Sunday, October 5, 2014
Rich In Love
Good Sunday morning family. It's a little chilly here in the "Ville. Everyone's up doing their thing. I'm feeling blessed and highly favored (we should feel this way 24/7 no matter what). Had a great week at work and a wonderful Saturday filled with family and friends. As I walked through the week I realized I'd dodged a lot of bullets. I truly understand, even though I don't have a lot of material things and my money isn't as long as I want it to be, that I may be one the richest women in the world. Funny? As I look around, I see my life as being full, rich with people who love me, a God who has allowed me to make mistakes and still opened His arms to me when I asked forgiveness. That's rich. When I say I've dodged bullets, I mean I've done some crazy things that could have taken me down paths of darkness, things that could've taken my life (mentally/physically). This morning I rejoice because I've been restored, redeemed and set free from a past that will no longer over shadow/outshine my present/future. Heavenly Father I say thank You this morning, I am in awe of You. You've opened my heart/cleared my mind, made me better than I ever thought I could be. Thank You for showing me that giving of myself is more fulfilling than receiving every/any fleshly desire. Those things bring temporary relief. Lord I thank You for my family, my friends and my life. I pray that You continue filling us with wisdom and love so that we can share who we are and what we have with those who are in need. Lord I bless and praise Your Holy Name this morning, thanking You for all and wanting for nothing. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. TeamRichInLove. Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 18:16. Romans8:12-14. 2Chronicles 9:12
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Happy Anniversary
Good morning family. Thanking God for a new day and a blessed life. Asking Him for continued blessings as Dee and I celebrate 30 years of marriage today. Sometimes I still feel like that 19 year old girl standing in front of the justice of the peace saying "I do". Marrying the man I'd loved since I was 13. I can honestly say that God's hand has been on our relationship. We were young parents, Dee having just turned 14 and me about to be 15 when Cedric was born. Ya'll know we didn't know what we were doing, but God. I'm thankful for all that we've endured, the good and the bad. I'm grateful that I have a loving husband who accepts me for who I am because the Lord knows I can be difficult sometimes. I'm more grateful to God for allowing us to grow up/old together and for blessing us with beautiful children and grandchildren. What I've learned over the years is that it doesn't pay to be nit-picky, that communication is everything and it's okay to disagree. Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that You continue watching over all of us. I pray for broken relationships, asking for healing for those who are struggling/trying to survive. I ask that You grant each of peace/understanding and the courage to love unconditionally. Father God, I thank You for providing examples of what true love looks like and for bringing people into our lives who support and lift us up. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN....TeamHappyAnniversary. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Good morning family. Enjoying the weather in Louisiana. Nice and cool. Praying that each of you woke up in your "right" mind, blessed and highly favored. Continued prayers for the Young family as they prepare to celebrate Mike. God is good, He is awesome in His wisdom. He heals our hearts and teaches us to endure those things that seem impossible to overcome. Also praying for the family of my son's friend who lost his life this week. Loss is never easy to accept but when we open our hearts to The Lord we find the strength to endure. My granddaughter, Nadya, reminded me last night that we will stumble, we may fall, even fail but we should never lose faith in Our Heavely Father's ability to restore us. I'm forever grateful for all the lessons I've learned. When we find the courage to humble ourselves we move forward. When we throw away selfish and careless ways we are strengthened. And when we understand true "faith" life becomes an incredible experience as opposed to "the struggle" we're used to. Romans 5:3-5. TeamOvercomers. Bblessedloveyou. Also praying for Kathy's family.
Friday, September 26, 2014
Good morning family. Thanking God for a good night's sleep. Headed to Baton Rouge today to visit with the Young family. Still doesn't seem right that Mike has gone to be with The Lord. Asking God to help the family through this weekend and for continued blessings. Just a quick reminder this morning that we have to be mindful of how and who we criticize. I've changed a lot of my ways based on convictions. I understand I can no longer pick and choose "my sin". It simply is what is based on God's word. He's given complete/clear direction as to how we should live our lives. When I was younger I drilled through my life living recklessly, choosing to follow the ways of the world. I soon found out that this world will kill you and then brag about it. I pray that we're all clearing out the mess we've made and that we stop fooling ourselves into thinking that just because "the world" is doing "it" God's okay with it. He expects us to be bigger and greater, He expects that we will love unconditionally, He expects that we will abide by His word and not be swayed by our "worldly" desires. I'm truly thankful for my change and thankful for the changes that are coming because I know I have more work to do, more convictions are coming. So grateful for His word and wisdom. TeamConvictions. Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Finding Purpose
Good morning family. Sending a special prayer out to the Young family. Mike passed this morning. If you knew Mike, you know how much he loved life and being around people. I'm thankful that God allowed me/my family to know and love him. Something that has been on my heart to share is that we are to busy looking for signs to follow in life when God has already laid our purpose out for us. We are to afraid to step out on faith and pursue those things that make us happy and those things that God intended for us to do. We're afraid of failure and we're really not listening/watching the right people. We're thinking like Moses when he said he wasn't the right person because he stuttered. But Our Father in Heaven provided a will and way that allowed Moses to do as God asked. I don't know about you, but God has provided me with so many opportunities that I've "flushed" away because I didn't think I was capable, ready for or worthy of. At some point in all of our lives we have to fall into our purpose, we have to begin doing the "work" we were designed to do. I realized that I've been waiting for retirement age instead of enjoying maturity and looking forward to learning more. Why would I want to retire when I have so much more to do/learn? This morning as I/we prepare for Sunday, I pray that if we aren't walking in our purpose, that we seek guidance through prayer and meditation. AMEN. Thinking of Trenee and Tayla this morning, praying that God gives them and the rest of the Young family the strength they need to go "through". TeamFindPurpose. Bblessed. Exodus4:10 Then Moses said to the LORD, "Please, Lord, (A)I have never been eloquent, neither recently nor in time past, nor since You have spoken to Your servant; for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Research Your Vote
Good morning family. Well it's my second day at home. I actually planned to give this day back and go to work but I thought about how busy I've been over the past few weeks, decided to stay home. Dee told me I deserve it, so another day "sitting up in my room". A friend of mine and I were talking last week about the upcoming elections. It's so sad that the commercials we're seeing are so negative. We have become people who blame everyone else for everything that goes wrong in our lives. It seems people with "book sense" have lost their compassion and common sense when it comes to the affairs of those who elect them. We've become so used to the corruption that it doesn't even shock us anymore when things done in the dark are brought to the light. It's just "my opinion" but casting a vote now-a-days is a crap shoot. What I know for sure is there is never going to be an elected official who can please everyone because we're all different, we have different needs, we have different views, we come from different races, we've had different experiences. I can't speak for a "community" I've never lived in nor do I want someone who's never lived in my "community" to speak for me. People stand outside the "communities" of others judging and making recommendations but most of those people have not felt what it's like to live "there". The only and one true way any of us will have peace of mind and joy in who we are is to follow and obey the words/will of Our Father in Heaven. He's laid the foundation but we got side tracked by what/who America said we should be. Before any of us vote, we should pray, we should really understand what our candidates believe, we should know if they are in it just for the attention or do they honestly want to help those they are supposed to serve. I am blessed to live in this country. Ask anyone I speak with and they'll tell you that I don't travel outside the country because I feel safe here and there are so many places I haven't seen in the US, so why leave? That's just me. Please be prepared to vote. TeamResearchYourVote. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Toss & Turn
Good morning family. Praying everyone is up and moving, getting things done. Traveling grace for Christopher. A huge birthday shout out to Devante, love him to life. When he figures out where he wants to go in life, it's going to be huge. Proud of him and Elon, getting that higher education. Man I tossed and turned last night. So much going on lately. Work is busy, home life is busy. So glad God's word reminds me that it's all okay and everything is going to be alright. Dee and I aren't traveling to Louisiana but I took the day off anyway. Needed a little rest. There are times in our lives when we'll question whether or not we're doing the right thing. There are times when we have to take a step back and let things go. There are people in our lives who will do things that we can't/won't understand but guess what, it's okay. We won't always get the response we'd hoped for, our ideas won't always be received well even when our intentions are good but those are the times that teach and show us how to be better, how to sustain, how to use what we've learned to our advantage as opposed to allowing our emotions to get in the way. Praying and thanking God for peace of mind, for allowing each of us to get through the "sometimes" impossible days. Asking our Father/Lord over all to continue pouring out understanding because we can't get enough, at least I can't. Thanking Him for all. TeamToss&Turn.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Love Trumps Hate and Violence
