Saturday, September 27, 2014
Good morning family. Enjoying the weather in Louisiana. Nice and cool. Praying that each of you woke up in your "right" mind, blessed and highly favored. Continued prayers for the Young family as they prepare to celebrate Mike. God is good, He is awesome in His wisdom. He heals our hearts and teaches us to endure those things that seem impossible to overcome. Also praying for the family of my son's friend who lost his life this week. Loss is never easy to accept but when we open our hearts to The Lord we find the strength to endure. My granddaughter, Nadya, reminded me last night that we will stumble, we may fall, even fail but we should never lose faith in Our Heavely Father's ability to restore us. I'm forever grateful for all the lessons I've learned. When we find the courage to humble ourselves we move forward. When we throw away selfish and careless ways we are strengthened. And when we understand true "faith" life becomes an incredible experience as opposed to "the struggle" we're used to. Romans 5:3-5. TeamOvercomers. Bblessedloveyou. Also praying for Kathy's family.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Good morning family. Thanking God for a good night's sleep. Headed to Baton Rouge today to visit with the Young family. Still doesn't seem right that Mike has gone to be with The Lord. Asking God to help the family through this weekend and for continued blessings. Just a quick reminder this morning that we have to be mindful of how and who we criticize. I've changed a lot of my ways based on convictions. I understand I can no longer pick and choose "my sin". It simply is what is based on God's word. He's given complete/clear direction as to how we should live our lives. When I was younger I drilled through my life living recklessly, choosing to follow the ways of the world. I soon found out that this world will kill you and then brag about it. I pray that we're all clearing out the mess we've made and that we stop fooling ourselves into thinking that just because "the world" is doing "it" God's okay with it. He expects us to be bigger and greater, He expects that we will love unconditionally, He expects that we will abide by His word and not be swayed by our "worldly" desires. I'm truly thankful for my change and thankful for the changes that are coming because I know I have more work to do, more convictions are coming. So grateful for His word and wisdom. TeamConvictions. Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Finding Purpose
Good morning family. Sending a special prayer out to the Young family. Mike passed this morning. If you knew Mike, you know how much he loved life and being around people. I'm thankful that God allowed me/my family to know and love him. Something that has been on my heart to share is that we are to busy looking for signs to follow in life when God has already laid our purpose out for us. We are to afraid to step out on faith and pursue those things that make us happy and those things that God intended for us to do. We're afraid of failure and we're really not listening/watching the right people. We're thinking like Moses when he said he wasn't the right person because he stuttered. But Our Father in Heaven provided a will and way that allowed Moses to do as God asked. I don't know about you, but God has provided me with so many opportunities that I've "flushed" away because I didn't think I was capable, ready for or worthy of. At some point in all of our lives we have to fall into our purpose, we have to begin doing the "work" we were designed to do. I realized that I've been waiting for retirement age instead of enjoying maturity and looking forward to learning more. Why would I want to retire when I have so much more to do/learn? This morning as I/we prepare for Sunday, I pray that if we aren't walking in our purpose, that we seek guidance through prayer and meditation. AMEN. Thinking of Trenee and Tayla this morning, praying that God gives them and the rest of the Young family the strength they need to go "through". TeamFindPurpose. Bblessed. Exodus4:10 Then Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, (A)I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Research Your Vote
Good morning family. Well it's my second day at home. I actually planned to give this day back and go to work but I thought about how busy I've been over the past few weeks, decided to stay home. Dee told me I deserve it, so another day "sitting up in my room". A friend of mine and I were talking last week about the upcoming elections. It's so sad that the commercials we're seeing are so negative. We have become people who blame everyone else for everything that goes wrong in our lives. It seems people with "book sense" have lost their compassion and common sense when it comes to the affairs of those who elect them. We've become so used to the corruption that it doesn't even shock us anymore when things done in the dark are brought to the light. It's just "my opinion" but casting a vote now-a-days is a crap shoot. What