Friday, May 24, 2013

Praying For So Many

Good Morning Everyone...Looking forward to this three day week. Praying that we all have a good time and be safe. Thanking God for waking us, keeping us in our right minds. There are so many that didn't wake this morning, so many that weren't able to get out of bed, so many living with jealousy/anger that they can't focus on what God is providing them, so many without homes or a place to lay their heads, so many who took their own lives or contemplated doing so, so many without family/friends who love them, so many who live in fear of what the day will bring. Praying for the "so many", asking God to grant them peace and favor. Praying for the souls of those who have gone on. Praying that we all understanding the favor God has shown us. Praying that our love for each becomes stronger as well as our faith in God. Giving Him all the honor and praise for where He's brought us from and for where He's taking us. Asking that each of you receive healing where it's needed. Feeling blessed and highly favored..AMEN...TeamPrayingForSoMany...Bblessedloveyou..Psalms 115 vs 1-18,

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