to make it? When our focus is on making a difference, burdens are lighter, there's less frustration and faith is multiplied. My personal and professional goal this year is to transform and build on what I learned last year. Most of us don't realize how fortunate we are to be surrounded by people who care about us. There are some who would rather surround themselves with negativity because it's easier to speak "down" on our situations. We fear speaking life because what we speak may just come true and we haven't positioned ourselves to receive what our hearts truly desire. So this morning I will no longer be an "enabler" to those who are not living up to their true ability/speaking life. I will hold them accountable and I want to be held to the same standards. Let's put in the work/effort/time and get to our goals. Happy Friday. Encouraging you as I encourage me. TeamEncouraged/Encouraging. Bblessedloveyou 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm Out Of Order

YGood morning family. I hope everyone is having a productive/prosperous week. My week has been busy as usual, keeping up with home and work life. I have a confession to make, Monday I was all out of character. Not feeling up to anyone's challenge including mine. You know those days when you don't even feel like turning the music up and singing loud, that's the kinda day I had. As I stood at the sink Tuesday morning I thought about my behavior and felt embarrassed. My "mood swing" startedSunday evening. Women, why do we do ourselves this way? Out of nowhere our whole attitude can change. It doesn't take much. I think mine started because I was tired of cleaning up so I just checked out mentally. I don't know about you but I really need to process my life more carefully. There are times when I feel like I'm carrying the load, constantly cleaning. It feels like I'm the only one who cares about keeping things orderly. But that's the thing, my definition of orderly and someone else's can be totally different. My feelings or just my feelings, sometimes not reality. I ask God to forgive me because my way isn't always the proper way, my feelings aren't always valid and most times I'm totally out or "order". I ask God to help me stay focused and "stay out of my feelings". Understanding that my/our feelings can get us caught up in whole lotta mess. I don't want to have the "Martha" complex, thinking I have to do everything. I want an attitude like Mary's, relaxed, enjoying life. For most of us, the way we keep house is a sign of being "grown and mature" and for most of us, we love being viewed as good housekeepers, but I don't want the title of "good housekeeper" if it's going to cost me my sanity. Thanking God for a dose of reality and a reminder that life is to short to be getting upset because the house is "out of order". AMEN. TeamI'mOutOfOrder. Bblessedloveyou.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Discipline First

Good morning family. Enjoying a nice Sunday morning. Listening to the kids fussing around downstairs. Listen closely to the conversations children have with each other . Very interesting how they think and how they see the world around them. The one thing they all agree on is "grandma is old". They mock me when they think I'm not listening and find some of the things I do hilarious. I love that they find humor in my behavior because there are times when I feel guilty for being hard on them or for making them do things they don't like. What my grandkids have taught me is that they want and need guidance. Their faces may not show it and I may not see or hear it in their reactions but they appreciate leadership. As parents we sometimes "rob" our children because we're afraid of damaging our relationships if we go against what they want. We work so hard to keep them happy by giving them things but this only delays their maturity. I can honestly say that I didn't give my children all the tools they needed to face life. Being a young mother and a young wife was/is challenging especially if your faith is not rooted in the word of God. Life has taught me to pay more attention and that love is not in the giving of material things, but is found in how we lead/examples we set. I'm thankful that my children picked up on my good habits and forgave me for my bad. They are beautiful parents and they understand what it means to discipline out of love. This morning I thank God for lessons learned, for a full house and for the opportunity to help parent my grands. No doubt one of the greatest gifts and opportunities our Father has given. TeamDisciplineFirst. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Journey On

Good morning family. Coming off of a busy week but so thankful for the stress and relief. I'm ready for Saturday activities and looking forward to the goodness Sunday will bring. Sitting here thinking about change and patience. So many times we loose our patience out of frustration and denial. Frustration because things don't/aren't working the WE want them to and denial because we don't/won't accept/take ownership of OUR issues. It's like we over medicate ourselves with "negativity", only seeing the wrong or the lack in our lives. We were not created to be this way. God wants us to embrace life but live it through pray and faith. I had to learn and I'm still learning that every situation doesn't require action or comment. Sometimes we just have to sit back, let the moment pass and thank God for what He's showing us. I say all the time that I'm so proud of my family. They've taught me so much about myself and trusted me with their love. They've shared their dreams with me and sometimes their fears. Our God is awesome because His word tells us to wait on Him and when we do all our dreams based on His will are manifested. This morning I thank Him for renewed minds and spirits, for hearts that soar even in the midst of storms. I give the glory because He is and always will be the source of my joy. Ya'll better get some. A huge shout out to my husband and children. We've come a long ways. Just "another day of journey and I'm glad". TeamJourneyOn. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, February 21, 2014


