Sunday, June 23, 2013
Good morning family...Glad to see another Sunday. I hope everyone is doing something productive and helpful today. The past week or so has been really busy for me. I took advantage of one "lazy day" while I was off but the other days have been full. So thankful for the blessing of vacation. The news has been crazy as usual, makes everyone think about their situations and put on that "I wouldn't do that attitude." I speak for myself when I say, never say what you wouldn't do. It's only by the grace of God that I haven't experienced "more tragedy" in my life based on how I lived. Do you ever stop and think about how many prayers were going up for you when you weren't saved or mature enough to understand that you were literally killing yourself? When I see terrible news stories I first thank God that it wasn't someone I knew/know and then I pray for all those involved. The news provides proof that it doesn't matter what walk of life you come from, you are not immuned from bad/tragic things. You can be rich and not have common sense/decency, you can be poor and the desire to have more will lead you to let your guard down, you can be blessed with success and the words you use can make it all disappear in the blink of an eye. There's not one person on earth who walks in perfection, we are all human and subject to bad judgement and mistakes. I pray for you as I pray for myself, Lord let me do and say the right things, guide my thoughts and deeds, take away that need to be right, continue providing all that I need, I ask You Lord to let those around me be satisfied with what You provide, asking that You also open our eyes to the fact that it's not who we are, what we have or where we live when it comes to success, it's all about You and how we honor and serve, in Jesus Name, AMEN. Proverbs 17 vs 4-5, Psalm 131 vs 1-3, Psalm 130 vs 1-8
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