Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm Not Arguing

Good morning family. Praying everyone has a nice start to their day and that the day end on a positive note. This quote has been on mind for the last few days, "it's better to have a discussion than an argument". How many of us have the courage to walk away from an argument? I say courage because I firmly believe that participating in an argument does not show our true strength, it shows our weaknesses. There are some who thrive on winning arguments even when they're dead wrong. We experience this in our homes, on our jobs and certainly out in the world. There are people who despise and dislike others so their goal in life is to cut them down every chance they get by arguing against them. I say this morning, don't allow yourself to fall into an argument even if you know you're right. What I know for sure is, if you're right about something, an argument is not needed. It should give us peace just knowing in our hearts and minds, that we're right. It's not about proving and defending, it's about knowing who you/we are in Christ. Be the bigger person and walk away. I know this is extreme, but my father and my son both died because of an exchange of words. It's not worth it, let foolish arguments go, train your flesh to follow your spirit. TeamI'mNotAruguing. Bblessedloveyou.

Sunday, July 27, 2014


Good morning family. What a beautiful day. Feeling blessed, motivated and inspired. Thankful to see another day. Sometimes we get lost in the process of change. Unable to recognize that the way we want things isn't always God's way/will. We get so caught up in how we feel that we don't take time to give Him thanks for where He's brought us from. This morning I say "thank You Father" for the change I see around me. I have come to the realization that I can't change others but I ask God to change me so that I adjust spiritually to what others bring to "my table". I'm praying for my family/friends, asking God to fill their hearts with truth/life/love. Asking that He shows us how to be on one accord, no bickering, no hard feelings, just loving one another without judgment. I ask God to bring understanding and peace where there is confusion and conflict. I ask Him to heal relationships that have come to a cross road. Our Father in Heaven wants the best for us. We must understand that if what we really want in life is all around success, we have to be ready to work hard and pray through the obstacles that are certain to stand in our way. The devil loves when we give up on relationships, careers and life. Don't give him the satisfaction of even thinking he's won. God gets the glory when we walk in His will/ways, when we are steadfast/unmovable and determined to get to the other side. Family, know that I love you and I'm praying for us, praying that we're making the right decisions and the appropriate changes. TeamChanging. Bblessedloveyou. Jesus is All.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Live To Play Another Day

Good morning family. On the road to the house. Li'l Cory's team played hard and we cheered hard but in the end they came up short, losing by one point. I'm proud of him and his dad because they truly have a heart for the game. As parents we have to teach our children how to win and lose. What I know for certain is that without experiencing loss we can't/won't become stronger people. Loss prepares us for life, it makes us appreciate our coming/future victories, makes us better prepare for our next challenge/for our tomorrow's. When we accept that it's okay to lose we breathe a lot easier. After all, it's just a game and God willing, we'll play again. TeamLiveToPlayAnotherDay. Bblessedloveyou.

Just Blessed

Good morning family. Let's have a "marvelous" Monday. We have to start the week in the right frame of mind. Human nature propels us into complaining about things that won't even matter tomorrow. We over analyze situations based on limited information, not fully understanding what's really going on. We respond prematurely to immature actions/reactions. Allowing what others do to take us outside of our "happy place". What I am sure of is we cannot win battles with negative attitudes and responses. Our battles are won when we walk in the light of our Father in heaven. Everyone won't/can't understand your/our blessings. People will down play your/our abilities/talents because it makes them feel superior. That superior feeling they're reaching for is nothing compared to the feeling you'll/we receive when we walk away, look away and ignore the foolery. This morning I'm extremely excited about my/our possibilities/new week/new start/renewed spirit. I ask our Father in Heaven to keep our eyes and hearts wide open, looking and expecting the impossible. AMEN. TeamJustBlessed. Bblessedloveyou.

Control My Mouth

Good morning family. Thanking God for another day. Wishing Terrance a happy birthday. I know he doesn't like the attention but we love him and we're proud of what he's accomplished. So today during one of our morning huddles, I made a statement that I had to back track on. It's not that the statement wasn't true, but I said in the wrong way/at the wrong time. As I think about it, I probably shouldn't have said anything. Sometimes we are so self-assured that we feel we have the right to say anything. What I've found is that my opinion, especially of someone else, isn't always correct. As the old saying goes "if you don't have anything good to say, say nothing at". I mean really, we could all use "some correcting". What we fail to realize is that when we speak negative of others, someone is most likely speaking negatively about us. I know people who are "yet holding on" to old events/things/words that happened 5, 10, 15 even 20 years ago. But guess what, holding on and lashing out doesn't punish others, it punishes the one holding on to all that junk. When we can't muster up the strength or intelligence to let go. forgive/forget, get over it, move on, then we live in bondage. When we can find everything wrong with others but can't identify our own opportunities, we live in denial. I ask God to forgive me for not honoring His name. I ask Him for the courage to let go of past hurts. And I beg Him to help me control my mouth. Without His wisdom, without His love and without His words, I am lost. TeamControlMyMouth. Bblessedloveyou.


Good morning family. It's going to be a hot one. Praying everyone is up doing something they want to do. What a work week I had, seems like I accomplished nothing, oh well, there's always next week if the Lord says so. Asking you guys to lift my co-workers up in prayer, some dealing with loss, some facing the  unknown with regard to "the doctor's report" and some just trying to get by. The song by Yolanda Adams, "In The Midst of It All" speaks volumes to my life. When I listen to others speak about what they're facing or what they've come through my heart rejoices because I know my/our God can work miracles. He gives us peace in the midst of all. When our hearts are breaking/racing/stalling we need only look to Him for comfort. Sometimes we're so overwhelmed with news reports and daily happenings that we can't see clearly. Our spirits are weak and we feel there's no hope. Frustration sets in. But when we begin to rejoice and thank God for all, we feel the relieve, our burdens/loads feel lighter. Praising God this morning for what He's doing in our lives knowing that it's all working for our good. Praying that we all allow Him to move in our lives and on our behalf. Acts 12:8-11. TeamRelease. Bblessedloveyou. AMEN

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Good morning family. On the road to the house. Li'l Cory's team played hard and we cheered hard but in the end they came up short, losing by one point. I'm proud of him and his dad because they truly have a heart for the game. As parents we have to teach our children how to win and lose. What I know for certain is that without experiencing loss we can't/won't become stronger people. Loss prepares us for life, it makes us appreciate our coming/future victories, makes us better prepare for our next challenge/for our tomorrow's. When we accept that it's okay to lose we breathe a lot easier. After all, it's just a game and God willing, we'll play again. TeamLiveToPlayAnotherDay. Bblessedloveyou.