Thursday, October 31, 2013
Walk The Walk
Good morning family. Why does today feel like Friday? Maybe because it's Halloween, oh well. Closer to the weeeeeeeeeeeeekend baby. So much to be thankful for. Rested well last night, gas in the truck, employed, husband, kids and all family members are well, still full from yesterday's lunch, coffee was perfect and I got paid today, thank YA. Praying for anyone who's unable to get up and thank God for a fresh start, a new day. I overheard a conversation yesterday that reminded me that there are so many people who are not prepared for what they think they want. I say that because the person speaking didn't understand that when you want something, i.e. promotion, marriage, financial security, success, you have to actually start "walking in it" before it's received. For that promotion, are you learning and accepting responsibility for what it will take to get that promotion? For that husband/wife you're looking for, are you obeying God, being submissive, ready to share, ready to compromise, ready to commit, give completely/fully of yourself? Are you able to live within your financial needs right now, are you being a good steward, living within your means, blessing others? For the success you're pursuing, have you've learned everything or do you already "know it all", are you willing to take direction, can you sit at the table with those who have succeeded and let yourself be led? What I figured out is life is like "layaway", you have to start paying now to get what you want later. Nothing falls into your lap. Walk in what you want as if the blessing is already there/been received. You'll find that you're already blessed and what you sought after is just icing on the cake. TeamWalkingTheWalk. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Stop Complaining
Good morning family. Thankful to see this beautiful sunrise. Understanding that we are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes we forget our manners, forget to say "Thank Ya" to our Lord who makes all things new and possible. My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation of "life". We had a nice family dinner last night at Red Lobster, I don't know if the Red Lobster employees thought it was nice but I enjoyed it. Love my crew. I find myself confessing and apologizing a lot lately because I can no longer give myself a pass when I fall short. My most recent episode happened yesterday at work. I let someone's written emotional response move me to complaining. I was not pleased with my reaction. What I realize is that I wasted about 45 minutes of my day venting to everyone but that person. I also realized that my venting served no purpose and if I am who God says I am, it doesn't matter what someone says to me or about me. Sometimes we miss the opportunity to remain positive on our jobs. We complain about addtional responsibilites and focus far to much on what others aren't doing. I don't know about you but as of yesterday at 5pm, my "job attitude" changed. I no longer want to get caught up in the "side bar complaining". It has gotten me nowhere and will take me nowhere. So to those I belly ached to yesterday, I apologize. We all have to take a step back, really use our hearts when receiving and giving out information. Practice makes perfect. TeamStopComplaining Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I Won't Go Back
Good morning family. What a beautiful day. Tuesday. Thankful for a nice start, a good word, peace and praise. Happy Birthday to Assante (AKA Mr Belvadeer) and congrats to Bernard who was signed by the Baltimore Ravens yesterday. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I love the song "I Won't Go Back". It speaks volumes. This song reminds me of all the false starts I've had. Those times where I began a new process and flat gave it up before I could finish. I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to turn back, I don't want to revisit old habits. During the last weeks of my mom's life some family members were talking about using bad language "cussing". One of them looked at momma, asked if she cursed, her response was "I used to". At this point in her life, she'd lost or forgotten some of the habits she'd developed over the years. Her answer sticks with me because it's how I want to treat all my old/bad habits, as "used to". Every day I find that I've stopped doing things that were unproductive and served no purpose. Those things I thought were fulfilling turned out to be things that I used as fillers and most didn't make me feel any better about who I was. The walk that I'm on now has me feeling like I can do anything I set my mind to. I am confident in who I am, no longer ashamed of my past failures. When you finally come to the realization that "worldly things" come with "worldly pain" then you start letting go. So this morning I say "I won't go back, I can't go back to the way it used to be, before Your Presence came and changed me". Thanking God for favor and change, He is so awesome. TeamIWon'tGoBack. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Forgot My Blessing
Good morning family. Happy Monday. Blessed to see a new week. I'm actually hanging out at home for a little bit today. Something I haven't done in months. We had a nice weekend. The kids really had fun. Thanks again to all who came over for their party Saturday. Assante is looking forward to his birthday celebration at Red Lobster tomorrow night. So I have to tell on myself. A few weeks ago I was working from home. All of sudden the lights went out. I went to the door to see if the stop light was on, it was. I checked the breaker, it was okay. Next I picked up my cell phone, called Dee because he pays the light bill. When he admitted that it hadn't been paid I sort of lost it, talked a little trash and hung up. Now, back in the day, if the bill wasn't paid, I knew it was because we didn't have the money, but today I'm thankful that I can say we have money to pay our bills. It's just that my husband has a bad habit, so do I, of waiting until the late notice comes. This is a habit we developed when money was short and we sort of had to move it around to make ends meet. I'm sharing this story because I was reminded that men have enough stress without our attitudes being added to what they have to think about. Unlike women, men, real men, feel the burden and responsibility when bills don't get paid, when things break down around the house, when legal issues arise and when "family matters" happen. I'm learning that if I let go and allow things to work out naturally, I'll feel better and so will Dee. That day, I called, paid the bill over the phone and the lights were back on in a matter of minutes (modern technology). I know ya'll remember when someone actually had to come back out and turn them on and you didn't know if you were going to have lights before night. What a blessing to know that God supplies our needs and brings us from places of despair to places of prosperity. We just need to honor His word by living better, making better choices and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. TeamForgotMyBlessing. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Old School