I know for sure is there is never going to be an elected official who can please everyone because we're all different, we have different needs, we have different views, we come from different races, we've had different experiences. I can't speak for a "community" I've never lived in nor do I want someone who's never lived in my "community" to speak for me. People stand outside the "communities" of others judging and making recommendations but most of those people have not felt what it's like to live "there". The only and one true way any of us will have peace of mind and joy in who we are is to follow and obey the words/will of Our Father in Heaven. He's laid the foundation but we got side tracked by what/who America said we should be. Before any of us vote, we should pray, we should really understand what our candidates believe, we should know if they are in it just for the attention or do they honestly want to help those they are supposed to serve. I am blessed to live in this country. Ask anyone I speak with and they'll tell you that I don't travel outside the country because I feel safe here and there are so many places I haven't seen in the US, so why leave? That's just me. Please be prepared to vote. TeamResearchYourVote. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Toss & Turn
Good morning family. Praying everyone is up and moving, getting things done. Traveling grace for Christopher. A huge birthday shout out to Devante, love him to life. When he figures out where he wants to go in life, it's going to be huge. Proud of him and Elon, getting that higher education. Man I tossed and turned last night. So much going on lately. Work is busy, home life is busy. So glad God's word reminds me that it's all okay and everything is going to be alright. Dee and I aren't traveling to Louisiana but I took the day off anyway. Needed a little rest. There are times in our lives when we'll question whether or not we're doing the right thing. There are times when we have to take a step back and let things go. There are people in our lives who will do things that we can't/won't understand but guess what, it's okay. We won't always get the response we'd hoped for, our ideas won't always be received well even when our intentions are good but those are the times that teach and show us how to be better, how to sustain, how to use what we've learned to our advantage as opposed to allowing our emotions to get in the way. Praying and thanking God for peace of mind, for allowing each of us to get through the "sometimes" impossible days. Asking our Father/Lord over all to continue pouring out understanding because we can't get enough, at least I can't. Thanking Him for all. TeamToss&Turn.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Love Trumps Hate and Violence
Good morning family. Thanking God for peace and prosperity. Praising Him for what He's already done and for everything coming. Please stop by today to help us celebrate Mia and Manny's birthday. Manny turns 10 next week and Mia turned 10 this past week. Dee's setting the TV up outside for game day. Lots of food. The news really takes stories and runs them into the ground. Everyone has an opinion of what should happen to all those involved in what's going on. We are a nation of people who love sitting in the judgment seat just so long as it's not us being judged. When it comes to domestic violence and child abuse, I've witnessed both. Here I go, "it's just my opinion" but I believe both can be considered learned behaviors in some instances. There are lot of men and women who grew up watching their parents fight and there are lot of men and women who were beaten with sticks and cords as a form of discipline. I personally saw my dad beat my mom on a few occasions. She would have to wear sunglasses out in public. A few months after my dad passed, my mom beat me with an extension cord. She'd never done that before but I believe she did it to show me that just because my dad was gone didn't mean I wasn't required to honor and obey her. She was in control. Fortunate for me, I have not been a victim of domestic violence as an adult nor did I beat my children with cords or sticks. That's not to say my children didn't get spankings/punishments but my husband and I chose to use traditional spankings. I'm praying that we all take a step back, ask God to watch over those who are filled with anger and violence, who feel compelled to control others through physical abuse. I don't know about you, but I have an opportunity of my own to fix the way I respond to others when I'm frustrated. I have an opportunity to see things from the point of view of others. I have an opportunity to stay in my own lane more often than not. Maybe if we start praising/praying for others instead of condemning/judging there would be less violence and more people loving who they are and accepting others for who they are. Love always trumps hate/violence. I'm just saying. TeamLoveTrumpsHateViolence. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Family Over Everything
