Saturday, December 14, 2013

Stretched Blesdings

Good morning family. I hope everyone had a great week no matter what was going on. Got the morning started off with Mia crying because her mom was leaving for work. Then the party really started when Baby Cory and Mya woke up. Needless to say the "house" has been up since 5am. God is good. I've been thinking about how far my blessings have stretched. I know I've been covered by grace all my life. Never wanting for anything even when I thought I didn't have enough. But this morning it hit me that the blessings I've received and the ones I'm receiving now have been stretched over a period of time, a very long time. What I mean is I've received so much but didn't always see the blessing in what was received. But that/those blessing(s) just kept stretching and kept giving. I know there are other people like me who have taken people and things for granted not fully understanding "true purpose". A good example I have is the house we live in. I've never really fully embraced it because it's old but what I've overlooked is that it's provided shelter for many. It was a starting point for my immediate family and extended family. It has served it's purpose and most people can't see Dee and me living anywhere else. It's a blessing that has truly been stretched. One of the greatest blessings has been my husband. Lord knows he's put up with a lot but by the grace of God, he stuck it out. As we get closer to celebrating (it's actually a daily celebration) the birth of our Savior, I pray each of us understand that His birth is the greatest blessing anyone of us has received. What He bought to this earth has stretched over several generations and it's the Gift that keeps on giving. Here's to "stretched blessings". TeamStretchedBlessings. Bblessedloveyou.

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