Saturday, June 28, 2014
Good afternoonfamily. Loving this Saturday. Still pumped up from last night's praise and worship. "The devil is a liar" I will not be comfortable with/in sin. I love how God's word has laid out our life paths. We have to follow His path in order to receive our victory. I pumped my fist last night because I've come through so much but I still have a sound mind and a heart for all people. I hold no one accountable for me but me. Realizing that my sinful past warranted death I shouted in thankfulness for deliverance/peace. God has changed my name and I pray He's doing or has done the same for you. I fully understand that my life is not my own. I have been allowed to live so that I can serve others. Whenever I feel a waive of selfishness rising up I remember His saving grace and His precious sacrifice. I cry when I think about who/what I've loss but I rejoice because despite my losses I still smile. Praying that God continues blessing and changing me/you. I am not defined by what I own, I an defined by Who's I am. (Shout out to my Cousin Ronnie, be blessed, love you). TeamiAmHis. Bblessed.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Good morning family. Welcome to hump day. May the blessing of our Heavenly Father be on/with us as we move through our day. Thanking Him for another beautiful morning. Just breathing in His word and letting it fill our hearts will help us face whatever the day brings. AMEN. I have to confess, I was feeling some kinda way yesterday about a few things that I wasn't happy with. Mostly because I felt others should be doing more than they were. When I stepped off the elevator this morning I felt a deep conviction. Convicted because not having the assistance I asked for didn't hinder my progress, I just worked harder. Basically I didn't need the assistance, approval or support that I moaned and groaned about. Why are we like that? I say we because I know there are people just like me who have the strength, courage and ability to accomplish more than they do but because we/they are so focused on what someone else is/isn't doing, we power down or should I say "cower" down. This doesn't help our cause and certainly isn't going to get us promoted. Today I plan to move forward, use my resources and focus on what I need to get done. What about you? Will you sit around and wonder why the next man isn't doing more, will you sit around and complain because "such and such" didn't have to complete a task that you've been charged with completing, will you allow what "so in so" is or isn't doing to distract you? What I'm certain of is that life (personal and professional) goes on whether we participate or not and what you won't do, someone else will. We have to use our time/talent/gifts to the fullest, without selfish thinking, without holding back, looking through "spiritual" eyes. TeamFocused. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Free Will
Good morning family. Happy birthday to Simia Nicole, the best niece ever. Always thinking of others. Blessed to have her in our lives. Thanking God for life and favor this morning/every morning. Understanding that life is only as complicated and convoluted as we allow it to be. I remind myself daily that before I started making "my own choices", I had a clean slate. It didn't matter what my mother or father had done, I was given "free will". I remember standing next to my Grandma Ms Smith's hospital bed a few days before she passed. She'd heard that I was misbehaving, doing things that she had always talked against. She told me to remember what I had been taught, how I had been raised and to remember her guidance. During that moment I really didn't feel any convictions about my choices. As I reflect on my past I realize that everything she ever showed me/told me was for my own good. Making me sit on the front pew during service, attend choir rehearsal, Baptist Training union and even prayer/missionary meetings was preparing me for what I would face as an adult. I've been truly blessed to live this life even during times of distress/chaos. God is truly amazing and patient. I thank Him for allowing me time to get back to what I was taught. I'm far from perfect but I'm a long ways from what I used to be. Honoring Him this morning for allowing us to see another day, an opportunity to bask in His glory and to correct those things/ways that are not pleasing to Him. AMEN. TeamFreeWill. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Beautiful Day
Good morning family. What a beautiful day. I'm truly inspired to have a wonderful day just because I have a choice and I'm able. It doesn't take a lot energy to live when we remove those things that clutter our mind and block our view of the future. I've come to understand that independence comes when we accept responsibility for our results and work towards improvement (professional and personal). When our continued focus is on what's not working we consistently fail at anything we attempt, i.e. work, relationships, financial gain. Everything seems all wrong. We have to look for the positives, get out of bed every morning knowing something good is going to happen. Stretch the possibilities we've been afforded in order to reap mental/physical/spiritual/financial freedom. Trust me when I tell you that letting go of what's held you back will release you from the stress and worry of life. Never allow yourself to be used/abused/taken for granted. God's desire is for us to be happy so let's get it in. TeamBeautifulday Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Positive Communication