Good morning family. Welcome to Friday. It's supposed to storm in Jax today. Glad I work indoors. I can't believe we're already hearing about tornadoes. How did we go from snow to tornadoes that fast? Our God is amazing. This morning I'm very thankful for all life brings. The little frustrations and attitudes come but they don't last. What's most important in life is that we understand the promises of God and not focus on the things that are wrong. His promises override everything. This morning as I pulled out of our driveway, I thought about the partnerships that I've been blessed to have. Partnering begins at home. We learn how to function in the world by how we treat and/are treated by our family members. What I know for certain is that if we aren't/can't work together as a family unit then we will be unsuccessful out in the world. Some say it's easier dealing with non-family members, but is it? Most times non-family members don't get a good picture of who we really are and we tend to be a little less understanding when dealing our loved ones. I have to be honest, I was challenged this morning but I ask for forgiveness. I'm quick to get upset when things don't go my way and when people I depend on don't do what "I think" they should. Asking God to continue working on me, helping me understand that it's not always about me. I have to stay out of His way. Amen. TeamPartnership. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Respectful Communication

Good morning family. Praying everyone is up, moving around, getting ready to enjoy a beautiful Sunday, the Sabbath. Thankful for a busy/productive week and looking forward to conquering whatever comes in the new week. I know most if not all of my Jax family and friends are feeling some kinda way about the Jordan Davis verdict. I questioned it myself because if you're found guilty of attempted murder how could you not be found guilty of murder. True enough, he will serve time and he will still have to face murder charges but my heart breaks for Jordan's parents. A guilty verdict would have brought them a little bit of closure. I've never been selected for jury duty so I can't begin to understand/imagine the pressure the jurors were/are under. At best and the most important thing we can do is pray for all involved. The sting of loosing a child is a feeling that has the potential of breaking a parent's spirit and will to carry on. It's like having your own life snatched from you and not being able to get it back. It's a feeling of total and complete emptiness. Michael Dunn's family will feel a loss as well because his sentencing will interrupt life as they know it. The price paid for exercising bad judgement and lack of patience. This morning I pray we all understand the importance of respectful communication. I ask God to open our hearts and minds so that we make a conscience effort to understand and not judge cultures we're not familiar with. Asking Him to move us from making assumptions based on what we see in the media. Understanding that "we teach others how to treat us" by what we put in the atmosphere. Thanking Him for bringing us to this day, giving each of us an opportunity to change, educate our children and ourselves. Lord we ask for healing in our communities. Father our children are dying because there is a lack of passion and love. Help us teach the younger generation to love themselves, protect themselves and live productively. "We've come this far by faith leaning on the Lord. Trusting in His holy word. He never failed me yet. Can't turn around, we've come this far by faith." AMEN. TeamRespectfulCommunication. Bblessedloveyou. Proverbs 9:11-12, Psalm 34:11-22, Psalm 35:1-16

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Share Your Story

Good morning family. Enjoying my late morning start. This cold "tho". Can't complain, at least we're not stuck in the house. Praying for those trapped by the snow and ice. Thankful it's only temporary. I don't know about you but I have more respect for anyone who willingly shares their struggles and short comings. Those who hide their weaknesses can't do anything for me but show me how not to be and make me uncomfortable. Confession is good for the soul and it helps others with their struggles. What I know for certain is that hiding issues hurts more than it helps. Opening our mouths and our hearts helps us move forward, we begin to experience positive change. We have so many ways and opportunities to share and document our triumphs and failures. I personally enjoy reading the daily testimonies of people who have a strong desire to "win" and refuse to let life hold them back. Those are the people who aren't afraid to tell you where they've been and where they want to go. We all experience highs and lows but what matters most is how we process, accept and use our experiences. As for me, it's all working for my good. Shouting, "To God Be The Glory For The Things He Has Done". TeamShareYourStory. Bblessrdloveyou