Good morning family. Thanking God for peace and prosperity. Praising Him for what He's already done and for everything coming. Please stop by today to help us celebrate Mia and Manny's birthday. Manny turns 10 next week and Mia turned 10 this past week. Dee's setting the TV up outside for game day. Lots of food. The news really takes stories and runs them into the ground. Everyone has an opinion of what should happen to all those involved in what's going on. We are a nation of people who love sitting in the judgment seat just so long as it's not us being judged. When it comes to domestic violence and child abuse, I've witnessed both. Here I go, "it's just my opinion" but I believe both can be considered learned behaviors in some instances. There are lot of men and women who grew up watching their parents fight and there are lot of men and women who were beaten with sticks and cords as a form of discipline. I personally saw my dad beat my mom on a few occasions. She would have to wear sunglasses out in public. A few months after my dad passed, my mom beat me with an extension cord. She'd never done that before but I believe she did it to show me that just because my dad was gone didn't mean I wasn't required to honor and obey her. She was in control. Fortunate for me, I have not been a victim of domestic violence as an adult nor did I beat my children with cords or sticks. That's not to say my children didn't get spankings/punishments but my husband and I chose to use traditional spankings. I'm praying that we all take a step back, ask God to watch over those who are filled with anger and violence, who feel compelled to control others through physical abuse. I don't know about you, but I have an opportunity of my own to fix the way I respond to others when I'm frustrated. I have an opportunity to see things from the point of view of others. I have an opportunity to stay in my own lane more often than not. Maybe if we start praising/praying for others instead of condemning/judging there would be less violence and more people loving who they are and accepting others for who they are. Love always trumps hate/violence. I'm just saying. TeamLoveTrumpsHateViolence. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Family Over Everything
Good Morning Family. I'm so glad it's Saturday. Some of us are on our way to Gainesville to watch/coach football. I've chosen to stay home today. Our little house needs some deep cleaning before Mia's birthday bash tomorrow. Feeling blessed beyond measure and so thankful that God allowed us to see another day. Mind you, this wasn't a perfect week, there were some disagreements within our family, a few misunderstandings, a little bit of judgment but at the end of day, we are still one. What people fail to realize is that we have to take the "salty" with the "sweet". Our good times far out weigh our bad. It baffles me as to how anyone who is a member of a family can stay away from their family just because they don't like the way something is going. I have to be honest, my feelings have been hurt by family members before but it didn't and couldn't change my love for them. What I know for sure is God didn't make a mistake when I was placed in this bloodline. My granddaughter asked me if God knew what she would do years down the line, I said "yes". She said, what if I changed my mind about doing it, I said "baby, He knows that too". He's all seeing and all knowing. His word says to trust Him, it doesn't say trust your family, it says trust Him. I'm a witness to the fact that if we truly honor and follow what He says, we'll get through any situation, forgiving others who have offended will be like breathing in a breath of fresh air. It took me years to understand that I was wasting energy holding grudges and living in the past. If you're mad about anything, let go of it, give it to God. Get in His word, have yourself some good praise and worship. I guarantee, things will feel better and look better on the other side of frustration and anger. TeamFOEforLife. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, September 1, 2014
Good morning family. Very thankful for a three day weekend. Hope everyone has had a productive weekend so far. We had a full Saturday following our grandkids. Blessed to see them growing and enjoying being young. One of the best things we can do for our children is to teach and remind them that childhood is a season that will help shape their future. What they're learning now can/will determine who and what they'll be as adults. Praying for my family and friends this morning. My friend Ms Laura and family will be laying her daughter to rest this coming week. The hardest thing in "this" life is to lose a child. Praying for our friend Mike, knowing that God can do the impossible. Also praying for Clint and his family as they prepare to lay their grandfather to rest. Some of us take our family and our health for granted. I pray that we all understand the importance of loving ourselves enough to take care of our minds/bodies and love our family members enough to accept who they are, gather as we should to celebrate our heritage. No one on earth is perfect. Praying that we all enjoy our Sunday. Giving God the honor and praise for all He's done and for what He's going to do in our lives. TeamThankfulForLife. Bblessedloveyou. Happy Birthday Tamika Bates and Rosa...
Back On Track
Good morning family. Enjoying the slow start to my day. Love three day weekends. Praying for safety and peace as we move through the day. Continued prayers for my family and friends. Thanking God for all that we have. There are so many who face the unknown, so many who didn't make it through another day. Yesterday I was reminded that we all have an opportunity to understand what life really means. Life isn't about how much money we have/what we can afford to buy. Life is about loving each other the way God's word directs us to. If I'm being honest, I sometimes get side tracked by what's going wrong and I forget everything that's right. I'm sometimes sidetracked because I want more than I have. I get sidetracked because people aren't moving the way I want them to. I get sidetracked because I entertain immature thoughts. I get sidetracked because I put to much faith in man. I get sidetracked because I forget to show love to those who love me. My Lord, I'm so thankful that You are here to help me get back on track. Without God, I would be lost and still wallowing in self pity, mourning everyone/everything I've lost. I pray we all understand how to love, I pray we find it in our hearts to forgive. I pray we realize that life as we know it today can change in seconds. I pray we use our words wisely. I pray for maturity. I pray that we face our fears and walk into our new seasons with courage. God I'm so thankful for all You've given. Lastly but certainly not least, I thank God for my husband/children. They are my heart beat. I may not always showing it, but I love and appreciate them. Today marks the 7th year of Cedric's passing, there is not a day that goes by that I don't think of him. I thank God for healing/memories/strength. 27 years wasn't enough but tearfully I accept what God allowed. Moving on in life and giving Him honor and praise. TeamAMENBackonTRACK. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Friends and Family
Good morning family. Up early thinking about my family and friends, asking God to be a fence around us as we start another days journey. Sometimes getting up is the hard part depending on what's going on in our lives. What I've found is that if you/we make a heart felt effort to move, God will do the rest. Praying for the Young family this morning, asking God to give them the strength/courage they need to walk through whatever may come their way. Traveling grace for the ones who traveled to Louisiana and a Happy Birthday to Kawana Young. Asking God to also look in on my friend Laura. I know personally how she's feeling right now. I'm also thanking Him for friendship. I'm guilty of taking it for granted. Sometimes not truly realizing how much it's needed in times of celebration and in times of trouble. My family is a great support but my friends add to what my family provides. The laughter, memories, secrets and the "come back to reality" conversations have helped me be a better person. Everyone have a blessed day, stay prayed up and don't wait to thank God for the house, car, relationship or money you've been waiting for, but thank Him right now for getting you home safely last night, thank Him for protecting your children during their ball games yesterday, thank Him for allowing you to see another beautiful day and lastly, thank Him for the storms and the rain because we cannot/will not survive on sunshine alone. TeamFamilyFriends. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Happy Birthday Christopher Deforest Matthews
Good morning family. What a blessing to see another day, to breath when breathe could have been taken away. It's a blessing to appreciate the small things in life and to understand that we are here because God says so, nothing we've done, but God. I'm so priviledged and blessed to say happy 30th birthday to my son, Christopher Deforest Matthews. As a young mother I didn't understand the opportunity God had given me. He entrusted me with children, our most precious commodity. Now that I'm older, I realize that everything I did when my children were young influenced who they would be in life. Fortunately I wasn't the worse mom but I wasn't the best either. I can say with all honesty that my children are better parents than I ever thought of being. They are engaged and available to their children. I am so thankful for them and this life God has given us. Any day one of my children celebrates a birthday is a gift to me. They are my reason, they are my celebration, they simply...are everything. Now I can tell you, I don't always agree with the choices they make and they aren't always happy with me, but there has never been any doubt about how much they are loved. If you're young with young children, don't allow your frustrations to block your view of the future kings/queens God has entrusted you with. Speak to them and make them feel like the royalty they are, help them understand that they can conquer anything, fill their hearts/heads with hope and purpose. They are God's children but He's sharing them. It's up to us. God has given us the tools and resouces, use them. TeamHappyBirthdayChristopherDeforestMatthews. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, August 22, 2014
Good morning family. Loving this Friday morning. Looking forward to having the day off. Work has been so busy but it makes the days go by fast and I learn more. Praying this morning for my friends who are facing the unknown with regard to illness within their family. You never know what life is going to bring your way so always stay prayed up, expecting peace after the storm. The most wonderful thing I've found is that I have a better understanding about the issues we have to face. I understand that every day won't be easy but as each day goes by pain slowly subsides. I understand that the pressure of keeping up with life is eased when we give our issues over to God and follow His ways. I understand that what we pour into our babies isn't always what they need and that we need to align our parenting skills with what God's word says. I understand that perfection is something that I/we have to avoid in order to live a less stressful life. I understand that my change starts with me and not with pointing fingers at others. I understand that I must die daily in order to live. And the thought that woke me this morning, I understand that I have to be truthful and forth coming when speaking to those who seek my advise. (I woke up feeling like a hypocrite this morning). Father God, my Lord and Savior, I ask that you continue reminding me that Your way is the only way and reminding me that I have to be better than I was yesterday. TeamUnderstanding Bblessedloveyou AMEN.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Good morning family. Praising God for grace and a whole lot of mercy today and always. This precious gift of life and time cannot and should not be taken for granted. Our Saturday was spent at the Star-Ready Jamboree, what a day. Our children were excited and came to play. What I know for certain is that children are more confident when there's family support. They value the feedback and support of "mothers and fathers" more than any coach. Their confidence in their ability grows/becomes stronger when we pack the stands. The sad thing is that as kids get older they have less support. I have to be honest and tell you that as a young mother I really didn't understand just how important it was to show up at every game, every event but once I understood what it meant and how important it was, I was there. There were game days that I had to stand in the middle of the ballpark so I could watch three games at one time. Yesterday I was so happy to be with my family because not only were my grands/nephew playing but my son was on the field coaching. Gotta love it when life starts maturing. God is good all the time even when we can't see that He's working things out for our good. There were touchdowns/high fives/good tackles but the play of the day was when my oldest grandson led the closing prayer with his team, hallelujah, that's when you know God is doing a work in the lives of you and your family. TeamFOE. Bblessedloveyou. #proudmom#proudgranny#proudaunt
