Monday, March 11, 2013

All Clubbed Out

Anyone who grew up in Vernon TX will understand this. As a teenager I couldn't wait until I was old enough to go to the clubs. Vernon is small but we would party all night. The only ID we needed was "parent" approval. Needless to say, I started my clubbing years early. The reason I'm sharing this is because Dee and I grew up in the same place, partied in the same place but by the time we were married and living in another state, he'd out grown the club scene. On the other hand, it took years for me to get it out of my system. I don't have to tell you that this aggravated my husband. He didn't like it and he was right not to. In relationships we must understand that it's our responsibility to mature and release our "childish" desires. Clubbing only provides temporary "excitement". Don't get me wrong, I had fun with my friends, but that fun cost me time with my husband/children. I don't think going "out" is wrong when it's done in moderation, responsibly and respectfully. All of these I missed but by the grace of God my husband and I worked through it. If you're where I was, please take a step back, fun memories can be created at home with your family. Be careful the "fleshly" choices you make don't cause heartache and pain. TeamAllClubbedOut. Bblessedloveyou

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