Saturday, May 31, 2014

Good morning family. Feeling relaxed sitting under this huge shade tree. Thanking God for getting us where we needed to be this morning. Grateful for the resources He continues to send our way. Lord knows we don't deserve His mercy and grace but it keeps coming, over flowing. Shout out to my children for filling my grand children's lives with activities. This "world" sometimes offers them to much so it's up to the parents to balance how much they take in. Kids need to understand that material things do not build a life. They also have to be taught that it's great to win but loosing builds character, prepares  them for adversity and change. Parents have to steer clear of using electronic devices as babysitters. Focus on identifying and nurturing God given talents and gifts. Be just as concerned with developing musical/educational talent as we are concerned with developing athletic talent. Supporting children physically and emotionally builds their self confidence and gives them the courage they need to grow into productive/healthy adults. It also increases self esteem so that they are comfortable in their own skin. There is no such thing as a perfect parent but while children are young parents should strive to be as close to perfect as they can because their audience(our children) is watching and learning how to live based on what they see. TeamParent. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, May 30, 2014


Good morning family. Happy Friday. I've only worked two days this week but it feels like a week and a half. Just saying. Thanking God for consistency in my life. Asking Him today and all days to watch over my family and friends as they begin their daily journey. Giving Him praise for confirmation and peace. I say this all the time but God truly blessed me with good friends. He continues surrounding me with women who support, correct, love and validate the woman I am. I see a lot of people post that their "circle" is small. While I understand that, I never want it for myself. The bigger my circle the better. As women we should be mindful of who we allow in our space, stay in prayer about our relationships and be honest about true friendship. Most of my "Florida" friendships were formed on the job because I'm a "Texas" transplant. If you've ever moved away from home, especially a small town, you'll understand that friends are just like family. So I say from the bottom of my heart, thank you to all my friends, my extended family. I love and appreciate each of you. Lastly, if you really want to understand friendship read about David and Jonathan. TeamFriendship. Bblessedloveyou.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Conversation & Communication

Good morning family. I hope everyone had a wonderful three day weekend. Ours was jammed packed. Enjoyed the Jazz Festival and my family. Asking God for traveling grace as a few of my family members journey back home from their holiday travels. I think the highlight of my weekend was the "girl" talks we had yesterday. It's really nice when "the young" and "older" can have discussions about life without judging. After all the bible does tell us to share our wisdom and testimonies. When we fail to have healthy/honest conversation, we all lose. Our communication skills are most effective when there's respect for the opinions of "others" and when we're not competing for attention. What I know for sure is if we don't keep the lines of communication open between our generations we'll miss the chance to share "life". I want to know what my children think and what their children think but I'll never know if I don't at least try to understand how they feel, how they live and give them some background on where we come from. I practice remembering where I was when I was their age. Doing this puts my mind at ease because the Good Lord knows they're probably doing things better than I was. This morning I pray for you as I pray for myself, asking God to guide our conversations, remove judgmental tones, take away the finger pointing and accept that what we want for our children/everyone is not always what they want. We're stronger when allow love to overpower ego. TeamConversationCommunication. Bblessedloveyou.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Happy Memorial Day

Good morning family. Happy Memorial Day. Praying everyone has a safe productive, beyond blessed day. God is good and so worthy to be praised. Thanking Him this morning for family and friends. My "household" is out doing their thing. Getting me some "me" time. Makes you sing "Praise the Lord Everybody". I'm feeling blessed and highly favored because the Lord has once again allowed us the opportunity to "get right", make changes. I don't know about you but Memorial Day reminds me that I should honor those who have gone before me by sharing memories. Our children need to know the why's and what's of who they are. Sometimes when I share something about my past or my family with my grandchildren they bombard me with questions. I love it because they're still at an age where they are interested in what I have to say (catch 'em young). This morning I pray for you as I pray for me, Heavenly Father, thank You for Your countless blessings, thank You for allowing us the opportunity to honor and remember family/friends/servicemen who have gone on before us. I/we especially thank You for healing our hearts for it is only through You that we find peace and understanding. Father God, thank You for the time You gave us with our loved ones who "we" felt were taking to soon and thank You so much for those who taught us life skills. In closing Father, I pray for me and anyone who can't put selfish pride aside, those who are so ashamed of their past that they can't/won't share their testimony to help someone else get through, praying we/they release, give it all to You and Father I pray that we all find it in our hearts to be better based on what Your word says. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. Missing my family but knowing it was God's will. TeamHappyMemorialDay. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day