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Good morning family. It's going to be a terrific work day, I can feel it. Yesterday was very busy, thankful for "busy" because we learn a lot about ourselves when things aren't going as we feel they should. We can feel challenged and over used at times but I remind myself that nothing is to hard when I focus and remove negative/selfish thoughts. There will be times in our lives that things will be revealed about us that we're ashamed of. I've had my fair share of these times already. My first big reveal was when my mother found out her 14 year old daughter was pregnant. To say the least she was not happy. I can't remember all the words she said that day but I remember feeling reduced, just small, ashamed. As an adult I've realized that our secrets, our reveals become our testimonies. Instead of breaking us, they actually make us stronger when we share our experiences. The only regret I have about this "secret" is that I wish I had been able to talk to my mother before she found out from someone else. Unfortunately, I was not comfortable enough nor did I have the courage to tell her. To all the parents, create an open atmosphere so your children won't be afraid to tell you when they're in trouble and to the children, learn to trust your parents. Parent/child relationships are so important. I have to say that after Cedric was born my mom was so proud of him, loved him, helped me care for him. I had some setbacks as result of being a teenaged mother, but God. TeamParentChild. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Godly Fun
Good morning family. Blessed to see another day. Praying for family and friends who aren't feeling well or who aren't feeling their best physically/mentally. God is good no matter what our situation may be. August is jam packed for us. Birthdays, football and back to school. It can wear you down but I'm thankful for strength and focus. a reoccurring thought keeps coming up, "the devil will try and kill you by showing you a good time". Oh Lord, I am so thankful I learned this lesson. If I've learned nothing else in life, it's that "good timing it" leads to destruction when we don't follow the ways of our Father in Heaven. How much stuff have you lost because you were having a good time? Wrecked homes, wrecked cars, damaged relationships-spouse/children/family, loss of time and memory, count the cost, there's a huge price to pay just to have un-Godly fun. Now I'm by no means judging or throwing shade on having good quality fun with friends, but I'm talking about that fun that takes you to the other side of "quality". That fun that's temporary and meaningless. That fun that in a few years will have you filled with regret. Honestly, I've done a lot in my life that I wish I could take back but I can't. The good news is Jesus paid for my sins and I've been forgiven. It's only by grace that I still have stong family relationships, a job, mental stability, the will to love and the love of others. I could've lost it all. Young and dumb that's what I called it but it was really a lack of appreciation for what God had given me. I couldn't see that the "devilish fun" was slowly killing me. I'm thankful that God turned it around for me. Praying for you as I pray for me, may God continue watching over us all. AMEN. TeamGodlyFun. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, August 3, 2014
Now I'm Grown
Good morning family. Grace and favor, wow, grace and favor. Praising and thanking God for all He's done in our lives. Excited about this Sunday morning, jut excited about life. Our God has been so good to each of us but some of us refuse to embrace what's there for us. Asking for traveling grace for Simia, Kim and Ava as they return from NOLA. Also for Steve and family as they return to Dallas and for anyone else on the road. Have you ever sat down and thought about why the phrase "I'm grown" is used? I have and I realized I don't use it anymore. The times I used it were when I was living a "sinful" life on purpose. "Why you always in the club?" answer - "I'm grown". "You need to save your money" answer - "I'm grown". "Spend more times with your kids" answer "I'm grown". These are just a few comments where I know my response was "I'm grown". I'm grown is just another way of saying I'm immature and not really ready to grow up, not ready to take responsibility for the opportunities God has given. When we truly become mature/productive/God fearing adults there isn't a need to say I'm grown because the way we live our lives reflects it. "I'm grown has gotten me into trouble, it's cause me to lose income, it's caused me to miss out on blessings and it's certainly cost me time with my family. So go on with your "grown" self. Keep living in sin on purpose, see where it gets you. What I know for sure is that being grown is more than just being able to say your grown. It's a responsibility, it's a privilege and it shouldn't be taken for granted. 1 Corinthians 13:11-When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. BOOM. TeamNowI"mGrown. Bblessedloveyou
Saturday, August 2, 2014
Keep Hustling
Good morning family. Happy Saturday. Enjoying a little "quiet" time before our day gets into full swing. Gotta say, I was really tired yesterday. Sometimes we get so busy that we forget to fully rest our bodies, we forget to take time out for ourselves. I don't know about you but I'm no good to anyone when I'm tired. Just flat out cranky and hard to deal with. Asking for traveling grace as my sister and niece travel to New Orleans today to pick Ava up. Ava has been on her Summer vacation with Daddy Bill and Clara (great grandparents), love them. Yesterday I encountered two things that made me feel really good about life. The first was a man standing on the corner with a sign that said "just hungry". I had a $5 bill laying on the top of my junky purse, so I was pulling over to give it to him but a lady in front of me beat me to it. I decided I would give it to him anyway but as I got closer, he put his sign under his arm and crossed the street headed towards the store. I smiled about it because normally people get money and get right back into position with their sign in order to get more. Now I don't know if he came back later, but it made me feel that he was being very honest and not just hustling. The next thing happened at work. Our job announced that any US employee would get an increase in pay. This is different because we normally get bonuses and raises once a year around March. These raises would take affect this month. Unfortunately, everyone wasn't eligible for one reason or another. I wasn't looking forward to having conversations with those who weren't. To my surprise all of the conversations went well. I felt a spirit of maturity in the responses I received. I could see growth and ownership in everyone I spoke with. God is good. I share this because there are so many "hustling" for the right reason but get discouraged because things aren't working as quickly as they'd like. But when we're patient, doing the right thing and putting our faith in God, in His time, things start to come around. Be encouraged in your getting and your doing, have a blessed Saturday. TeamKeepHustling. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
I'm Not Arguing
Good morning family. Praying everyone has a nice start to their day and that the day end on a positive note. This quote has been on mind for the last few days, "it's better to have a discussion than an argument". How many of us have the courage to walk away from an argument? I say courage because I firmly believe that participating in an argument does not show our true strength, it shows our weaknesses. There are some who thrive on winning arguments even when they're dead wrong. We experience this in our homes, on our jobs and certainly out in the world. There are people who despise and dislike others so their goal in life is to cut them down every chance they get by arguing against them. I say this morning, don't allow yourself to fall into an argument even if you know you're right. What I know for sure is, if you're right about something, an argument is not needed. It should give us peace just knowing in our hearts and minds, that we're right. It's not about proving and defending, it's about knowing who you/we are in Christ. Be the bigger person and walk away. I know this is extreme, but my father and my son both died because of an exchange of words. It's not worth it, let foolish arguments go, train your flesh to follow your spirit. TeamI'mNotAruguing. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Good morning family. What a beautiful day. Feeling blessed, motivated and inspired. Thankful to see another day. Sometimes we get lost in the process of change. Unable to recognize that the way we want things isn't always God's way/will. We get so caught up in how we feel that we don't take time to give Him thanks for where He's brought us from. This morning I say "thank You Father" for the change I see around me. I have come to the realization that I can't change others but I ask God to change me so that I adjust spiritually to what others bring to "my table". I'm praying for my family/friends, asking God to fill their hearts with truth/life/love. Asking that He shows us how to be on one accord, no bickering, no hard feelings, just loving one another without judgment. I ask God to bring understanding and peace where there is confusion and conflict. I ask Him to heal relationships that have come to a cross road. Our Father in Heaven wants the best for us. We must understand that if what we really want in life is all around success, we have to be ready to work hard and pray through the obstacles that are certain to stand in our way. The devil loves when we give up on relationships, careers and life. Don't give him the satisfaction of even thinking he's won. God gets the glory when we walk in His will/ways, when we are steadfast/unmovable and determined to get to the other side. Family, know that I love you and I'm praying for us, praying that we're making the right decisions and the appropriate changes. TeamChanging. Bblessedloveyou. Jesus is All.
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Live To Play Another Day
Good morning family. On the road to the house. Li'l Cory's team played hard and we cheered hard but in the end they came up short, losing by one point. I'm proud of him and his dad because they truly have a heart for the game. As parents we have to teach our children how to win and lose. What I know for certain is that without experiencing loss we can't/won't become stronger people. Loss prepares us for life, it makes us appreciate our coming/future victories, makes us better prepare for our next challenge/for our tomorrow's. When we accept that it's okay to lose we breathe a lot easier. After all, it's just a game and God willing, we'll play again. TeamLiveToPlayAnotherDay. Bblessedloveyou.
Just Blessed
Good morning family. Let's have a "marvelous" Monday. We have to start the week in the right frame of mind. Human nature propels us into complaining about things that won't even matter tomorrow. We over analyze situations based on limited information, not fully understanding what's really going on. We respond prematurely to immature actions/reactions. Allowing what others do to take us outside of our "happy place". What I am sure of is we cannot win battles with negative attitudes and responses. Our battles are won when we walk in the light of our Father in heaven. Everyone won't/can't understand your/our blessings. People will down play your/our abilities/talents because it makes them feel superior. That superior feeling they're reaching for is nothing compared to the feeling you'll/we receive when we walk away, look away and ignore the foolery. This morning I'm extremely excited about my/our possibilities/new week/new start/renewed spirit. I ask our Father in Heaven to keep our eyes and hearts wide open, looking and expecting the impossible. AMEN. TeamJustBlessed. Bblessedloveyou.