Good morning family. Spending a little quiet time before all the kids get here. Wishing Nadya Matthews a happy 12th birthday. Where has the time gone. Blessed to have such a smart young lady as a granddaughter. This morning I was reminded that we can't allow things to go left unsaid. Those unspoken words that keep us trapped, stuck on an emotional rollercoaster. People say "it's best I don't say anything". I say the best thing we can do is say something but say it right and for the right reason. We have to learn to have healthy conversations. Speak up when things are wrong, don't shut down. What I've learned about me is that I didn't know how to say things. I was so focused on having the last word/upper hand/getting my point across that my words became projectiles, cursing and accusing. They did more harm than good. I may not speak for others but as a woman I've always felt that I had to protect myself, be ready with a "slick" come back. Reading the word of God reminds me that I don't have to throw "stones or salt" to get my point across. What I have to do is speak in love, use the power of His words to move through and process those things I think are harmful to my being. Sometimes those simple phrases such as "I'm sorry", "I love you", "please forgive me" or "you're right" put us in a choke hold because we just can't seem to say them. We're afraid that we'll be perceived as being weak. I remind you as I remind myself, learning to speak in love can save relationships, can heal open wounds, can transform families. Life will never be perfect but we can make it better by choosing our words wisely and not allowing our pain to fester. TeamPositiveCommunication. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Good morning family. What can I say about my weekend other than it was awesome. I enjoyed my family more than I can say. Praying that my family build stronger bonds and break any chains that keep us from loving each other to the fullest. Sometimes family is the last to forgive and accept their members. Always bringing up the past, pointing fingers and refusing to unite. I choose to love my family because they are God's blessing/gift to me. What I'm sure of is that two wrongs don't make a right so even when members of my family decide to "sit it out", I'll be understanding and avoid speculating/judging. We have to be more compassionate when it comes to "mending fences". Give more of ourselves instead of asking for compensation. Our future family structure is totally dependent on what we build now. Remembering that a family is only as strong as its weakest link. If you've made it in life, offer support (doesn't have to be financial) to the ones who are in a continuous struggle. Break the cycle. TeamBuildingFamilies. Bblessedloveyou. 2 Samuel 12-13
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Good morning family. I'm truly having a great time with my Texas family. They've shown us so much love. I can't imagine not having them in my life. God is awesome in His timing. Wishing all the fathers and dads a Happy Father's Day. My husband puts up with a lot, allows a lot and forgives a lot. I've had the priviledge and honor of being in his life for 36 years. He's a good father and the best grandfather ever. I may not act like it sometimes but I know I am blessed to have him. I pray for continued unity and guidance. Thankful for all the men in my life. They hold our families together. I'm thankful for my brother, uncles and cousins. My sons Chris and Cory hold my heart. They have really embraced fatherhood and I look forward to seeing where God will take them. I remind you as I remind myself, life is short. We can't walk through it holding on to unhealthy attitudes. We will never be perfect and our families won't either. We can't wait for the perfect time to change and we can't keep putting off the healing process. There's always going to be that something that nags at our peace but we have the power to let it go. I can tell you this, if I had not let go of past hurt my family structure would look a lot different than it does today. I'm thankful for the time God has given us together and I can't wait to see what the future will bring. TeamHappyFather'sDay. Bblessedloveyou
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Good morning family. Blessed and highly favored. Enjoying this time with my Texas family. My 90 year old granny was in full effect yesterday. I love it. These are the times that I wish I lived closer to home. What I know for certain is that we have to take every opportunity we're given to gather as family. It doesn't matter how someone spoke to you 5 years ago or what someone took from you 2 years ago. Get over whatever/whoever hurt you. Allow yourself to enjoy the company of family. Given the choice, I could never have hand picked family members like the ones I have. My cousins keep me laughing. Just seeing them have a good time is a blessing. Watching my aunts makes me miss my mom even more. Looking at them brings back happy memories of her. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of such a beautiful group of people. My prayer is that we continue gathering and celebrating who we are. I pray that God continues healing our hearts and strengthening family bonds/ties. I pray that He continues using each of us to break generational curses, understanding that our past doesn't have to control our future. I choose to participate in our family events because I want my children and their children to know where I came from, who my people are. I can tell you for sure that life isn't always balanced and it's very unpredictable but God gives us family/friends to provide that human touch/support. To God be the glory for giving me these wonderful people who love me unconditionally. TeamFamilyReunion. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Accepted By God
Good morning family. Feeling excited about all our possibilities. Thanking God for clear thoughts and the courage to honor commitments. As we move about our day we should always think about our blessings and give God honor and praise for all things, good or bad. Saying a special prayer for my friend and co-worker, Janet. Also "Effie" and "Tijuana". Yesterday someone reminded me that as women, we have to guard our hearts. That's not to say that we have to constantly analyze the intention of others based how we're being treated but we guard our hearts by allowing God to guide us through life. We can't afford to make "life" decisions based on emotions. What I know about myself is that I grew up wanting acceptance, craving acceptance and thinking that I had to have "human" acceptance to feel important. Human acceptance without understanding who we are in Christ is a "spiritual/mental death" trap. We walk in confusion, denial and regret. Constantly questioning ourselves, never settling down, unable to fully commit to anyone or anything, always waiting for defeat. So this morning I'm reminded that without God, I'm asking for heartache. It is only through Him that understanding and peace comes. I pray that any woman who's looking for completion through a man seek the counsel of the Lord first (and keep the Lord first). His acceptance trumps all. TeamAcceptedByGod. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Work On Me