Good morning family. Thankful for a new day and a three day weekend. Asking God to watch over my family and friends as we all enjoy this Memorial Day. Work has been busy, fun filled, but busy. Gotta love working for a company that allows it's employees to have a good time while being creative. Praying for my cousin Phyllis as she works through somethings. I know God has worked it out already. He's always ahead of us in our time of need. We have a hard time seeing "through" because our issues have us emotionally distracted. The key to our emotional health is living a spirit filled life. Sometimes it seems as though the problems of life have us moving in slow motion but when we stay in prayer, in His word and wait, then our problems vanish as quickly as they appeared. I mean think about your last big struggle, what was it? how did it get resolved and does it even matter now? Think about how painful some of our life events have been. So much pain that we didn't think the tears would ever stop, but guess, they did. There are times when I'm alone that I have to scream or cry because I miss Cedric so much. I have to be honest, I think it's unfair that he isn't here to see his children grow up or to enjoy family events but I know God doesn't make mistakes. I understand that He's blessed me because I've been able to move on. I've healed even though those sad feelings creep up now and again. So this morning I praise and honor our God for all He's done and for He's doing in our lives. It's easy to allow hurt/pain to distract us but it feels so much better when we give it over to our Lord and Savior. TeamMemorialDayCelebration. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Good morning family. Praying everyone has a beautiful Sunday. Thankful for all and wanting for nothing. Praising God for giving us an opportunity to honor Him again in our thoughts, words and deeds. Do you ever sit back and think about all the things He's allowed, all the people He's sent your way to help you get through? I do. I sometimes forget how blessed I've been. It's important to have quiet time to reflect on what's been given and the giver. Some of us spend to much time thinking about what we done for others. I know for certain that when our focus is on "what we've done" it causes selfish/resentful feelings to rise up. We can't and should not forget that the ability to give is more of a blessing than receiving. We have to give through "spiritual" eyes and never make it a point to remind people of what's been done for them. Keep in mind that just because someone doesn't show appreciation for what's been given doesn't mean that the appreciation isn't there. We all have different ways of showing gratitude. So whether it be a relative, friend or stranger you've helped, give praise and honor to God for the ability and resources to do so. Remember, "you can't beat God giving, no matter how you try". TeamGive. Bblessedloveyou

Will Not Confront

Good morning family. I pray everyone is having a nice Saturday. The weather in Jax is gorgeous. I don't know about yours but my work week has been jam packed. I need this weekend to recuperate. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes last week. I appreciate it. Already looking forward to next year. If the Lord says so, I'll be 50 years old. A few conversations I've had this week have brought me to the question, "why do we have to confront people about what they said or what they did?" First of all, if someone is coming to me/you with some "mess" it's probably not worth talking about anymore. Second, is the person you're confronting really worth the time and emotion? Third, is pride behind the need to confront another person? Maybe I don't see the need because I generally steer away from conflict, but is that a good thing? I don't know. I know this about me, I won't confront anyone about hurtful things. I put my trust and faith in God because I know He is the only One I have to please. He has accepted me and filled my heart with hope. I have to be honest, my feelings get hurt when I feel I've been taken advantage of, when I don't feel appreciated or when I don't get the response I think I should. But in that honesty I also remind myself that a "child of God" should always pray about those issues, give it to the Lord. Remembering that we've all been given a pass at some time/point or another, we all say or do things we don't/didn't mean, everything said about us won't be favorable and we all fall short. I'm so glad I/we serve a forgiving God. TeamWillNotConfront. Bblessedloveyou.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Good morning family. Woke up on time this morning, faith as strong as ever. I love when I ask someone how they're doing and their response is "blessed and highly favored". It makes me feel good to know people around me are walking in faith. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and to the fathers who are having to pull double duty as well. As I listened to the endless chatter of my grandchildren this morning I thought about my childhood. A childhood that has left such an impression on me as an adult that I don't want my grands to miss out on enjoying theirs. This morning I thank God for a family of women from my community who touched my life. Nanny, Momma Verna Mae, Momma Ms Smith, my Mom, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Glo, Aunt Mary, Aunt Sue, Aunt Phyllis, Momma Ted, Curtistene, Ima Jean, Virginia Sue, Ms Helen, Vera and Verna Joe, Virginia Ann, Ms Hazel, Cheryl Crayton, Mary Scott, Brynne, Ms Brazzle, Ms Shug, Ms Judy June, Aunt Peggy, Ms Ford, Ms Jean (Doris Jean's mom), Jean Scott, Delores, Red and Ms Gates. (I know I missed someone, forgive me) I remind you as I remind myself, what we put out is what we get back. We have to build our young women up, help them understand compassion/love/commitment. Avoid sitting in judgement but offer kind words of correction. I am honored to be a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a person who wants to be what God created her to be. As the old song says, "help me on my journey, help me on my way, oh Lord, I want You to help me" because we can't do it alone. TeamHappyMother'sDay. Bblessedloveyou. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Centered His Way