Control My Mouth
Good morning family. Thanking God for another day. Wishing Terrance a happy birthday. I know he doesn't like the attention but we love him and we're proud of what he's accomplished. So today during one of our morning huddles, I made a statement that I had to back track on. It's not that the statement wasn't true, but I said in the wrong way/at the wrong time. As I think about it, I probably shouldn't have said anything. Sometimes we are so self-assured that we feel we have the right to say anything. What I've found is that my opinion, especially of someone else, isn't always correct. As the old saying goes "if you don't have anything good to say, say nothing at". I mean really, we could all use "some correcting". What we fail to realize is that when we speak negative of others, someone is most likely speaking negatively about us. I know people who are "yet holding on" to old events/things/words that happened 5, 10, 15 even 20 years ago. But guess what, holding on and lashing out doesn't punish others, it punishes the one holding on to all that junk. When we can't muster up the strength or intelligence to let go. forgive/forget, get over it, move on, then we live in bondage. When we can find everything wrong with others but can't identify our own opportunities, we live in denial. I ask God to forgive me for not honoring His name. I ask Him for the courage to let go of past hurts. And I beg Him to help me control my mouth. Without His wisdom, without His love and without His words, I am lost. TeamControlMyMouth. Bblessedloveyou.
Good morning family. It's going to be a hot one. Praying everyone is up doing something they want to do. What a work week I had, seems like I accomplished nothing, oh well, there's always next week if the Lord says so. Asking you guys to lift my co-workers up in prayer, some dealing with loss, some facing the unknown with regard to "the doctor's report" and some just trying to get by. The song by Yolanda Adams, "In The Midst of It All" speaks volumes to my life. When I listen to others speak about what they're facing or what they've come through my heart rejoices because I know my/our God can work miracles. He gives us peace in the midst of all. When our hearts are breaking/racing/stalling we need only look to Him for comfort. Sometimes we're so overwhelmed with news reports and daily happenings that we can't see clearly. Our spirits are weak and we feel there's no hope. Frustration sets in. But when we begin to rejoice and thank God for all, we feel the relieve, our burdens/loads feel lighter. Praising God this morning for what He's doing in our lives knowing that it's all working for our good. Praying that we all allow Him to move in our lives and on our behalf. Acts 12:8-11. TeamRelease. Bblessedloveyou. AMEN
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Good morning family. On the road to the house. Li'l Cory's team played hard and we cheered hard but in the end they came up short, losing by one point. I'm proud of him and his dad because they truly have a heart for the game. As parents we have to teach our children how to win and lose. What I know for certain is that without experiencing loss we can't/won't become stronger people. Loss prepares us for life, it makes us appreciate our coming/future victories, makes us better prepare for our next challenge/for our tomorrow's. When we accept that it's okay to lose we breathe a lot easier. After all, it's just a game and God willing, we'll play again. TeamLiveToPlayAnotherDay. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Good afternoonfamily. Loving this Saturday. Still pumped up from last night's praise and worship. "The devil is a liar" I will not be comfortable with/in sin. I love how God's word has laid out our life paths. We have to follow His path in order to receive our victory. I pumped my fist last night because I've come through so much but I still have a sound mind and a heart for all people. I hold no one accountable for me but me. Realizing that my sinful past warranted death I shouted in thankfulness for deliverance/peace. God has changed my name and I pray He's doing or has done the same for you. I fully understand that my life is not my own. I have been allowed to live so that I can serve others. Whenever I feel a waive of selfishness rising up I remember His saving grace and His precious sacrifice. I cry when I think about who/what I've loss but I rejoice because despite my losses I still smile. Praying that God continues blessing and changing me/you. I am not defined by what I own, I an defined by Who's I am. (Shout out to my Cousin Ronnie, be blessed, love you). TeamiAmHis. Bblessed.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Good morning family. Welcome to hump day. May the blessing of our Heavenly Father be on/with us as we move through our day. Thanking Him for another beautiful morning. Just breathing in His word and letting it fill our hearts will help us face whatever the day brings. AMEN. I have to confess, I was feeling some kinda way yesterday about a few things that I wasn't happy with. Mostly because I felt others should be doing more than they were. When I stepped off the elevator this morning I felt a deep conviction. Convicted because not having the assistance I asked for didn't hinder my progress, I just worked harder. Basically I didn't need the assistance, approval or support that I moaned and groaned about. Why are we like that? I say we because I know there are people just like me who have the strength, courage and ability to accomplish more than they do but because we/they are so focused on what someone else is/isn't doing, we power down or should I say "cower" down. This doesn't help our cause and certainly isn't going to get us promoted. Today I plan to move forward, use my resources and focus on what I need to get done. What about you? Will you sit around and wonder why the next man isn't doing more, will you sit around and complain because "such and such" didn't have to complete a task that you've been charged with completing, will you allow what "so in so" is or isn't doing to distract you? What I'm certain of is that life (personal and professional) goes on whether we participate or not and what you won't do, someone else will. We have to use our time/talent/gifts to the fullest, without selfish thinking, without holding back, looking through "spiritual" eyes. TeamFocused. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 23, 2014
Free Will
Good morning family. Happy birthday to Simia Nicole, the best niece ever. Always thinking of others. Blessed to have her in our lives. Thanking God for life and favor this morning/every morning. Understanding that life is only as complicated and convoluted as we allow it to be. I remind myself daily that before I started making "my own choices", I had a clean slate. It didn't matter what my mother or father had done, I was given "free will". I remember standing next to my Grandma Ms Smith's hospital bed a few days before she passed. She'd heard that I was misbehaving, doing things that she had always talked against. She told me to remember what I had been taught, how I had been raised and to remember her guidance. During that moment I really didn't feel any convictions about my choices. As I reflect on my past I realize that everything she ever showed me/told me was for my own good. Making me sit on the front pew during service, attend choir rehearsal, Baptist Training union and even prayer/missionary meetings was preparing me for what I would face as an adult. I've been truly blessed to live this life even during times of distress/chaos. God is truly amazing and patient. I thank Him for allowing me time to get back to what I was taught. I'm far from perfect but I'm a long ways from what I used to be. Honoring Him this morning for allowing us to see another day, an opportunity to bask in His glory and to correct those things/ways that are not pleasing to Him. AMEN. TeamFreeWill. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, June 20, 2014
Beautiful Day
Good morning family. What a beautiful day. I'm truly inspired to have a wonderful day just because I have a choice and I'm able. It doesn't take a lot energy to live when we remove those things that clutter our mind and block our view of the future. I've come to understand that independence comes when we accept responsibility for our results and work towards improvement (professional and personal). When our continued focus is on what's not working we consistently fail at anything we attempt, i.e. work, relationships, financial gain. Everything seems all wrong. We have to look for the positives, get out of bed every morning knowing something good is going to happen. Stretch the possibilities we've been afforded in order to reap mental/physical/spiritual/financial freedom. Trust me when I tell you that letting go of what's held you back will release you from the stress and worry of life. Never allow yourself to be used/abused/taken for granted. God's desire is for us to be happy so let's get it in. TeamBeautifulday Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Positive Communication
Good morning family. Spending a little quiet time before all the kids get here. Wishing Nadya Matthews a happy 12th birthday. Where has the time gone. Blessed to have such a smart young lady as a granddaughter. This morning I was reminded that we can't allow things to go left unsaid. Those unspoken words that keep us trapped, stuck on an emotional rollercoaster. People say "it's best I don't say anything". I say the best thing we can do is say something but say it right and for the right reason. We have to learn to have healthy conversations. Speak up when things are wrong, don't shut down. What I've learned about me is that I didn't know how to say things. I was so focused on having the last word/upper hand/getting my point across that my words became projectiles, cursing and accusing. They did more harm than good. I may not speak for others but as a woman I've always felt that I had to protect myself, be ready with a "slick" come back. Reading the word of God reminds me that I don't have to throw "stones or salt" to get my point across. What I have to do is speak in love, use the power of His words to move through and process those things I think are harmful to my being. Sometimes those simple phrases such as "I'm sorry", "I love you", "please forgive me" or "you're right" put us in a choke hold because we just can't seem to say them. We're afraid that we'll be perceived as being weak. I remind you as I remind myself, learning to speak in love can save relationships, can heal open wounds, can transform families. Life will never be perfect but we can make it better by choosing our words wisely and not allowing our pain to fester. TeamPositiveCommunication. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Good morning family. What can I say about my weekend other than it was awesome. I enjoyed my family more than I can say. Praying that my family build stronger bonds and break any chains that keep us from loving each other to the fullest. Sometimes family is the last to forgive and accept their members. Always bringing up the past, pointing fingers and refusing to unite. I choose to love my family because they are God's blessing/gift to me. What I'm sure of is that two wrongs don't make a right so even when members of my family decide to "sit it out", I'll be understanding and avoid speculating/judging. We have to be more compassionate when it comes to "mending fences". Give more of ourselves instead of asking for compensation. Our future family structure is totally dependent on what we build now. Remembering that a family is only as strong as its weakest link. If you've made it in life, offer support (doesn't have to be financial) to the ones who are in a continuous struggle. Break the cycle. TeamBuildingFamilies. Bblessedloveyou. 2 Samuel 12-13
