Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Good morning family. I'm really loosing track of my days. It seems we work and sleep (and that is all). I'm in no way complaining but these mornings come fast, these weeks are rolling and we're closing in on the holiday months. Giving Him thanks and praise this morning for a safe ride to work and letting me/you see another day. I stood in the mirror this morning and my first thought was, "girl someone sho prayed hard for you". The first "someone" I thought of was my mother-in-law, Doris Matthews-Lewis. Anyone who knew her, knows she wasn't a soft spoken person, she spoke her mind and didn't care whether you liked it or not. The wonderful thing about her was that she loved her children and since her son married me, I was included in that love. As an immature young woman, I really didn't understand what she was trying to teach me. I thought she was being nosey and I didn't want her giving me advise or telling me what to do. What I thought about this morning was all the times and the ways she helped me even when I didn't deserve it or respect it. She took care of my kids while I went clubbing or worked, she paid the bills I should have been paying, she put food on our table and I still didn't get it, still just an immature woman ignoring what she was showing me/telling me. Thanks be to God I finally got it. I realized that God had given me someone to show me what it meant to be a woman, a grown woman. I'm not in anyway saying my mom didn't set good examples because she left me with life lessons as well. I'm saying that sometimes we get so caught up in what we think life should look like that we forget to honor and respect the wisdom of "older women". To all the wise women in my life, thank you and I still need you. Praying for all. Titus 2:3-5, Proverbs 27:17, Psalm 145:4, 1Peter 5:1-5, Psalm 71:18

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