Good afternoon family. Thanking God for all He's doing in my life and yours. Whether we know it or not, He's fixing and changing things all the time. With each conversation, with each life event, with each challenge and with every breath we take He's working it for our good. There are times when our day to day activities wear us out, leave us unbalanced and unsure of our next steps. My life coach reminded me that when we allow ourselves to be "centered" and practice being "centered" things feel and look so much better than they are. We feel less anxiety and confusion. Today was a day I needed this because I had to look down at my feet and ensure they were facing forward. This because I wanted to turn and run from my responsibilities, just give in to the frustration I was feeling. But by God's grace, I remembered what His word says I should be, I am an over comer, I am submissive, I am a woman on a mission to do His will and not my own. If it's okay, I'd like to say I'm proud of myself because I could have let my day be ruined but in the end it wouldn't have been worth the aggravation and the extra wrinkles on my fore head, lol. As I get ready to celebrate my 49th birthday, I thank God for wisdom and life. For all the things I've gone through, the highs and the lows. I give Him all the honor and praise because His word is giving me the strength to do things differently, His way. TeamCenteredHisWay Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

This Little Light

Good morning family. Happy Tuesday. Loving this weather. Feeling blessed and highly favored as always. Praying that everyone arrives at their destinations safely. Asking God for peace in our lives as well as continued understanding of His word and His will. Thanking God for allowing us to see another day, one that certainly wasn't promised. Our God is so awesome. Yesterday he sent several people my way to encourage me. If you know anything about me, Mondays are always challenging. My weekend activities sometimes keep me moving so much so that I don't feel like I get a true break. So byMonday morning, I'm dragging a little bit, feeling like I want to call in sick, stay home and catch up with myself. Fortunately for me, my convictions move me to get up and out. What kind of example would I be if I opted out of going to a job God has blessed me with for 25 years. I don't know about you but sometimes I take His gifts/blessings for granted because I get so tied up in selfishness. It amazes me just how fast I forget "from whence I came". Instead of walking in thankfulness I sometimes put to much emphasis on what's working my nerves. What I must remember is that there are people in this world who would love to sit where I sit, who would love to take on the challenges that I face, who would love to receive half of the paycheck I receive, who would be honored to provide assistance to everyone who needs it. So this morning I remind you as I remind myself, stop taking what God provides for granted. What I/we must do is honor God by being a good servants/willing servants. Focus internally in order to get past those thoughts that keep me/us from shining brightly for His glory. AMEN. TeamThisLittleLight. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, May 4, 2014