Sunday, June 15, 2014
Good morning family. I'm truly having a great time with my Texas family. They've shown us so much love. I can't imagine not having them in my life. God is awesome in His timing. Wishing all the fathers and dads a Happy Father's Day. My husband puts up with a lot, allows a lot and forgives a lot. I've had the priviledge and honor of being in his life for 36 years. He's a good father and the best grandfather ever. I may not act like it sometimes but I know I am blessed to have him. I pray for continued unity and guidance. Thankful for all the men in my life. They hold our families together. I'm thankful for my brother, uncles and cousins. My sons Chris and Cory hold my heart. They have really embraced fatherhood and I look forward to seeing where God will take them. I remind you as I remind myself, life is short. We can't walk through it holding on to unhealthy attitudes. We will never be perfect and our families won't either. We can't wait for the perfect time to change and we can't keep putting off the healing process. There's always going to be that something that nags at our peace but we have the power to let it go. I can tell you this, if I had not let go of past hurt my family structure would look a lot different than it does today. I'm thankful for the time God has given us together and I can't wait to see what the future will bring. TeamHappyFather'sDay. Bblessedloveyou
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Good morning family. Blessed and highly favored. Enjoying this time with my Texas family. My 90 year old granny was in full effect yesterday. I love it. These are the times that I wish I lived closer to home. What I know for certain is that we have to take every opportunity we're given to gather as family. It doesn't matter how someone spoke to you 5 years ago or what someone took from you 2 years ago. Get over whatever/whoever hurt you. Allow yourself to enjoy the company of family. Given the choice, I could never have hand picked family members like the ones I have. My cousins keep me laughing. Just seeing them have a good time is a blessing. Watching my aunts makes me miss my mom even more. Looking at them brings back happy memories of her. I thank God for allowing me to be a part of such a beautiful group of people. My prayer is that we continue gathering and celebrating who we are. I pray that God continues healing our hearts and strengthening family bonds/ties. I pray that He continues using each of us to break generational curses, understanding that our past doesn't have to control our future. I choose to participate in our family events because I want my children and their children to know where I came from, who my people are. I can tell you for sure that life isn't always balanced and it's very unpredictable but God gives us family/friends to provide that human touch/support. To God be the glory for giving me these wonderful people who love me unconditionally. TeamFamilyReunion. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Accepted By God
Good morning family. Feeling excited about all our possibilities. Thanking God for clear thoughts and the courage to honor commitments. As we move about our day we should always think about our blessings and give God honor and praise for all things, good or bad. Saying a special prayer for my friend and co-worker, Janet. Also "Effie" and "Tijuana". Yesterday someone reminded me that as women, we have to guard our hearts. That's not to say that we have to constantly analyze the intention of others based how we're being treated but we guard our hearts by allowing God to guide us through life. We can't afford to make "life" decisions based on emotions. What I know about myself is that I grew up wanting acceptance, craving acceptance and thinking that I had to have "human" acceptance to feel important. Human acceptance without understanding who we are in Christ is a "spiritual/mental death" trap. We walk in confusion, denial and regret. Constantly questioning ourselves, never settling down, unable to fully commit to anyone or anything, always waiting for defeat. So this morning I'm reminded that without God, I'm asking for heartache. It is only through Him that understanding and peace comes. I pray that any woman who's looking for completion through a man seek the counsel of the Lord first (and keep the Lord first). His acceptance trumps all. TeamAcceptedByGod. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Work On Me
Good morning family. This is my Friday and I'm extremely excited about it. Looking forward to seeing my Texas family, hanging out, laughing until my sides feel like they're going to burst. For all the people who don't go to family reunions because you don't like your family, please think twice, you're missing out on one of God's greatest blessings. Over the weekend I was reminded that no matter what we're going through, we should give praise. There are times in life when we question our responsibilities. We look at those around us and wonder why they're not doing what we think they should be doing, why the help doesn't come easy. What I've come to realize is that I can't worry about what the next person is or isn't doing. When we walk in the responsibility that God has given us, we thank Him for giving us the opportunity to serve. When we stop measuring and comparing our contributions to others, we'll get more joy out of what we've been blessed to do. This morning I pray that whatever our struggles are, whoever our struggles are with and no matter the circumstance, that we allow God to move in us. Don't allow the devil to whisper in our ears, speaking lies, he can't stand to see us happy and functional. Don't be distracted or confused. Be thankful for the ability to work, support and live joyfully even when life seems unfair. TeamWorkOnMe. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Good morning family. Sitting at Mayo waiting for Dee, just a routine check up. Can I tell you that I'm blessed to have a husband who uses our health benefits to the fullest, seeks the best care, Amen. Enjoyed our impromptu gathering last night. It was good to see everyone smiling and loving each other. Sometimes we have to be still, shut up and let God heal our hearts in order to enjoy our blessed relationships. We can over analyze things, make hurtful comments and even forget God's commandment to love one another. What I know for certain is that if I were given the opportunity to change families I would decline. This family that God placed me in is made up of beautiful people. They are diverse yet alike. What most family members don't understand is that diversity is what makes us strong, keeps us strong. I don't know about you, but I fall short on a daily basis. My thoughts aren't always pure but what I understand is that I have to read God's word, let it fill my heart so I can be better, do better and know better. Please join me in this daily walk of allowing our Father in Heaven to lead. Life will be so much easier, our eyes will see His glory. Families need Him to thrive/survive. TeamFamily. Bblessedloveyou. (I love that David said He wanted to show God's kindness). 2 Samuel 9:3
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Good Morning Family. Praying all is well. Thanking God for family and friends. Asking Him for continued blessings, understanding and favor. Honoring and praising Him for His word, His Son and the Holy Spirit. So much to be thankful for this morning. Birthdays, graduations and a full life. We are seeing so much change happen within our family. People are changing and maturing. What I know for certain is that, it's long over due for all of us to start walking in consistent obedience and love. Aren't you tired of the sacrifice? Sacrificing peace, finances, comfort and each other. Some of us, including me, are so bound up in frustration/lack/material things/and our past, that we only see the "negative". If I/we can do anything today, it should be to honor God by releasing those things that keep us from being at peace with each other and ourselves. If your fellow man offers you his/her hand, take it as an offering of friendship/fellowship/peace/release. Forget about what's already happened, move forward and give God honor by spreading His word, sharing your testimony and showing love. If we can't see past ourselves, we will never grow, we'll always walk in bitterness/regret/lack. TeamConvicted. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Good morning family. Thanking God for everything today. Extremely thankful for rest, God knows I needed it last night. I was straight up tired, mind and body. Charm's party was a blast. Her family really showed her love. This child is blessed with parents who love her to the moon and back. Happy birthday to my son Cory. He's 28 years old today. The biggest of all my children at birth. The busiest of all my children during childhood and the only one who slept in a crib (showing his independence). Love him to life/my heart. Our children bring us the biggest challenges. I don't know about you but there have been days that I thought I was going to lose my mind because of my children. From the time they're conceived things are different. They dictate what you can eat, what you can buy and how you behave. In essence, they make us grow up and be responsible (most of us). We look at the world differently because of them. We start paying attention to those things that didn't bother us before we became parents. We start understanding why our parents behaved the way they did. Picking through those parenting skills that worked well and those things that we feel were not appropriate/necessary. We also wish we'd listened to our parents more. Sacrifice becomes a natural instinct, no second thoughts, we give our last. I'm thankful for all the challenges I've faced as a parent because they've made me a better person. My children love me simply because I'm their mother, I am so blessed and honored to "live" this. TeamParenthood. Bblessedloveyou
Saturday, May 31, 2014
Good morning family. Feeling relaxed sitting under this huge shade tree. Thanking God for getting us where we needed to be this morning. Grateful for the resources He continues to send our way. Lord knows we don't deserve His mercy and grace but it keeps coming, over flowing. Shout out to my children for filling my grand children's lives with activities. This "world" sometimes offers them to much so it's up to the parents to balance how much they take in. Kids need to understand that material things do not build a life. They also have to be taught that it's great to win but loosing builds character, prepares them for adversity and change. Parents have to steer clear of using electronic devices as babysitters. Focus on identifying and nurturing God given talents and gifts. Be just as concerned with developing musical/educational talent as we are concerned with developing athletic talent. Supporting children physically and emotionally builds their self confidence and gives them the courage they need to grow into productive/healthy adults. It also increases self esteem so that they are comfortable in their own skin. There is no such thing as a perfect parent but while children are young parents should strive to be as close to perfect as they can because their audience(our children) is watching and learning how to live based on what they see. TeamParent. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, May 30, 2014