Good morning family. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Matthews Children's Halloween party. I was very impressed with all the super heroes that showed up. We had some spooky visitors, princesses, mickeys and fairies as well. Shout out to Court, Alva, Zeina and Lexus for putting it all together. Dee and I, as usual, cooked and cleaned, WOW. Watching our children interact with others always teaches me or reminds of things that have changed. As a child I didn't always have a bucket to put my candy in. I picked up a grocery bag or a pillow case. I didn't question my parents about a lack/need or beg for a full costume. I was lucky to get a mask, ya'll know the little cheap ones. We didn't have an organized party and as a matter of fact we had to walk to the other side of town to get the good "candy". There's no doubt that the lives of our children and grandchildren are totally different from what we knew or where we come from. What I understand and believe is that we have to instill better values, remind our children that the reason they are more privileged is because someone stood up for their future. Someone died to give them the right to celebrate whatever they wanted and whenever they wanted. My parents and grandparents raised me to be respectful of others, not to speak out of turn and to listen, basic discipline. I'm not criticizing anyone or judging, just putting a reminder out there that the same disciplines that applied yesterday have to be applied today. If we can take it back to "back in the day" we'll experience less "black on black" crime, a more successful family life, less stress, more graduates and more respect for who we are from the "inside and outside". Lastly but certainly not least, our children need to know our Lord and Savior. It warms my heart, makes me smile, when my grandkids ask me questions about God or about biblical characters. I shout on the inside. YAH. TeamOldSchoolPleaseComeBack. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Happy Birthday Kevin
Good afternoon family. I have been up all morning, just moving around, helping prepare for the party today. I spoke with my cousin Patty, just checking on her to see how she's doing. Today would have been her son Kevin's 29th birthday. It's been four years and it still feels like yesterday. There is nothing that stings as much as loosing a child, nothing. We all remember Kevin as a young man who had a heart as big as gold and a smile to go with it. He was book smart and always helpful. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for others. Kevin worked with/for Dee off and on. He was very impressive on the job, so impressive that one of Dee's customers actually offered to pay for Kevin to go to college. I'm not sure why he didn't take him up on the offer, maybe he wasn't ready or maybe college just wasn't his thing. Most of us say we'll do more tomorrow, enroll in college, find a new job, move to a different place, call a relative, call a friend or even take time out for ourselves. For some reason, most of us never get to the things we put off until tomorrow. What we must understand is "tomorrow is not promised". Everything we do is in God's time and if we start paying attention to where He's leading us then those "tomorrow things" start getting done. As I think about the path my family has taken (all of them) I realize we're making progress, we're doing more as opposed to just talking about doing more. Our family has more high school and college graduates, we're talking more, saying I love you more and even grooming and preparing future leaders. Our children are doing things I never dreamed of doing, they're traveling, leading church ministries and holding down steady/professional jobs. I could go on and on but my point is, we need to remember and honor those that God has called home by continuing to knock doors and chip away at generational curses. I'm encouraged/inspired and in love with my family. TeamHappyBirthdayKevin. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Kim & Elon
Good morning family. It's Friday. Can I get a woot-woot. No school today. I honestly don't remember having days off during school other than "real" holidays. These kids got it good. Well folks I'm still smiling about our diversity event yesterday. It felt good seeing people dance at work, just a "wow" feeling. My joy didn't stop there. I attended my sister and brother-in-law's graduation last night. What a joy to see relieve and happiness on their faces. Only they know the sacrifice they had to make in order to earn a higher education. I've watched them over the past few years work hard and consistently press towards their goal. They both could've settled for what they'd already acquired and obtained but they saw the bigger picture, the path to a more prosperous life. They've set the standard for me and I know their growth progress is just beginning. School was the easy thing, applying all they've learned in the class room and in their home life will show what they really learned and achieved. As I thought about last night, two of my favorite songs came on, "The Potter's House" and "Still I Rise". Both songs bring tears to my eyes, reflection and thankfulness, but this morning they played at the right time because I was thinking of my sister and Elon, The line in the "The Potter's House" says "He'll heal the fragments of your broken life, my friend, the Potter wants to put you back together again." Not that I considered my sister's life to have been broken but I do know that embarking on a journey that requires sacrifice can cause brokenness. The line in "Still I Rise" says "Above all my problems and all I can see, still I rise." When we decide change is needed, we will most likely face set backs, have to start over and get weary but we must continually rise to the occasion because our Father in Heaven says we can. We can do all things though Christ. I am so proud of Kim and Elon. TeamKim&Elon. Bblessedloveyou