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Team Consistency

Good morning family. Ready to get this day going, productivity and efficiency is my focus. Thankful for all and wanting for nothing. Prayers going up for my friend Teri and her family. Her mother passed yesterday. My friend is one of the strongest women I know. You almost have to bully her before she'll let you help her. Love her because she's never changed. Today is my sister Kim's birthday. I'm so thankful for her. She's an intelligent, loving person. Another woman in my life who's never changed. Always consistent, does not allow what others say dictate how she lives her live. Happy Birthday Kimberly Diane Richardson Belcher. This morning I pray for consistency in my life and yours. Lord, we all have a need and desire for change but sometimes we get lost in "change". Not fully understanding Your word and purpose for us. We are blinded by worldly gain and not focused/seeking spiritual gain. When our focus is not on You our lives are not consistent, we are not satisfied and we become wasteful. Wasting our time, resources and love. Choosing the wrong partners, friends and jobs. Not fully showing up in the lives of our children. No consistency. Paying our bills "sometimes" and "half way" honoring those who employ us. Lord this morning my desire is be "consistent" in everything I do. Understanding that everything won't be easy but with You and through You I'll/we'll make it. Lord thank You for loving us and keeping us even when we don't honor Your word. I come to You with an open heart knowing my responsibility, accepting accountability for not being consistently faithful. Asking for forgiveness and thanking You for Your Love. TeamConsistency. Bblessedlove. 

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Be Quiet

Good morning family. Enjoying Sunday morning. It's going to be a beautiful 70 degrees today. Confusing weather but thankful for all it brings. Sitting here thinking about how we mature and change. Some of us are just like the weather, at least I am. One day I'm hot, next day I'm cold, in most cases it's probably the same day. I confess that I'm not the easiest person to live with. I'm touchy-feely about "my" things and I want things done "my" way. Who isn't? and Who doesn't? I'll tell you who, perfect people. This morning I was reminded that everyone has something that bothers them. Something that they just can't be quiet about. That thing that takes them to the next level or brings them to a lower level. What I know for certain is that we control our reactions, no one "can make" us mad, no one "is asking for it" by the way they treat us. We have the choice of walking away and not allowing what others do or don't do affect our moods. I'm writing this because I'm guilty. Guilty of allowing my "shallow" thinking, over-sensitive self to swing in and out moods that aren't necessary and serve no purpose. The Michael Dunn case brings back memories of my father's and my son's deaths. Knowing that there's a reason for everything God allows but also understanding that mere words can move people to do things that forever change lives. Wishing that whatever words were spoken and exchanged had never been said, wishing that everyone involved had just remained silent for 5 minutes. Wishing that we as human's always moved in a spiritual realm as opposed to always being on the defensive and ready to pounce. The pain we could avoid if we could just take a step back from escalated conversations and walk away. The willingness to set pride aside for the sake of peace could save a life, could save families grief and sorrow (the ones in the court rooms and the ones standing graveside). I'm thinking about my actions/reactions and apologizing. TeamBeQuiet. Bblessedloveyou.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Awesome God

Good morning family. A rainy Saturday in Jax. Good family movie watching time. Blessed beyond measure to see another day, witness change, progress and to be loved. Every day I'm reminded that being patient, honest and understanding pays off. I don't know about you but I've lived a life full of selfish expectations. Always pushing for and wanting things that were so insignificant and unimportant. Truly missing what God purposed for me. I'm thankful and grateful for a renewed spirit, an open heart and a life filled with unconditional love. The first month of 2014 was productive and encouraging. Listening and watching those around me grow and change shows that prayer does work. I don't know about you but my biggest hater, enemy and competition has been "me". I can't point fingers because everything that happened in my life was based on choices I made. I'm so glad I serve an amazing God who has forgiven me and allowed me to be a better me based on His word. I've found a love so strong and so real that the only choice I have is to change for the better. I never-ever want to be without it again. Praying for those still in the struggle and for those who made it out. Team AwesomeGod. Bblessedloveyou.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Performances Appraisal Time/Comp Sheets