Good morning family. Happy Friday. I've only worked two days this week but it feels like a week and a half. Just saying. Thanking God for consistency in my life. Asking Him today and all days to watch over my family and friends as they begin their daily journey. Giving Him praise for confirmation and peace. I say this all the time but God truly blessed me with good friends. He continues surrounding me with women who support, correct, love and validate the woman I am. I see a lot of people post that their "circle" is small. While I understand that, I never want it for myself. The bigger my circle the better. As women we should be mindful of who we allow in our space, stay in prayer about our relationships and be honest about true friendship. Most of my "Florida" friendships were formed on the job because I'm a "Texas" transplant. If you've ever moved away from home, especially a small town, you'll understand that friends are just like family. So I say from the bottom of my heart, thank you to all my friends, my extended family. I love and appreciate each of you. Lastly, if you really want to understand friendship read about David and Jonathan. TeamFriendship. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Conversation & Communication
Good morning family. I hope everyone had a wonderful three day weekend. Ours was jammed packed. Enjoyed the Jazz Festival and my family. Asking God for traveling grace as a few of my family members journey back home from their holiday travels. I think the highlight of my weekend was the "girl" talks we had yesterday. It's really nice when "the young" and "older" can have discussions about life without judging. After all the bible does tell us to share our wisdom and testimonies. When we fail to have healthy/honest conversation, we all lose. Our communication skills are most effective when there's respect for the opinions of "others" and when we're not competing for attention. What I know for sure is if we don't keep the lines of communication open between our generations we'll miss the chance to share "life". I want to know what my children think and what their children think but I'll never know if I don't at least try to understand how they feel, how they live and give them some background on where we come from. I practice remembering where I was when I was their age. Doing this puts my mind at ease because the Good Lord knows they're probably doing things better than I was. This morning I pray for you as I pray for myself, asking God to guide our conversations, remove judgmental tones, take away the finger pointing and accept that what we want for our children/everyone is not always what they want. We're stronger when allow love to overpower ego. TeamConversationCommunication. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, May 26, 2014
Happy Memorial Day
Good morning family. Happy Memorial Day. Praying everyone has a safe productive, beyond blessed day. God is good and so worthy to be praised. Thanking Him this morning for family and friends. My "household" is out doing their thing. Getting me some "me" time. Makes you sing "Praise the Lord Everybody". I'm feeling blessed and highly favored because the Lord has once again allowed us the opportunity to "get right", make changes. I don't know about you but Memorial Day reminds me that I should honor those who have gone before me by sharing memories. Our children need to know the why's and what's of who they are. Sometimes when I share something about my past or my family with my grandchildren they bombard me with questions. I love it because they're still at an age where they are interested in what I have to say (catch 'em young). This morning I pray for you as I pray for me, Heavenly Father, thank You for Your countless blessings, thank You for allowing us the opportunity to honor and remember family/friends/servicemen who have gone on before us. I/we especially thank You for healing our hearts for it is only through You that we find peace and understanding. Father God, thank You for the time You gave us with our loved ones who "we" felt were taking to soon and thank You so much for those who taught us life skills. In closing Father, I pray for me and anyone who can't put selfish pride aside, those who are so ashamed of their past that they can't/won't share their testimony to help someone else get through, praying we/they release, give it all to You and Father I pray that we all find it in our hearts to be better based on what Your word says. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. Missing my family but knowing it was God's will. TeamHappyMemorialDay. Bblessedloveyou
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Memorial Day
Good morning family. Thankful for a new day and a three day weekend. Asking God to watch over my family and friends as we all enjoy this Memorial Day. Work has been busy, fun filled, but busy. Gotta love working for a company that allows it's employees to have a good time while being creative. Praying for my cousin Phyllis as she works through somethings. I know God has worked it out already. He's always ahead of us in our time of need. We have a hard time seeing "through" because our issues have us emotionally distracted. The key to our emotional health is living a spirit filled life. Sometimes it seems as though the problems of life have us moving in slow motion but when we stay in prayer, in His word and wait, then our problems vanish as quickly as they appeared. I mean think about your last big struggle, what was it? how did it get resolved and does it even matter now? Think about how painful some of our life events have been. So much pain that we didn't think the tears would ever stop, but guess, they did. There are times when I'm alone that I have to scream or cry because I miss Cedric so much. I have to be honest, I think it's unfair that he isn't here to see his children grow up or to enjoy family events but I know God doesn't make mistakes. I understand that He's blessed me because I've been able to move on. I've healed even though those sad feelings creep up now and again. So this morning I praise and honor our God for all He's done and for He's doing in our lives. It's easy to allow hurt/pain to distract us but it feels so much better when we give it over to our Lord and Savior. TeamMemorialDayCelebration. Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Good morning family. Praying everyone has a beautiful Sunday. Thankful for all and wanting for nothing. Praising God for giving us an opportunity to honor Him again in our thoughts, words and deeds. Do you ever sit back and think about all the things He's allowed, all the people He's sent your way to help you get through? I do. I sometimes forget how blessed I've been. It's important to have quiet time to reflect on what's been given and the giver. Some of us spend to much time thinking about what we done for others. I know for certain that when our focus is on "what we've done" it causes selfish/resentful feelings to rise up. We can't and should not forget that the ability to give is more of a blessing than receiving. We have to give through "spiritual" eyes and never make it a point to remind people of what's been done for them. Keep in mind that just because someone doesn't show appreciation for what's been given doesn't mean that the appreciation isn't there. We all have different ways of showing gratitude. So whether it be a relative, friend or stranger you've helped, give praise and honor to God for the ability and resources to do so. Remember, "you can't beat God giving, no matter how you try". TeamGive. Bblessedloveyou
Will Not Confront
Good morning family. I pray everyone is having a nice Saturday. The weather in Jax is gorgeous. I don't know about yours but my work week has been jam packed. I need this weekend to recuperate. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes last week. I appreciate it. Already looking forward to next year. If the Lord says so, I'll be 50 years old. A few conversations I've had this week have brought me to the question, "why do we have to confront people about what they said or what they did?" First of all, if someone is coming to me/you with some "mess" it's probably not worth talking about anymore. Second, is the person you're confronting really worth the time and emotion? Third, is pride behind the need to confront another person? Maybe I don't see the need because I generally steer away from conflict, but is that a good thing? I don't know. I know this about me, I won't confront anyone about hurtful things. I put my trust and faith in God because I know He is the only One I have to please. He has accepted me and filled my heart with hope. I have to be honest, my feelings get hurt when I feel I've been taken advantage of, when I don't feel appreciated or when I don't get the response I think I should. But in that honesty I also remind myself that a "child of God" should always pray about those issues, give it to the Lord. Remembering that we've all been given a pass at some time/point or another, we all say or do things we don't/didn't mean, everything said about us won't be favorable and we all fall short. I'm so glad I/we serve a forgiving God. TeamWillNotConfront. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Happy Mother's Day
Good morning family. Woke up on time this morning, faith as strong as ever. I love when I ask someone how they're doing and their response is "blessed and highly favored". It makes me feel good to know people around me are walking in faith. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and to the fathers who are having to pull double duty as well. As I listened to the endless chatter of my grandchildren this morning I thought about my childhood. A childhood that has left such an impression on me as an adult that I don't want my grands to miss out on enjoying theirs. This morning I thank God for a family of women from my community who touched my life. Nanny, Momma Verna Mae, Momma Ms Smith, my Mom, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Glo, Aunt Mary, Aunt Sue, Aunt Phyllis, Momma Ted, Curtistene, Ima Jean, Virginia Sue, Ms Helen, Vera and Verna Joe, Virginia Ann, Ms Hazel, Cheryl Crayton, Mary Scott, Brynne, Ms Brazzle, Ms Shug, Ms Judy June, Aunt Peggy, Ms Ford, Ms Jean (Doris Jean's mom), Jean Scott, Delores, Red and Ms Gates. (I know I missed someone, forgive me) I remind you as I remind myself, what we put out is what we get back. We have to build our young women up, help them understand compassion/love/commitment. Avoid sitting in judgement but offer kind words of correction. I am honored to be a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a person who wants to be what God created her to be. As the old song says, "help me on my journey, help me on my way, oh Lord, I want You to help me" because we can't do it alone. TeamHappyMother'sDay. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, May 9, 2014
Centered His Way
Good afternoon family. Thanking God for all He's doing in my life and yours. Whether we know it or not, He's fixing and changing things all the time. With each conversation, with each life event, with each challenge and with every breath we take He's working it for our good. There are times when our day to day activities wear us out, leave us unbalanced and unsure of our next steps. My life coach reminded me that when we allow ourselves to be "centered" and practice being "centered" things feel and look so much better than they are. We feel less anxiety and confusion. Today was a day I needed this because I had to look down at my feet and ensure they were facing forward. This because I wanted to turn and run from my responsibilities, just give in to the frustration I was feeling. But by God's grace, I remembered what His word says I should be, I am an over comer, I am submissive, I am a woman on a mission to do His will and not my own. If it's okay, I'd like to say I'm proud of myself because I could have let my day be ruined but in the end it wouldn't have been worth the aggravation and the extra wrinkles on my fore head, lol. As I get ready to celebrate my 49th birthday, I thank God for wisdom and life. For all the things I've gone through, the highs and the lows. I give Him all the honor and praise because His word is giving me the strength to do things differently, His way. TeamCenteredHisWay Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