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Still Working On Change
Good morning family. WOW, weather change, drop in temperature. Feeling the blessings of the Lord this morning as always. Every day we face this great thing called LIFE. As I live in the daily moments and I do mean live, I learn more and more about myself. I see so many opportunities to change, to be better, to excel. Going into 2013 I vowed to do things a little differently, to change "me" for me based on what God's word says. Although I haven't accomplished everything or accepted all challenges presented, I feel better. As I rode into work this morning I was reminded of my responsibilities as a wife. Anyone who knows me and Dee knows that we have and have had our ups and downs. Since we were 13 he's always been the most giving, the one who apologizes first even if it's not his fault, the one who goes out on a limb when I don't even want to try. Speaking from a woman's point of view, we tend to over analyze things, we're overly sensitive and quick to judge. We forget to allow our husbands to lead based on biblical principles. Our desire for order and perfection blinds us to those things that already orderly and perfect. We sometimes overreact especially when we don't get our way. So this morning, I say to my husband, Deforest Matthews II, I'm sorry because I do all these things. I apologize for my lack of submissiveness and support. As I continue moving through my season/seasons of change, I will be more mindful of my roles/responsibilities. Just putting it out there because I know I'm not the only one having this struggle. Ephesians 5:22-23, 1 Peter 3:1-22, Titus 2:3-5. TeamStillWorkingOnChange. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Good morning family. Hello Wednesday. Praying that everyone has a blessed/productive day. Things can feel unbalanced at times. In those times we should focus on the "bright side" of things to come. I've come to realize that when you let go, decide to allow your emotions to "flush" through your system, there is so much peace. Some people hold back emotions, pretending to be strong when they are "one more thing" close to a nervous break down. Being honest about who we are and what we're feeling can take us to another level. We have to decide to live in peace no matter what we're confronted with. Decide to accept what can't be changed while being determined to change what we have control of. After we buried Cedric and everyone went home, I found myself in and out of emotions. One moment I could be smiling and enjoying life and in the next moment I felt like my heart was breaking all over. One particular day at work I was attending a training. The room was full of "chattering" people. Sitting there waiting for the training to start I started feeling anxious, felt the tears coming. I felt like I was floating, like my body was there but my mind was leaving. Because I didn't want people to see me cry, I left the room, went to the restroom. In the restroom stall, I caved, I cracked, I broke down. It just so happened that one of my friends, Sallie Storey, saw me go in the stall. She asked if I was okay and by my response she knew I wasn't. Sallie sent our director to check on me. She immediately walked me to medical so I could catch my breath and regain my composure. Her concern touched my heart and reminded me that I was going to be okay, I'd get through. The thought of that day has me crying right now and thanking God for healing, thanking Him for consistent grace/peace/mercy. I'm forever convinced that there is nothing I can't overcome based on what I've been through and what God says about me. Please join me. TeamOvercomer/Healed, Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Good morning family. I'm really loosing track of my days. It seems we work and sleep (and that is all). I'm in no way complaining but these mornings come fast, these weeks are rolling and we're closing in on the holiday months. Giving Him thanks and praise this morning for a safe ride to work and letting me/you see another day. I stood in the mirror this morning and my first thought was, "girl someone sho prayed hard for you". The first "someone" I thought of was my mother-in-law, Doris Matthews-Lewis. Anyone who knew her, knows she wasn't a soft spoken person, she spoke her mind and didn't care whether you liked it or not. The wonderful thing about her was that she loved her children and since her son married me, I was included in that love. As an immature young woman, I really didn't understand what she was trying to teach me. I thought she was being nosey and I didn't want her giving me advise or telling me what to do. What I thought about this morning was all the times and the ways she helped me even when I didn't deserve it or respect it. She took care of my kids while I went clubbing or worked, she paid the bills I should have been paying, she put food on our table and I still didn't get it, still just an immature woman ignoring what she was showing me/telling me. Thanks be to God I finally got it. I realized that God had given me someone to show me what it meant to be a woman, a grown woman. I'm not in anyway saying my mom didn't set good examples because she left me with life lessons as well. I'm saying that sometimes we get so caught up in what we think life should look like that we forget to honor and respect the wisdom of "older women". To all the wise women in my life, thank you and I still need you. Praying for all. Titus 2:3-5, Proverbs 27:17, Psalm 145:4, 1Peter 5:1-5, Psalm 71:18
Monday, October 21, 2013