Good morning family. This is my Friday and I'm extremely excited about it. Looking forward to seeing my Texas family, hanging out, laughing until my sides feel like they're going to burst. For all the people who don't go to family reunions because you don't like your family, please think twice, you're missing out on one of God's greatest blessings. Over the weekend I was reminded that no matter what we're going through, we should give praise. There are times in life when we question our responsibilities. We look at those around us and wonder why they're not doing what we think they should be doing, why the help doesn't come easy. What I've come to realize is that I can't worry about what the next person is or isn't doing. When we walk in the responsibility that God has given us, we thank Him for giving us the opportunity to serve. When we stop measuring and comparing our contributions to others, we'll get more joy out of what we've been blessed to do. This morning I pray that whatever our struggles are, whoever our struggles are with and no matter the circumstance, that we allow God to move in us. Don't allow the devil to whisper in our ears, speaking lies, he can't stand to see us happy and functional. Don't be distracted or confused. Be thankful for the ability to work, support and live joyfully even when life seems unfair. TeamWorkOnMe. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Good morning family. Sitting at Mayo waiting for Dee, just a routine check up. Can I tell you that I'm blessed to have a husband who uses our health benefits to the fullest, seeks the best care, Amen. Enjoyed our impromptu gathering last night. It was good to see everyone smiling and loving each other. Sometimes we have to be still, shut up and let God heal our hearts in order to enjoy our blessed relationships. We can over analyze things, make hurtful comments and even forget God's commandment to love one another. What I know for certain is that if I were given the opportunity to change families I would decline. This family that God placed me in is made up of beautiful people. They are diverse yet alike. What most family members don't understand is that diversity is what makes us strong, keeps us strong. I don't know about you, but I fall short on a daily basis. My thoughts aren't always pure but what I understand is that I have to read God's word, let it fill my heart so I can be better, do better and know better. Please join me in this daily walk of allowing our Father in Heaven to lead. Life will be so much easier, our eyes will see His glory. Families need Him to thrive/survive. TeamFamily. Bblessedloveyou. (I love that David said He wanted to show God's kindness). 2 Samuel 9:3
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Good Morning Family. Praying all is well. Thanking God for family and friends. Asking Him for continued blessings, understanding and favor. Honoring and praising Him for His word, His Son and the Holy Spirit. So much to be thankful for this morning. Birthdays, graduations and a full life. We are seeing so much change happen within our family. People are changing and maturing. What I know for certain is that, it's long over due for all of us to start walking in consistent obedience and love. Aren't you tired of the sacrifice? Sacrificing peace, finances, comfort and each other. Some of us, including me, are so bound up in frustration/lack/material things/and our past, that we only see the "negative". If I/we can do anything today, it should be to honor God by releasing those things that keep us from being at peace with each other and ourselves. If your fellow man offers you his/her hand, take it as an offering of friendship/fellowship/peace/release. Forget about what's already happened, move forward and give God honor by spreading His word, sharing your testimony and showing love. If we can't see past ourselves, we will never grow, we'll always walk in bitterness/regret/lack. TeamConvicted. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Good morning family. Thanking God for everything today. Extremely thankful for rest, God knows I needed it last night. I was straight up tired, mind and body. Charm's party was a blast. Her family really showed her love. This child is blessed with parents who love her to the moon and back. Happy birthday to my son Cory. He's 28 years old today. The biggest of all my children at birth. The busiest of all my children during childhood and the only one who slept in a crib (showing his independence). Love him to life/my heart. Our children bring us the biggest challenges. I don't know about you but there have been days that I thought I was going to lose my mind because of my children. From the time they're conceived things are different. They dictate what you can eat, what you can buy and how you behave. In essence, they make us grow up and be responsible (most of us). We look at the world differently because of them. We start paying attention to those things that didn't bother us before we became parents. We start understanding why our parents behaved the way they did. Picking through those parenting skills that worked well and those things that we feel were not appropriate/necessary. We also wish we'd listened to our parents more. Sacrifice becomes a natural instinct, no second thoughts, we give our last. I'm thankful for all the challenges I've faced as a parent because they've made me a better person. My children love me simply because I'm their mother, I am so blessed and honored to "live" this. TeamParenthood. Bblessedloveyou
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