This Little Light
Good morning family. Happy Tuesday. Loving this weather. Feeling blessed and highly favored as always. Praying that everyone arrives at their destinations safely. Asking God for peace in our lives as well as continued understanding of His word and His will. Thanking God for allowing us to see another day, one that certainly wasn't promised. Our God is so awesome. Yesterday he sent several people my way to encourage me. If you know anything about me, Mondays are always challenging. My weekend activities sometimes keep me moving so much so that I don't feel like I get a true break. So byMonday morning, I'm dragging a little bit, feeling like I want to call in sick, stay home and catch up with myself. Fortunately for me, my convictions move me to get up and out. What kind of example would I be if I opted out of going to a job God has blessed me with for 25 years. I don't know about you but sometimes I take His gifts/blessings for granted because I get so tied up in selfishness. It amazes me just how fast I forget "from whence I came". Instead of walking in thankfulness I sometimes put to much emphasis on what's working my nerves. What I must remember is that there are people in this world who would love to sit where I sit, who would love to take on the challenges that I face, who would love to receive half of the paycheck I receive, who would be honored to provide assistance to everyone who needs it. So this morning I remind you as I remind myself, stop taking what God provides for granted. What I/we must do is honor God by being a good servants/willing servants. Focus internally in order to get past those thoughts that keep me/us from shining brightly for His glory. AMEN. TeamThisLittleLight. Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, May 4, 2014
Good morning family. Excited about my day, the Lord's day. Thanking Him for peace and for His ever present love. His word is so amazing. Thanking Him for maturity and another chance to get it right. Sitting in the stands at Simmie's basketball game yesterday I realized two things, It doesn't matter how "deep" your bench is, it's the caliber of players that makes the difference in who wins the game and the people who miss their shots but get their own rebounds are the ones who truly understand the "hustle" required to compete and survive. Isn't that how life is? We can travel with an entourage but only a few in the group will be true friends. Some are just like players on the bench, spectating and waiting on you to fail so they can take your place. They don't have a desire to see your team, supposedly the same team they're own, succeed if they aren't getting any glory. Then you have those who repeatedly miss opportunities to be better, miss taking the "shots" that God has left wide open for them. They don't posses the hustle or the heart to get to the next level. They're not rebounding, only standing around waiting for someone else to get the ball, to pick up the slack. Life is funny like that but we all have gifts, talents and blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Some have chosen not to put those things into play, it may be out of laziness, stubbornness or a simple lack of knowledge/training. I challenge and pray for you as I pray for myself, asking God to give me another chance to use what he's given me/us to get to the next level, thanking Him for given me the opportunity to be on His team, to rebound when I've missed my shot. Asking for courage to face challenges, own the mistakes I've/we've made but understand that as long as I/we have breath, I/we can affect change through prayer and faith. AMEN. TeamTeamRebound. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Good Morning family. It's still raining in Jax but no worries. Enjoying it. God's weather sometimes provides us a reason to slow down, be still. Just had a nice conversation with my nephew. He does a nice job checking on us. I'm very proud of him and Elon. They're focused on getting their education and are beginning to really understand the true meaning of sacrifice. Neither of them have children so they really have no excuse to let go/give up. Just a reminder for myself (you if you need it) that I have to continue broadening my circle in order to be a better me. I see and hear people, especially women, down play the strength, beauty and intelligence of others because of they're insecurities. Honestly, in my immature days it was very hard for me to speak words of life about someone. I didn't know how to be uplifting. I knew how to do for others but really didn't understand the importance of words. Sometimes we get so caught up in "the doing" that we miss the opportunity to "speak" words of encouragement and love. We sit in the bleachers but we don't cheer. We sit in the pews but don't praise. We attend teacher conferences but don't communicate. We marry but think the ring says it all. We foolishly think that just because we showed up, our presence is enough. I don't know about you, but I need to hear things every now and then, I need to know I'm moving in the right direction. That's not to say that we shouldn't pray and understand God's will for us, but it is a reminder that there's "power" in our words. We can make a difference by simply saying "I Love You". TeamSpeak Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, May 2, 2014
Stop Running
Good morning family. Wonderful/rainy Friday. My little flower bed is smiling. Praying everyone arrives at their destination safely. You know we have to drive for the crazy drivers. Never know what "foolishness is behind the wheel". There was a terrible car wreck at Beach and St Johns yesterday. The young lady who caused the accident was fleeing from the police. Unfortunately she lost her life. We often run from or avoid things because we're not strong enough to face the consequences of our actions. We run because we don't want the responsibility of what we've been charged to do. We run from or avoid people because we don't have the courage to tell them how we really feel about them. We run from or refuse to accept change always feeling like everything is okay. Maybe what we're running from won't kill us but it certainly will make life uncomfortable. We will never be at peace. I don't know about you but as for me, I've stopped running. I may not always like what I'm faced with, may not always respond in the most positive way but I'm tired of running, tired of looking over my shoulder and waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Absolutely tired of being afraid of what others will think if I fail. After all failure can only make us stronger. TeamStopRunning. Bblessedloveyou. Jonah 1:1-3 (and you know the rest)
Fix You
Good morning family. Happy Friday to each of you. I'm looking forward to a busy weekend. Things to do and people to see. While I love sitting at home on the porch, I realize I have to get out, move around and enjoy life. Praying everyone has a safe/productive weekend. So this story about the Clipper's owner has dominated conversations since last weekend. I can honestly say it didn't upset me, it actually made me laugh. What I know for certain is that people of different cultures who have never taken the time to fully understand other cultures will always feel the same way this man does. It's not a black or white thing, it's a human thing. Our Father in Heaven put us on earth to love and serve each other but we're to busy judging. There are those who have yet to get over the fact that an African American was actually elected President of the United States. Everything he's done has nit-picked. Then there are those who continue to blame prior Presidents for their current circumstance. If we all stopped and thought about why we're in a mess we'd see that it's of our own doing. It doesn't matter who owns the Clippers or who's President. Our country gives each of us freedom of choice. With those free choices we've decided to sit in judgement of others, over eat, over spend, cheat our employers and then complain about out-sourcing, refused to take lower paying jobs, to miss out on the opportunity to get an education, to not invest in the future of our children and a host of other bad choices. Yes, the Clipper's owner was in his own home when he spoke but he spoke in front of someone who was less than a friend, less than loyal. And all of our President's have fallen short but guess what so have we. Maybe non of this applies to you but it certainly reminded me that I need to be more responsible. I pray that we all work on ourselves before we try to fix others. TeamFixYou BblessedLoveYou.
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Silence Over Noise
Good morning family. Happy to see "hump day"....One day closer to the weekend. The week has been good and productive so far.The words we say have a long-lasting effect on us. What we put into the atmosphere says a lot about our character. I understand that sometimes that the negative/defensive words we say are a result of our past rejections/hurt. We feel it necessary to let everyone know that we're strong and won't be bullied, pushed around or taken for granted. What we miss is that we are strongest when we're silent or when we respond in kindness. Negative words represent defeat and nothing more. I remind you this morning as I remind myself, we don't have to roar like lions to get attention, we need only stand in faith, walk "through" and conquer whatever/whoever is pushing our buttons, focus inward. We should own who we are based on who God says we are. If someone is trying to destroy your self esteem or put you on blast because you're not doing what they think you should be doing, shut them down by loving them anyway. Make sure they understand that your trust in God is greater than anything they can say or do to you. He is "All" and that is all. TeamSilenceOverNoise. Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Building Faith
Good morning family. Hope everyone's Tuesday started well and ends well. Excited about the day, nothing special going on, just excited to see a new day. Feeling blessed and ready for whatever comes. Heartfelt condolences going out to the Daniels family and continued prayers. Also thanking our Father in Heaven for touching Dossie as she continues healing. Something I've really been focused on lately is building faith by strengthening my relationship with God. I don't know about you but I need a constant reminder of what my role is in this relationship. I am required to read and research His word and apply His teachings based on His will. So many times we read partial passages instead of the full scripture because we only want validation for what makes us feel right/good. But just like building a house from the ground up, we can't take short cuts, we need all the materials and the best quality. We are all subject to mistakes but when we understand His word, we apply it and move on to the next. I pray for you as I pray myself, asking God to forgive me/us for taking short cuts and for not taking complete ownership of the responsibility to live as He's instructed. Asking Him to be with us in our decision making and to give us the courage to seek guidance through His word. Thanking Him for everything and wanting for nothing. AMEN...
