Saturday, May 3, 2014


Good Morning family. It's still raining in Jax but no worries. Enjoying it. God's weather sometimes provides us a reason to slow down, be still. Just had a nice conversation with my nephew. He does a nice job checking on us. I'm very proud of him and Elon. They're focused on getting their education and are beginning to really understand the true meaning of sacrifice. Neither of them have children so they really have no excuse to let go/give up. Just a reminder for myself (you if you need it) that I have to continue broadening my circle in order to be a better me. I see and hear people, especially women, down play the strength, beauty and intelligence of others because of they're insecurities. Honestly, in my immature days it was very hard for me to speak words of life about someone. I didn't know how to be uplifting. I knew how to do for others but really didn't understand the importance of words. Sometimes we get so caught up in "the doing" that we miss the opportunity to "speak" words of encouragement and love. We sit in the bleachers but we don't cheer. We sit in the pews but don't praise. We attend teacher conferences but don't communicate. We marry but think the ring says it all. We foolishly think that just because we showed up, our presence is enough. I don't know about you, but I need to hear things every now and then, I need to know I'm moving in the right direction. That's not to say that we shouldn't pray and understand God's will for us, but it is a reminder that there's "power" in our words. We can make a difference by simply saying "I Love You". TeamSpeak Bblessedloveyou.

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