Good morning family. Excited about my day, the Lord's day. Thanking Him for peace and for His ever present love. His word is so amazing. Thanking Him for maturity and another chance to get it right. Sitting in the stands at Simmie's basketball game yesterday I realized two things, It doesn't matter how "deep" your bench is, it's the caliber of players that makes the difference in who wins the game and the people who miss their shots but get their own rebounds are the ones who truly understand the "hustle" required to compete and survive. Isn't that how life is? We can travel with an entourage but only a few in the group will be true friends. Some are just like players on the bench, spectating and waiting on you to fail so they can take your place. They don't have a desire to see your team, supposedly the same team they're own, succeed if they aren't getting any glory. Then you have those who repeatedly miss opportunities to be better, miss taking the "shots" that God has left wide open for them. They don't posses the hustle or the heart to get to the next level. They're not rebounding, only standing around waiting for someone else to get the ball, to pick up the slack. Life is funny like that but we all have gifts, talents and blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Some have chosen not to put those things into play, it may be out of laziness, stubbornness or a simple lack of knowledge/training. I challenge and pray for you as I pray for myself, asking God to give me another chance to use what he's given me/us to get to the next level, thanking Him for given me the opportunity to be on His team, to rebound when I've missed my shot. Asking for courage to face challenges, own the mistakes I've/we've made but understand that as long as I/we have breath, I/we can affect change through prayer and faith. AMEN. TeamTeamRebound. Bblessedloveyou.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Good Morning family. It's still raining in Jax but no worries. Enjoying it. God's weather sometimes provides us a reason to slow down, be still. Just had a nice conversation with my nephew. He does a nice job checking on us. I'm very proud of him and Elon. They're focused on getting their education and are beginning to really understand the true meaning of sacrifice. Neither of them have children so they really have no excuse to let go/give up. Just a reminder for myself (you if you need it) that I have to continue broadening my circle in order to be a better me. I see and hear people, especially women, down play the strength, beauty and intelligence of others because of they're insecurities. Honestly, in my immature days it was very hard for me to speak words of life about someone. I didn't know how to be uplifting. I knew how to do for others but really didn't understand the importance of words. Sometimes we get so caught up in "the doing" that we miss the opportunity to "speak" words of encouragement and love. We sit in the bleachers but we don't cheer. We sit in the pews but don't praise. We attend teacher conferences but don't communicate. We marry but think the ring says it all. We foolishly think that just because we showed up, our presence is enough. I don't know about you, but I need to hear things every now and then, I need to know I'm moving in the right direction. That's not to say that we shouldn't pray and understand God's will for us, but it is a reminder that there's "power" in our words. We can make a difference by simply saying "I Love You". TeamSpeak Bblessedloveyou.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Stop Running

Good morning family. Wonderful/rainy Friday. My little flower bed is smiling. Praying everyone arrives at their destination safely. You know we have to drive for the crazy drivers. Never know what "foolishness is behind the wheel". There was a terrible car wreck at Beach and St Johns yesterday. The young lady who caused the accident was fleeing from the police. Unfortunately she lost her life. We often run from or avoid things because we're not strong enough to face the consequences of our actions. We run because we don't want the responsibility of what we've been charged to do. We run from or avoid people because we don't have the courage to tell them how we really feel about them. We run from or refuse to accept change always feeling like everything is okay. Maybe what we're running from won't kill us but it certainly will make life uncomfortable. We will never be at peace. I don't know about you but as for me, I've stopped running. I may not always like what I'm faced with, may not always respond in the most positive way but I'm tired of running, tired of looking over my shoulder and waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Absolutely tired of being afraid of what others will think if I fail. After all failure can only make us stronger. TeamStopRunning. Bblessedloveyou. Jonah 1:1-3 (and you know the rest)

Fix You

Good morning family. Happy Friday to each of you. I'm looking forward to a busy weekend. Things to do and people to see. While I love sitting at home on the porch, I realize I have to get out, move around and enjoy life. Praying everyone has a safe/productive weekend. So this story about the Clipper's owner has dominated conversations since last weekend. I can honestly say it didn't upset me, it actually made me laugh. What I know for certain is that people of different cultures who have never taken the time to fully understand other cultures will always feel the same way this man does. It's not a black or white thing, it's a human thing. Our Father in Heaven put us on earth to love and serve each other but we're to busy judging. There are those who have yet to get over the fact that an African American was actually elected President of the United States. Everything he's done has nit-picked. Then there are those who continue to blame prior Presidents for their current circumstance. If we all stopped and thought about why we're in a mess we'd see that it's of our own doing. It doesn't matter who owns the Clippers or who's President. Our country gives each of us freedom of choice. With those free choices we've decided to sit in judgement of others, over eat, over spend, cheat our employers and then complain about out-sourcing, refused to take lower paying jobs, to miss out on the opportunity to get an education, to not invest in the future of our children and a host of other bad choices. Yes, the Clipper's owner was in his own home when he spoke but he spoke in front of someone who was less than a friend, less than loyal. And all of our President's have fallen short but guess what so have we. Maybe non of this applies to you but it certainly reminded me that I need to be more responsible. I pray that we all work on ourselves before we try to fix others. TeamFixYou BblessedLoveYou.