Good morning family. Monday, Monday, Monday a beautiful Monday. I'm so ready to work through this week, finishing up a few work projects and moving on to what promises to be a wonderful holiday season. A perfect time to focus on "contentment". As young parents, my husband and I always tried to make sure birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas for our children were memorable. We didn't always have money to buy everything we wanted but by God's grace we were able to provide. We had a few embarrassing moments at the cash register, you know when your check isn't accepted or your credit card is declined. To this day, no matter how much money I have in my account, I check my balance before making a big purchase. Over the years I've come to realize that if we are not content with what we have, always seeking to add more "junk" to our pile of things we no longer use, we'll stress ourselves to the point of frustration and doubt. We should always maintain a "healthy desire" for more but we should not let "unhealthy desires" control our living. Being content doesn't mean we'll never acquire more, it simply means that we're okay with what we have and who we are until our next God "approved opportunity" presents itself. In all things give praise. Pray about everything. 1 Timothy 6-10 & 17-19, Psalm 89:47-48, Proverbs 25:28
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Change For The Better
Good morning family. Up this Sunday morning. Enjoying this cool weather, it's perfect for a light sweat shirt. Yesterday was the longest day ever. Saturdays are never long but I felt like I was on another day by 7:00 pm. Maybe it's the change of season I'm feeling. Nevertheless, thankful for everything. I've been focusing and thinking about "what's next", wondering what next year is going to look like. For the first time, I really feel like I'm moving forward, I'm growing up. I know that may sound funny to some since I'm 48 years young but I haven't really lived life for me. For those who know my story, I've been a mom since I was 14, a wife since I was 19 and an employee since I was 15. I'm not making excuses but when you start your "adult life" early, your growth is delayed when you're not mature enough to walk in the ways of God. My grandson, Little Cory, played on a "no weight" limit football team. He's 5, soon to be 6. After each practice, if he didn't do well, his dad, Big Cory made him run laps. That's the way life is, if you don't do well, you're constantly running laps until you get things in order, get things right. I feel like I"m finally making the right choices, finally coming to a place of transition, finishing strong. I am so ready for next year, not rushing my life away but believing that as I continue making changes/adjustments and seeking God (following His word) my vision will become clearer. Praying that all these laps I've run will pay off, praying that my change/adjustments will make a difference in the lives of others. Change is never easy and some may not accept the changes I have to/need to make but if God says so, change will happen. TeamChangeForTheBetter. Bblessedloveyou. (doesn't matter what it looks like now, just wait on "the next round")
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Good morning family. Saturdays, don't you love them? Things to do, places to go, people to see or just time to catch your breath. This Saturday is a special one. This morning we celebrate my/our friend. Last night I thought a lot about friendship mainly because I was standing around watching Sherri's friends greet each other and talk about old times. Good friends are hard to find. True friends stand by you when no-one else will. They call to make sure you're okay even if they're not. A true friend does their best not to let you down or disappoint. A good friend reminds you of your true wealth and will continuously affirm you when you're at your lowest. A true friend knows your heart and understands you when everyone else is judging you. A true friend is not afraid to remind you of your true purpose. A good friend will comfort you in your darkest hour. A true friend will be your biggest cheerleader. A good friend is not afraid to tell you when you're wrong. A true friend won't take your side when you're wrong but has the courage to offer correction and feedback out of love. A good friend stands up for you, stands with you when you can't find the strength to stand alone. Have I been all of these things to all of my friends, probably not but I can say with all honesty that God has blessed me with friends who love me and I love them. At least one of my friends affirms me everyday and I try to do the same. Sherri' was good at that. We didn't talk on the phone a lot but I'd receive an occasional text that said "Luv u my friend". She was saying to me, you're okay. I'll miss her smile and her laugh but I thank God for sending her into my life. TeamFriends. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, October 18, 2013
Follow Your Heart
Good Morning family. It's Friday, the best day of the work week. Preparing for the weekend and praying that we all have safe journeys, pleasant conversations and productive family time. Before my feet hit the floor every morning, my mind starts racing. I usually hear a song playing over and over in my head, then I finally role out of bed. I thank God for the new day, turn on some music and then begin my day. This morning I wanted to sit still, I wanted to stay home but today is not the day for that. I have so much to do. The things I have to do could really have thrown me into depression but the God I serve has given me the strength to face whatever comes. This weekend my/our friend Sherri' will be laid to rest. Her passing made me think about how I spend my time and my days. What I realized is that I don't invest "in me" enough (my life, my growth.) Let's face it, we're not getting any younger. It's time for us to stop being so predictable, start really living. My sister Kim, took the plunge. invested time and earned a higher education. My sister Meshun struggled with her weight for years but finally decided to turn her struggle into victory by loosing weight, building muscle and changing her lifestyle. Life has to be filled with more than desire. To fill our desires, we have to put in the work and walk in faith. I believe with all my heart that Sherri' followed the desires of her heart and was finally at peace with her transition. If her life says nothing else, it should say follow your heart, work hard and live. TeamFollowYourHeart. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Good morning family. Welcome to Thursday morning. Praying all is well with everyone. The week is moving fast for me, so much to do and so much on my mind. I've been on an emotional roller coaster since last Thursday. Keeping it moving by the grace of God. I listened to a sermon yesterday that reminded me to breathe. I don't know about you but certain events in life cause me to hold my breath and I don't realize I'm not breathing. When I say I'm not breathing, I mean I'm not functioning at 100%. It's hard to be positive when your life can't breathe, it's hard to think about progressing when your life can't breathe. Next steps aren't taken because life has consumed all your oxygen. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me. Father God please take away those thoughts/things that are blocking my/our paths. Lord continue reminding us that we make daily choices that affect life's breathing pattern. God, I pray that we recognize who we are based on Your word. Understanding that we weren't born to chase money, people or things but we were born into this world to praise and honor You with our words, our faith and our works. I pray that we all forgive those who hurt/offend, work hard for promotion/favor and stop expecting gifts to fall in our laps when we've not put in the work. Father God I thank You this morning for reminding me/us that we don't have to inhale worldly offerings, what You have for us is more than enough. In Jesus' Holy Name, Amen. TeamBreatheAgain. Bblessedlovyou
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Speak Up
Good afternoon family. I'm a little behind schedule today. Thanking God for grace and favor. Thanking Him for Boss's day. There are so many of us without "earthly bosses". Having a job is a blessing, having a career is amazing. God has blessed me with 24 years of employment with the same employer. There have been times that I wanted to walk away but I got over "myself" and stayed. In all relationships there will be periods of adjustment and change. We have to decide whether or not we can handle what comes. My friend reminded me that women, sometimes compromise and lower our standards so things will flow smoothly. In doing this, we can loose who we are and become frustrated. I remind myself as I remind you, when the time comes for change/maturity, speak up. We have to stop "choking" back words that need to be said. Just because something has always been done a certain way doesn't mean it's the right way. I'm guilty of not speaking up or/and of not addressing issues in a timely manner. My goal is to break that habit, begin saying what's on my mind in a personable/professional/positive/loving way. Mary/Mary has a song that reminds us that not speaking up is like fire, it burns within and that's not a good thing. Today I pray that we all learn to say what's on hearts, speak the truth without being petty/hurtful/selfish. Communicating effectively saves relationships. TeamSpeakUp. Bblessedloveyou. Phillippians 4:4-9, Ephesians 4:14-15, Colossians 4:6
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Trading Bad Habits For Peace
Good morning family. Monday traffic was beautiful, thank you Mr Christopher Columbus for the holiday. Feeling better today than I did yesterday and the weekend. Sometimes life will throw punches that knock us down but faith in God allows us to keep getting up. Along with strong faith has to be "good works". Both move us past hurt and disappointment. There will be times when we won't understand why things are happening, may not even be able to process the information for a minute but if we hold on, peace will come. To help bring us to peaceful places, we first have to "weed" out bad habits, start cleaning up old messes. How many times have you stopped drinking, then decided you'd have just one more and it turned into a six pack? How many times have you laid in bed and said I'll miss this Sunday and go next Sunday but now six weeks have past? How many times have you said this is my last time going to the club but a new weekend is here and there you go again? How many times have you said I'm going to do better on my job but end up with the same results? And what about that dead end relationship you just can't seem to get out of? We say we want change, we say want peace but our actions tell a different story. Some of us seem to like dwelling in those dark places, for some reason we find comfort in our old habits. We knock down the church doors when there's a struggle but when we have a little cash flow, when our boo thang is behaving and things seem to be working, we forget about the promises we made God. I know I'm guilty but I've learned my lesson, no more. I keep God's word close to my heart and always on my mind. TeamPeaceForOldHabits. Bblessedloveyou. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Ephesians 4:22-24 Romans 12:1-2
Monday, October 14, 2013
No More Procrastinating
Good morning family. Hoping everyone had a nice weekend. I struggled this weekend. Thinking about and remembering Sherri'. There's something about "loss" that causes us to look within. I know there are changes I need to make based on what God's word says. I need to stop procrastinating for one. Putting off getting things done really ends up costing in all areas, i.e. time, money, relationships. There are so many of us who avoid having conversations because we don't want conflict, I'm one of those people. The problem with not saying anything is issues continue surfacing/piling up and by the time you're ready to say something, you're so full that nothing you say comes out right. I don't know about you but I need to start speaking up immediately. Procrastination also prevents us from completing our chores/work. We fall behind in our households/workouts/businesses. Tomorrow seems to never come. We put off paying bills when the money is there. We also use the money God allows us to earn for frivolous things. Paying late charges and fees, then having the nerve to complain about our "ends not meeting". All of this, is me 100%. I ask God for forgiveness and thank Him foranother opportunity to get things done. TeamNoMoreProcrastinating. Bblessedloveyou. 2 Corinthians 8:10-14
