Monday, April 15, 2013


Somedays I wake up feeling like I've been "pigeoned holed". You know when you feel your progress is on hold because you're waiting on someone else to complete a project before you can move on? I woke up feeling that way this morning. This feeling places doubt in your heart, makes you second guess choices and commitments. You just start to wonder if it is all worth it. You have to ask yourself what you're doing wrong or if you're trusting God. My cousin and I discussed this and came to the conclusion that I was limiting my "faith". Believing but only going so far in my believe. As I remind myself I remind you that we make our choices, it's our God given right. What we have to do is let God be the center and the author of our choices. It's in His time that our change will come so there will definitely be times we may question how much longer. The challenge will be having faith that's unshakeable, working with and appreciating what you have, looking beyond what you want, recognizing that all your needs have been met and standing on God's word. We must also find the courage to prepare for our change by letting go of people and things that "choke" the life out of us. This morning I ask God to forgive me for not fully believing in who He says I am. I thank Him for everything He's done thus far because I know I don't and didn't deserve anything. I thank Him for His unconditional love for me. I receive all that He has for me. Thanking Him for keeping me in my right mind. I pray the same for each of you, may your day be blessed. TeamFaith. Bblessedloveyou. Rest in peace Uncle Dean. Amen

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