Good morning family. Up early to start Dee's birthday, he's 48 years young. Feeling blessed and thankful that I have a husband that I've known all my life. I've seen him at his best and I've seen him at his worst but God knows the very best is yet to come. A man who is true to his word and loves the family God has given him. We are so blessed to have him. Love him to life. I'm a pretty simple person when it comes to work ethic. I don't believe in challenging my leadership team but I do believe as an employee I have a responsibility to always be honest in my feedback, work for promotion, put in "extra" and that I should offer suggestions for improvement. I was raised to appreciate the opportunity of equal employment. I've never felt entitled "just because". Over the last few years the attitude of being grateful for employment has turned into "moans" because employees don't feel their employers are giving enough. But my question is always, what are you giving your employer? Are you performing at your best? Are you just showing up for the conversation and lunch with your peers? What characteristics are you displaying that would make your employer want to promote you/offer you higher compensation? It's not just where I work, it's everywhere. I hear people talk about promotion but their unwilling to put in the work before receiving a promotion. I believe you have to walk in a position before receiving monetary rewards/titles. Prove you can do the job, do the leg work and learn the function before it's obtained. It starts with sacrifice and commitment. Be willing to do "extra", make yourself marketable and be truly committed to what you're doing. I can hear my grandma, Mrs. Smith saying now, "don't go up there on those people's job showing out". That's what I live by. Also understanding that I always have the choice to leave if I"M not happy/satisfied. TeamPerformanceAppraisalTime/CompSheets. Bblessedloveyou. 2 Thessalonians 3:10, Matthew 5:16, Ephesians 6:7-8, Hebrews 13:17

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Good morning family. Kisses and hugs going out to my friend Tiffany. God has blessed her with a baby girl. She's gotta story to tell and I'm so glad she shared it with me. When the doctors tell you no, keep looking to The Lord. Bless His holy name. We tend to give up on ourselves and our loved ones when we see things through human eyes. We freak out when our children make bad choices and we tend to condemn them instead of loving them where they are. We become so negative and judgemental in our relationships that we almost forget how to love one another. I've been a skeptic in my life. I've accepted the report and opinion of man but no longer will I live that way. As children of God we are covered. Our faith should always be in Him. If/when we are patient God will grant us the desires of heart. We see total change in our homes, on our jobs, in churches, in people and most certainly in ourselves. Praise God this morning for all He has doing and for everything to come. TeamFaithful&Blessed. Bblessedloveyou.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Building Families

Good morning family. Super Bowl Sunday. Praying everyone has a safe/fun day. Don't let the activities get the best of you. A huge thank you to everyone that came to Court's party yesterday. I think we all had a good time. We ran out of food and I'm so sorry about that. We normally have enough but we underestimated how many would show up. I appreciate my family and friends because they really know how to have fun. We all have to take a step back at times and understand that God doesn't want us sitting around looking like stuffed turkeys. He wants us to live full lives. Let our hair down, dance/sing and be uplifting. Our children need to see us relaxing and enjoying the company of others. This doesn't mean we have to be drunk or loud, it just means we should be happy and appreciative. I can honestly say that there was a time when I felt uncomfortable having new people attend our gatherings but now I'm excited when new people come. There are people who have never experienced family fun. There are families who don't gather and fellowship. There are family members who can't go to a family function without a contribution. I'm so thankful that my family is not one of these. Our rule is, when one eats, we all eat. Time out for selfishness, time for building our family units, preparing our children to lead our families into the future. Giving all thanks and praises to the Lord for all He has done and for what He's doing in our lives. It's a beautiful thing. "Tis So Sweet I Know". TeamBuildingFamilies. Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 27:1-6, Exodus 16:1-36, Proverbs 6:20-26. Ready for round 2, Super Bowl gathering. Who's your team today, I'm going with the Sea Hawks.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

He waited

Good morning family. Finally able to go out without a coat. Man this Texas girl has been spoiled by this Florida weather. Thankful for everything this morning and every morning. Life is so uncertain but through faith and obedience we overcome trials and change. Everyone knows the story of "mean ole Pharough". How his heart was hardened and his unwillingness to honor God's will. I have to admit, I've been that person who honestly knew the life choices I was making weren't of God. I knew I could loose everything I loved but I still lived outside of God's word. I sit here this morning feeling relieved that Our Father in heaven gave me time to change my ways. I know every day won't be easy and I know I still have mistakes to make but the difference is that I walk through everything knowing Jesus will carry me when things get hard. I'm amazed at how light my burdens seem now that I'm on the Lord's side. Praying for you as I pray for me, Lord keeps us, grant us peace, give us the courage to face any/all challenges that may come our way. Thank You Father for changing our hearts. Lord, I am so grateful for the change I've seen in my family. We are extremely blessed. Seeking education, reconciliation, prosperity and growth, we all know our heart's desires come from You. Faithfully loving You Father God, asking for Your continued blessing on our lives. Bless Your holy name, in Jesus Name we pray. Amen. Psalm 25:16-22, Exodus 12:14-50. TeamHeWaited. Bblessedloveyou. Looking forward to Court's crab boil today