Good morning family. Coming off an emotional weekend, one I won't forget. The week was busy and came with sad news but I made it through. I started sending messages to my friends a while ago. It started as just a morning e-mail or a message to set plans for an event or to share information. Slowly I started including additional information. Today, it's become my daily journal. I'm thankful that my friends have let me share "me" with them. I consider anyone who reads what I write an "accountability" partner. So this morning I have a confession. I stayed "in my feelings" all day Sunday. Didn't really fellowship with my family, actually felt a little angry/resentful. I tried to make it okay for me to feel the way I felt but I couldn't. Nothing but guilt and conviction. I started asking myself why we let what others do or don't do, bother us? Why does it get under our skin? Why is it that when anybody offers corrective criticism or feedback we immediately take offense? Just wondering why things seem unbalanced at times. I question my balance and the support I give, wondering if it's right and if it's enough. I wonder what drives us to do some of the things we do. What pulls us off the path God sets before us. During our test/storms we're begging God for help, crying, slobbing and then when things get back on track we go back to our trifling ways. Wondering if we think God is playing with us. We hurt the ones we love, love the ones who will never love us back and short change our children because we're not raising them based on biblical principles. Yes, I had an emotionally unbalanced Sunday but it was only for a day. I'm moving on, making sure today and tomorrow are better because my trust is in the One who will forever love me and all my faults. The One who has forgiven me for my yesterday and allowed me to see today. Thank you to anyone who reads this for being my accountability partner, we all need at least one. TeamAccountabilityPartner. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Good morning family. I hope everyone is having a nice Sunday. Happy Birthday to my oldest grandson, Simmie Lee Matthews. I can't believe how fast these 13 years have flown by. He's taller than most of us and his voice is getting deeper by the day. What a blessing he's been to us. When I was his age my life was different. Because of things I did, I want to make sure he stays on a good path. If you have any type influence over the lives of a young person, please set the right examples. In some ways, I failed to do the same for my children. I didn't always offer the right "encouragement". Wasn't always present even if I was in the same room with them. Didn't nurture their God-given talents or ask what they wanted out of life. As a grandparent, I listen, I watch and do my best to encourage and teach. Even now, I find that I fall short of meeting God's expectation. Nevertheless, I keep going and work on being better than I was "yesterday". Lately I've come to realize that I can't fix everything, can't change everything and don't have all the answers. What I do know is that God is still doing a work in me. I'm thankful that He's kept me and allowed me to see my children become parents. My prayer for them and me is that we all answer "the call" to support and raise their children based on His word. Praying for patience today and all days. TeamGrandparent. Bblessedloveyou. Wishing Alexis Marie Justiano a Happy Birthday as well.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
He Is The Reason
Good morning family. It's "Throw Back Thursday". Clear skies and dry roads this morning, Thank You Lord. Our bridge is still out of service but there's progress. Hopefully traffic will be back to normal by next month. Also praying that our leaders will get it together and approve this budget. As a person standing on the outside, all of our leaders look selfish, but we're not in their shoes, we don't hear all the arguments and points made. As Christians, we have to keep them lifted up in prayer. Ask God to intervene as opposed to allowing the media to fuel our fears. I'm as caught up in the news as anyone else but I'm more caught up in what God says about me. This "potential for government shut down" is not going to shut me down. No matter what my fate is, good or bad, I have faith in a God who can do all things, my strength is Him. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for wisdom, knowledge and Your word. Thank You for always reconfirming who we are in You and for Your never changing ways. Lord we live in a world where people are loosing their minds, their faith and their families because they want to keep up with "people". So many of us have lost sight of what You want for us. Our influential pastors now have a reality TV show, Lord I pray that anyone who chooses to watch understands who You are and that we must be mindful of what we allow in our spirits and minds. Father God, I also thank You for reminding me/us, that we should always focus on the message and not the man who's delivering it. Lord remembering that our hearts should be full of love for You. There are those who are so "in love with their church/ministers" that they've forgotten who their "First Love" is. Remind them/me that You are the reason, the only reason. In Jesus Precious Name, AMEN. TeamHeIsTheReason. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Use Time Wisely
Good morning family. Still rainy in Jax. The weather has changed, really feeling this Fall. Praying that everyone has a productive Wednesday. This morning I was tempted to take my time getting ready for work. Just wanted a little more sleep but the thought of my work schedule pushed me to get up. I knew I'd regret taking those extra few minutes. I find that as I get older I pay more attention to time. I use it more wisely. I don't know about you but I've wasted a lot time over the years. I've spent time doing things that were selfish/unproductive. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me. Father God thank You for another day, thank You for the gift of time. Lord forgive me/us for letting time go by without honoring You as often as I/we can/should. Father thank You for wisdom/understanding/peace. Thank You for the opportunity to look back on past days, days that were spent outside Your will, those "times" remind us that we've been delivered/set free. "I won't go back". Lord let us continue growing in appreciation for all You've blessed us with. Father God, I pray we all understand and use every second of our lives to represent You, giving You the glory/honor in our walk/talk. Lastly Father, continue filling our hearts with love, love for others as well as ourselves. "All To Thee I Owe". Such an Amazing God. TeamUseTimeWisely. Bblessedloveyou. Proverbs 24:30-34