Good Morning Family. I'm so glad it's Saturday. Some of us are on our way to Gainesville to watch/coach football. I've chosen to stay home today. Our little house needs some deep cleaning before Mia's birthday bash tomorrow. Feeling blessed beyond measure and so thankful that God allowed us to see another day. Mind you, this wasn't a perfect week, there were some disagreements within our family, a few misunderstandings, a little bit of judgment but at the end of day, we are still one. What people fail to realize is that we have to take the "salty" with the "sweet". Our good times far out weigh our bad. It baffles me as to how anyone who is a member of a family can stay away from their family just because they don't like the way something is going. I have to be honest, my feelings have been hurt by family members before but it didn't and couldn't change my love for them. What I know for sure is God didn't make a mistake when I was placed in this bloodline. My granddaughter asked me if God knew what she would do years down the line, I said "yes". She said, what if I changed my mind about doing it, I said "baby, He knows that too". He's all seeing and all knowing. His word says to trust Him, it doesn't say trust your family, it says trust Him. I'm a witness to the fact that if we truly honor and follow what He says, we'll get through any situation, forgiving others who have offended will be like breathing in a breath of fresh air. It took me years to understand that I was wasting energy holding grudges and living in the past. If you're mad about anything, let go of it, give it to God. Get in His word, have yourself some good praise and worship. I guarantee, things will feel better and look better on the other side of frustration and anger. TeamFOEforLife. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Good morning family. Very thankful for a three day weekend. Hope everyone has had a productive weekend so far. We had a full Saturday following our grandkids. Blessed to see them growing and enjoying being young. One of the best things we can do for our children is to teach and remind them that childhood is a season that will help shape their future. What they're learning now can/will determine who and what they'll be as adults. Praying for my family and friends this morning. My friend Ms Laura and family will be laying her daughter to rest this coming week. The hardest thing in "this" life is to lose a child. Praying for our friend Mike, knowing that God can do the impossible. Also praying for Clint and his family as they prepare to lay their grandfather to rest. Some of us take our family and our health for granted. I pray that we all understand the importance of loving ourselves enough to take care of our minds/bodies and love our family members enough to accept who they are, gather as we should to celebrate our heritage. No one on earth is perfect. Praying that we all enjoy our Sunday. Giving God the honor and praise for all He's done and for what He's going to do in our lives. TeamThankfulForLife. Bblessedloveyou. Happy Birthday Tamika Bates and Rosa...
Back On Track
Good morning family. Enjoying the slow start to my day. Love three day weekends. Praying for safety and peace as we move through the day. Continued prayers for my family and friends. Thanking God for all that we have. There are so many who face the unknown, so many who didn't make it through another day. Yesterday I was reminded that we all have an opportunity to understand what life really means. Life isn't about how much money we have/what we can afford to buy. Life is about loving each other the way God's word directs us to. If I'm being honest, I sometimes get side tracked by what's going wrong and I forget everything that's right. I'm sometimes sidetracked because I want more than I have. I get sidetracked because people aren't moving the way I want them to. I get sidetracked because I entertain immature thoughts. I get sidetracked because I put to much faith in man. I get sidetracked because I forget to show love to those who love me. My Lord, I'm so thankful that You are here to help me get back on track. Without God, I would be lost and still wallowing in self pity, mourning everyone/everything I've lost. I pray we all understand how to love, I pray we find it in our hearts to forgive. I pray we realize that life as we know it today can change in seconds. I pray we use our words wisely. I pray for maturity. I pray that we face our fears and walk into our new seasons with courage. God I'm so thankful for all You've given. Lastly but certainly not least, I thank God for my husband/children. They are my heart beat. I may not always showing it, but I love and appreciate them. Today marks the 7th year of Cedric's passing, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. I thank God for healing/memories/strength. 27 years wasn't enough but tearfully I accept what God allowed. Moving on in life and giving Him honor and praise. TeamAMENBackonTRACK. Bblessedloveyou.
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