Sunday, November 3, 2013

Dream Big

Good morning family. Sunday morning, have I mentioned how much I love you, oh Sunday morning. This has to be the best day of the week, the Sabbath. Time for reflection and renewal. So many things on my mind this morning and I love it. What if I didn't have anything to do for the rest of my life? I'd be lost without a "cause". Dee and I are up preparing food for a "video party" Cory is having today. This "party" started as a question and turned into an event. What you have to know about my son, about my children is that when they set the hearts and minds on something, it usually happens. While they may have small doubts in the back of their minds, they don't let it hold them back. What I've learned from watching them is that they are determined to make things happen, they are not afraid to venture out of their comfort zone. Now, I have to be honest, sometimes it annoys me that they take risk, I get a little annoyed when they broadcast things that I think should be private, I get annoyed when I think they're speaking out of turn, but that's the parent in me. I'm sharing this to remind those "closed minded", "small dreaming", "lack of trust", "non progressing" people (me, myself and I) that anything is possible if you want it. Most of us have the resources at our fingers to reach goals, to make dreams happen and to obtain the so called "unobtainable". We have just grown so accustomed to accepting less that we can't see ourselves walking in victory. Lastly, I know life is challenging, life is sometimes interrupted by things that we can't control, life isn't perfect, and we are subject to failure but I also know that if we don't try, if we don't look past what's wrong to get to what's right, we'll live with regrets and "what ifs". As I return to the kitchen, my old kitchen, I say thank You to our Father in Heaven, Who's word reminds me that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be at this very moment, The Best Is Yet To Come. TeamDreamBigWorkHard. Bblessedloveyou.

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