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Our Love
Good morning family. Happy hump-day. It's been nice not having to rush to work this week. Sort-a miss the 1145 shift but not enough to go back. Thanking God for peace and quiet this morning. It's good to just turn off the TV, sit in silence and give Him all the praise. We have to escape from the busyness of our days allow ourselves to think or just sit and not think at all. This morning my thoughts took me to one of my favorite songs, "Our Love" by Natalie Cole. I thought about the words of the song and how they applied to my marriage and to my relationship with God. While this is a secular song, it holds some spiritual content. It speaks about how strong love is and that's what God's word offers, a strong/mighty love. It's also what my husband has always offered me even when I didn't deserve it. As women we try to be so strong and independent that we miss the love that's right in front of us. What I know for certain is that being strong can weaken us and being solely independent on our abilities will cause us to crash and burn. This morning I'm thankful that our God forgives us when we don't give our burdens/problems over to Him and I'm glad that men like my husband find it in their hearts to let love lead them and not their pride. I say this morning, thank You to God our Father and to our husbands/boyfriends for putting up with us when we feel we don't need anyone. I pray this morning that God's will be our complete focus, man and woman. Don't allow the world to dictate how we should live, allow the word of God to show us how it's done. The bible hasn't changed but the world is forever changing. AMEN. TeamOurLove. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
All Eyes On Him
Good morning family. What a full day we had yesterday. Thankful that God allowed us to do just about everything we'd planned. YAH for us, we finally found a piano on "craig'slist" for the low-low. I don't know if my grands will appreciate us for it or not, but I'm thankful. When we wait and don't rush into purchases, we get what we need at a budget price, the right price. in our price range. The icing on the cake is, the person selling it is a pastor who bought a new one and doesn't need two. God is good. So Dee and I are sitting watching Lil' Cory play ball. He didn't have a good game and became very frustrated with himself. I think he was more concerned with the lecture he knew he would get from his dad after the game. Oh yea, it was coming because his dad was yelling from the bleachers as dads do. What I saw in front of the dug-out was the coach talking to Cory at the same time saying "Cory, just watch me". It reminded me of how God tries so hard to get our attention when we're distracted by life. The life that's trying to tell us we can't make it or reminding us that we've made another mistake. God is saying to us, just keep your eyes on Me and everything will be fine. Then there's life again saying you're failing, no one loves you, your family doesn't care about you, you have no friends. But then there's God saying I love you, I've always loved you. Reminding us that we always have a place with Him, He will always care for us and He forgives us. If we just tell "life" to shut up sometimes, we'd feel a whole lot better. What I know for certain is that God is already where He wants me/you to go/be, I/we just have to listen and keep my/our eyes on Him. AMEN and AMEN. TeamAllEyesOnHim. Bblessedloveyou. My son, Cedric would be 34 years old today. God rest his soul. I love and miss him so much but I know he's resting peacefully. Happy Birthday to my first child. Tears, but tears of joy for healing, peacefulness and acceptance.
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Good morning family. Get up and enjoy this beautiful Saturday. We have a busy day for which I am thankful. Praying God allows us to get all our chores done, piano lessons completed, games played and parties attended. Happy Birthday to my family members, Daryl Richardson and Cranesha Murray. So very thankful that my/our friend Dossie is doing better, asking God to continue watching over and healing her so that she can leave the hospital. Won't He do it? AMEN. I'm reminded every day of just how powerful His word is. He allows us to heal and move on. He brings us through things we thought would forever scar and hold us down. Through tragedy and loss we're still here, not always making the right choices, non the less, still here. I don't know about you but all the strength I have comes from the Lord. His word is so awesome and true. I challenge myself every day to be better based on what His word says about me and how it guides me. I pray each of you do the same. I also pray that we not take our family relationships for granted. The devil is banking us being divided, he's banking on us de-friending each other. Each time we lash out, he's putting a notch in his belt. That's his time to step in and fill our heads and hearts with negative thoughts, leaving our feelings hard as rocks. To my family and friends, there is nothing you can do that will ever stop me from loving you. Thank you to my sister Meshun for organizing our bowling night last night. It was so beautiful to see all of us together as we should be. Adults, we have the responsibility of setting examples for our children. Keep it going. TeamFamily. Bblessedloveyou. Deuteronomy 30:19-20, Psalm 78:1-8
Friday, April 11, 2014
Girl Power
Good afternoon family. Shout out to my niece, Ava Simone. She's four years old today. My, my, my how time flies. Love her to pieces. She's Charm's best friend. They've surely been a blessing to us. God is amazing in His planning for our lives. Who knew that these two little girls would come along in the same year and have such a profound effect on the lives of their mothers and each other. True girl power. Ladies, as we mature I think we forget how magical our friendships can be. We get so caught up in the "he said/she said" hoopla that we loose sight of just how powerful our relationships can be if we simple focus on the positive and leave the foolishness behind. I personally am learning that if I stay out of the drama, I feel much better especially if it's not my drama. At some point in life we have to accept that everyone is entitled to their opinion and we can't get mad if their opinion/views don't match ours. Along the same thought process, we can't get hung up on hurt feelings. There is not one relationship that doesn't get tried at some point. Our challenge is to love one another despite what we see and hear. It's not easy when our feelings are hurt but when we see past the hurt, we become stronger and love harder. So to all the little girls who out there, young and old, cherish your friendships understanding that there will be challenges but love overcomes all. TeamGirlPower. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Feeling Thankful
Good morning family. Blessed to see another Sunday. Thanking God for watching over me and mine. Also giving Him praise for the family and friends that grace my life. Reminding everyone that embracing what you have is important but change is a must. This morning around 2 am our house phone rang. Anyone with children understands when I say that a feeling of panic goes all over you when that happens. It was one of my sons asking me to come to him because he'd been in an accident. Now I'm not one of those people who freak out and get nervous but I am a worrier. I wondered if he was hurt or if he was at fault. Once I got to the accident site, I found that he and my nephew were both fine, a little shaken up, sober with a few scratches. Relief and thankfulness. The driver of the car that hit them was not sober. A young woman who'd enjoyed her night a little to much. Needless to say, she failed the sobriety test and is waking up in jail. There's always something that we can learn from accidents, there are always reminders. I thought back on my "hard" days of partying and had to say "Thank You" because the good Lord knows I could have gone to jail many times for driving under the influence. I could have injured someone or taken a life. My God is good and showed favor to a "fool", me. This morning I apologize to my family for those immature days and I thank God for life. Thanking Him also for allowing my son/nephew to walk away from that accident. Also praising Him for sparing the lives of all involved. TeamFeelingThankful. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
God Is My Source
Good morning family. Happy Birthday to my friend Dossie. We tease her because she's the oldest in our group. With age comes wisdom. I love it and I love her. Praying everyone is getting ready to "put it in" today. Every day should be a new challenge, something to conquer, an opportunity to be better. I use the phrase "consider the source" a lot. It's appropriate because we live/work in a world full of "diverse sources". Personalities clash, friendships fail, family/work relationships suffer and feelings are hurt because we miss the opportunity to apply/use "consider the source". When we take into consideration who/what frustrates or makes us mad, we really need to look at ourselves. Why are we responding to someone else's foolishness/immaturity/lack of compassion? We become so much stronger and better when we let go, pray and thank God for allowing us the experience. What I know for certain is that as long as we're breathing, there will always be someone/something who/that will aggravate/upset us. What I understand is that I don't have to respond/react. Keep it moving/stay prayed up because God is the source of all. If He's the head of your life, those other sources don't even matter. TeamGodIsMySource. Bblessedloveyou. Proverbs 12:5-7
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Just My Imagination
Good morning family. Happy Sunday morning to you all. Blessed to be up and moving, no aches or pains, no regrets, no sorrows and looking forward to what the day will bring. Lifting my friend Dossie up in prayer. Praying that she'll be home from the hospital today. Also looking forward to celebrating her birthday this week. Asking God to give her the strength she needs to put with us. AMEN. I'm guilty of over-thinking things. Picking out the "what ifs" before I even consider doing something. Moaning and complaining before I even try something. What I realized through a conversation I had with a good friend this week is, I've stopped using my imagination. When I read God's word I'm frequently reminded to walk in faith, look for the good in everything, accept challenges and give Him all my worries. Honestly, the flesh takes over and I can't imagine things working out the way I want them to. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me, Lord please let us be open to fresh ideas, let our faith be so strong, so evident that others want to take this faith walk with us. Continue Father God to fill our hearts/minds with reminders of how awesome Your works have been/and are. That through You the battle is already won. Lord forgive us for our misuse of favor because we've certainly received our fair share. Father God forgive us for forgetting how awesome You are when we are feasting. Reminding us that we should worship and honor You during times of feast the same way we do during times of famine. Give me/us the courage to forgive those who have wronged us, let us open our mouths and say I love you as opposed to keeping them on the outside/at a distance. Lastly Lord God, thank You for always welcoming me/us back when I/we have fallen and not lived up to what You require of me/us. AMEN. TeamJustMyImagination. Deuteronomy 8:1-4, 8:11, 8:14, 8:18, Luke 7:9-10. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
The Young and the Restless
Good morning family. I am enjoying this rainy Saturday morning. The rain gives me an excuse to stay in and relax. Not always a good thing but I need it today. Praying for my friend Q. Her mother passed away unexpectedly this week. The unexpected will have us believe we won't survive but it's in those times when we really get a good understanding of our truth strength and where it comes from, Our Father in Heaven. Over the past few weeks I've had this reoccurring thought, "The Young and the Restless". Sounds funny because it's the name of a soap opera but it's made me think about my children more and remember when I was "young and restless". Every idea or passion my children come up with reminds me of "me". As a young woman, I was restless, thinking I needed to be so much more, have so much more and please so many. What I didn't realize and what I wasn't taught is everything I hustled for as a young woman, wouldn't even matter by the time I reached the age I am now. I don't want to discourage my children but I do want to remind them and all our young people, that maturity is not measured by what you own or who you know. Matured is identified by the character you've built. Our choices, good or bad, contribute to our character. When I finally realized that I didn't need the current fad/trend, that I wasn't supposed to be-friend everyone, that people pleasing was overrated and that God was and had always been my true source, then I began to see things differently. This morning I pray that everyone seeking something more stay in prayer about what they want, be realistic and at the same time be willing to commit to the dreams they have. Understanding that the desires we have for our lives may not be where God wants to take us. A true willingness to fall in line with what He would have us do is key to our success and happiness. TeamYoung&Restless. Bblessedloveyou.
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