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
God In Me
Good morning family. Monday "work" was a little rough. I left on time, needed some space to regroup. Thanking God for renewal of the mind and spirit along with the opportunity to see another day. Praying that each of you arrive at your "morning destinations" safely. It's rainy here in Jax, lots of "braking" lights. Heavenly Father, praying for everyone on the road this morning. Let all of us move around without accident or incident. Lord open our hearts as we prepare for our day. Let us be mindful of those around us and not walk in selfishness. Father God take away negative feelings/images. God I pray that each of us be accountable for our actions and reactions. Let others see You in us. Father I pray that we each take time out of our busy day to help others, provide support where needed. Father for those who are struggling on their job, remind them that You're their "true employer". Father, I need this reminder myself because You know that I get beside myself sometime. Help us honor and walk in Your word as we enter our places of employment. Father let our confidence and trust in You be displayed verbally/physically. Lord I'm thankful for all and wanting for nothing more than Your continued blessings/love. TeamGodInMe. Bblessedloveyou. Colossians 3:22-25, 4:5-6
Monday, October 7, 2013
Love & Peace
Good morning family. What a blessing to see another Monday. I had a nice Sunday, busy, but nice. The weekend went fast as always. I used to dread the beginning of the week but now I look forward to it because I'm blessed with a job. Listening to the news reminded me that life comes with uncertainties but as Christians we stand firm on God's word. The government can shut-down but when you know where your help comes from, you can keep it moving, keep pressing on. This morning I pray for you as I pray for myself, My Heavenly Father, thank You for all You've provided. I thank You for my family and friends. I also thank You for the challenges we face because we know that with You we've already won. I thank You for healing old wounds. I pray that we understand and accept opportunities to heal damaged relationships. Father God, help us see that sometimes it's really not about us, it's more about loving You and loving others. Lord when we understand how far love will take us we can let go of all those painful memories. No greater love has ever/will ever be displayed than the love You have for us. At times I/we feel that we've given to much, taken to much or not done enough, Lord help us find balance and purpose. God, I/we are so grateful for Your blessings, Your gifts and Your unfailing love for us. I stand in AWE of all you continue doing in our lives. There is no peace like the peace that comes with Your love/promises. In the Blessed Name of Jesus. Amen. TeamLove&Promises. Bblessedloveyou. Colossians 3:13-17
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Love My Grands
Good morning family. All praises due to the Father who makes all things possible. I'm thankful for all that He's given me and all He's taken away. Camory had her 1st birthday celebration yesterday. I don't see her as often as I see my other grands but I love her all the same. Her "other" grandmother did a very nice job planning/hosting the party. It's a beautiful feeling knowing that God has blessed all of my grandchildren with family on both sides that care and love them. This morning and all days I say thank you to Grandma Blanca, Grandma Ms Cheryl, Grandma Sylvia, Grandma Lubba, Grandma Ms Lisa and to Manny's grandma. These ladies are so special. May God's hand continue touching/blessing their hearts. I want to remind our children that as parents they have a responsibility to their children to respect each other. It's not easy co-parenting and the Good Lord knows that sometimes we let what we see/hear cloud our judgement. I pray that every young parent understand that children need to see healthy relationships, hear healthy conversation and need support on all sides. So what if you don't care for the person you chose to co-parent with (honestly shoulda prayed/thought about it before hand). When a child is conceived, you should go into auto pilot-parenting. Every need a child has should be met and your ability to meet that need shouldn't be hindered by stubbornness of the heart/mind. There should never be an excuse for not showing up for your child. With that said, I thank God that my children show love for their children and participate in their lives. God is good. TeamLoveMyGrands. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Start Giving
Good afternoon family. I'm thankful for all days, stormy or clear, wet or dry. I'm alive experiencing what God creates. I missed our volunteer event this morning because I wasn't prepared. I left work without printing the directions and I can't access my computer from home because of a system issue. When I got up I googled the place we were to meet. The directions sent me to Hood Rd. Not the right place. I rode around for an hour looking for it, called two people I thought might be there, no answer. I gave up, started on my way back home. As I exited 295 onto Beach Blvd, a young man was standing at the light holding a sign that said "I'm hungry". On top of the junk in my purse was $10 so I rolled down my window and handed it to him. He said "God bless you" and I said "thank you". I expected him to hold his sign back up and continue soliciting funds, but instead he got on his bike and started riding towards the store. As he rode past me, he looked back, waived and said thank you again. Next thing I knew, I was crying. So many times, we think we've missed out on giving back but God places us where we're needed most. $10 isn't a lot of money and I'm not sharing this to brag but Lord knows it warmed my heart and convicted me at the same time just to know some one was able to eat. I don't know about you, but I waste so much of what God blesses me with, time/money/talent/love. I pray that each of you would take time out and thank God for all He provides. I ask His forgiveness because I'm so shallow, filled with excuses and procrastination, while there are people starving, begging for food. Looking in the faces of those who pass by them filled with judgement and ridicule. Lord help us all if we don't come together as a nation and as a people. TeamStopWastingStartGiving. Bblessedloveyou. AMEN.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Weed and Seed
Good morning family. It's so nice outside. I like sweat shirt weather and that's just what it feels like. Thank you to everyone for the happy anniversary wishes. Samyah bought Dee and me a cake and a card. She was so excited. She gave Dee a red rose and told him to make sure he gave it to me. This little 7 year old has the biggest heart. I am truly blessed with wonderful grandchildren who are full of personality. Thanking God for life and family this morning. This morning I was reminded of the "seeding" process. I sometimes forget that I have to continually plant "seeds" so that my harvest will never dry up. I never won't to be satisfied with "just enough". Some of us don't want more because we don't want the additional responsibility that comes with "having more". Some of us want more just so we can brag about what we have. Then there are those of us who get more and just sit on it or hide it because we don't want to help anyone else, don't want "nobody" asking us for nothing and we're afraid of loosing it. For me, I plan to "weed and seed" for as long as God allows me to. I'm weeding out those habits/things that aren't helping me, that are out of date, that have held me back and that cause distractions/dysfunctions. I'm seeding those things that will not only enhance my living and giving but will hopefully/prayerfully encourage others to do the same. Look around, there are so many things to do, people to help, people to help you, people that are without love and family. God has giving us "time, opportunity, talent, love, choice" to do what we want in life. I'm challenging you as I challenge myself. Weed and Seed. It's our time. TeamWeedAndSeed. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Straighten Me
Good morning family. Blessed be The Lord for waking us to a new day. Just a few questions, does your heart ever get tired of being open? I have to be honest and say, mine does. There are times when I get tired of trying to prove I care. Have you ever gotten to the point of throwing up your hands and saying, why bother? I have. It's a bad habit that I'm not proud of. I have to understand that sometimes people will forget how blessed they are and complain about everything. I'm one of those people. Sometimes people will talk about people who helped them, I'm one of those people. Sometimes people will use you up until there's nothing left, I'm one of those people. Sometimes people will make it seem like nobody is helping them, I'm one of those people. Sometimes people will have others thinking they don't need anyone, I'm one of those people. My convictions are beating me in the head like a sledge hammer but I'm so glad My Lord and Savior forgives me when I get "beside" myself. His word reminds me that I am nothing without Him. So humbled and thankful. I'm not perfect so I'm thankful that I serve a God who loves me for me. He corrects, He guides me and protects from the storms I create. Glorious is His wonderful love for you and me. You better get some "straightening" while you still have a chance. TeamStraightenMe. Bblessedlovyou
Happy 29th Anniversary to my wonderful husband Deforest Matthews. Life is good.
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Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Good morning family. It's October 1st. We are getting into our Fall season. I am loving this cool down. I Pray everyone is up and moving, off to a good start. Please take time to give God honor and praise for another day. Praying for our leaders this morning. This tug-a-war is crazy. Thanking God that I have a job to go to this morning. I'm up having a tearful morning but I'm okay. Just rejoicing in the Lord because He has "brought me a mighty long ways". I found myself "in my feelings" over the weekend. Feeling a little selfish, wanting just a little peace and quiet. I felt jealous of my family because everyone seemed to be out doing something, everybody but me. As a result of how I was feeling, my grandchildren were separated Sunday. They usually spend the day at "grandma's", playing, running in out, making messes, terrorizing each other. At the end of the day Samyah was a little sad because she missed her cousins. I had to ask myself, was my peace and quiet worth breaking up their routine? This morning I ask God to forgive me because what I was really feeling was "resentment". I was resentfull because I couldn't get things done and everyone else seemed to moving around just fine. Guess what, it's my fault for not really saying how felt. I'm learning that (should have already learned) in order to get what you want, you have to speak up, stop holding things in.
Our Leaders Are Really Something Else
Good morning family. Praying for our leaders. Wow, they are really something else, all of them. When our leaders can't agree on what's best, it's a problem. Fortunate for them, we know who our true leader is, God. He's not changing for anybody. He doesn't have to beat His chest, He's not trying to be King for day, He's just blessing us, loving us, providing for us. Don't be upset with the people we voted for, pray for them, ask God to touch their hearts, heal those distorted minds. Asking God to send them a reminder that they are servants of His people. They need to follow Jesus' lead and "wash some feet". We will see progress when the definition of service is applied and understood. I'm standing on God's promises and not on the promises of people who have forgotten or never understood what it's like to not have health insurance, to not have a full meal, to not have a roof over their heads, to not have a job, to not know how their bills will get paid and to be constantly reminded that their needs are not important. I still believe we live in a great country but I also believe we've gotten to "big for our britches". Staying in praying for all because prayer changes things. Amen
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