Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We are really good at not recognizing our blessings. We allow pride and embarrassment to keep us from accepting or asking for assistance. It's strange to me that most of us would rather ask a someone we don't know for help as opposed to leaning on our family and close friends. I understand that some people may not have a strong support system but for those who do, never be ashamed or embarrassed to ask for help. I'm thankful for everyone in my life. I know for certain that whatever need I have God will see that it's met. He sends the "right" people into my life at the " right" moment to offer the "right" assistance. I learned long ago to put my ego in my pocket, hold my head up, stop looking for the miraculous and focus on the obvious. I remind you as I remind myself, the devil is no match for God's endless grace and mercy, so stop giving him so much credit, accept help when you need it. Our God is awesome. TeamAbundance. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, April 27, 2013


To all my "grown" women friends: let's remember that our actions and words should lend support and wisdom. I can honestly say that sometimes I purposely say and do things to let my husband know I'm aggravated. I'm dead wrong and I know it. I'm learning that It's not necessary or appropriate for me to use "nagging" as a weapon. If you know men, then you know that this method of communication is a complete turn off and against God's word. I listened and watch my parents fight through a large part of their marriage so unfortunately I brought those learned behaviors into mine. I'm thankful that my husband forgives my "craziness." I'm growing and un-doing my learned behavior because it's not attractive, actually sinful. I have responsibility to the women in my life to show them my God given role as a wife. We all have to step up to the plate, stop pretending and start loving. If we love the way God intended then the men in our lives will/should respond accordingly and be the leaders God intended them to be. Proverbs 27:vs 14-16. Gen 2:vs 22-23. Eph 5:vs 22-24. TeamConvicted. Bblessedloveyou

Thursday, April 25, 2013


I attended my first candle light vigil for families who have lost loved ones to violence. To say the least, it was sad, heart wrenching. I sat there trying to figure out how I was supposed to feel. It's been almost six years since Cedric passed and by the grace of God I'm finally able to talk about him without totally breaking down. The goal of these vigils is to bring awareness to how many people are loosing their lives because of senseless/selfish crimes. I really couldn't find the words to describe how I was feeling during the ceremony, then a familiar face stepped to the mic and said it all, "this is not normal." We've grown accustomed to wearing t-shirts "in memory of", grown accustomed to gathering together to share our stories of loss, grown accustomed to releasing balloons in honor of, grown accustomed to rapping/rhyming about tragedy. It's not normal. It hurts to much. The grief and anger, it's not normal. The sad stories and heart ache, it's not normal. To all those who have experienced this pain, it's not normal but God is here in those "abnormal" moments. He's here to rock us to sleep when sleep escapes us. He's here to bring peace when there seems to be only chaos. He's here to ease our pain when it seems unbearable. While it may not feel normal to sit in a "seat of loss" I understand that sometimes we have to gather and share our stories in order to get back to normal. Things will never be the same but we can be sure that with God healing will come. TeamNormalAgain. Bblessedloveyou. Thanks to Compassionate Families for helping so many through their difficult time. Everyone handles loss differently but they bring the differences together. AMEN

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

God Is Good

God is so good. I remember stumbling through my days thinking I was having fun. Laughing at sin like it wasn't killing me. Living life like tomorrow wasn't coming. God forgave all that foolishness and let me live to tell it. I'm far from where I need to be, far from where I'm going but every day that God allows me to live I feel a step closer to being who He's called me to be. I continue praying for us all as we face our tomorrows. No one knows what's coming but we can be assured that if we want peace of mind and clean hearts we need only ask our Lord and Savior to be with us. Thanking God for my family. Thanking Him for giving me a husband who works overtime trying to figure me out and lead our family at the same time. For my children and grandchildren who make me want to be a better parent. I thank Him for filling my life with people who "include" me in their lives, they encourage my spiritual growth and love me for who I am. My heart is full, my cup "runneth" over. This joy......For anyone who feels lost, for anyone who feels they can't give up a sin filled life, for anyone seeking forgiveness or needing to forgive, for anyone seeking love......God's got it all. TeamBlessedFeeling. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, April 21, 2013


Thanking God for waking us up this morning. Thanking Him for forgiveness and vision. I realize that most of the problems I've faced have been created because of choices I've made. Do you know what a blessing it is to understand that? There are many who still blame their difficulties and short comings on others. Their "short sightedness" holds them captive therefore they can't experience true joy. I hear people make comments about their money woes, about people who have never liked them, about their struggles on their job, about their dysfunctional relationships/marriage or just life in general. I look at it like this, if I mismanage my money then "yes i'll be broke", I'm not concerned with who likes me because Jesus loves me, if I follow rules on my job and stop taking short cuts then I'll realize my full potential, if I stop using worldly standards in my relationships/marriage and start living/doing things following God's plan then I have a chance of being a supportive/loving mate and receiving the same. First and foremost, I'm still growing spiritually so I welcome life lessons. I am, we are blessed beyond measure but sometimes we cloud the blessings with our foolishness. This morning I pray that we all understand what part we play in our own short comings. I pray that we rise about the normal and look to God for help and strength. Accept responsibility for where you are this morning then get a move on towards change. TeamResponsibilty. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Just Thankful

Up this morning picking up and thinking about my week. Remembering how I weaved in and out different moods. Thanking God for His goodness and grace even when I'm selfishly moving and responding to my situations. Thanking Him for my friends, allowing me access to their love and support even though we go for days and weeks without seeing/talking to each other. Thanking God for my husband who is usually the one who catches the blunt of my frustrations but loves me anyway and always supports me. Thanking God for a made up mind and will to keep moving forward. Thanking Him for my family, praying that He keeps us connected even if it's by means of social networking. Thanking Him for my family members who keep the family communication open especially my Aunt Willie Mae. Thanking Him for everything for He is in "the midst of it all" even when I feel regret welling up inside. Peace is what He brings, rest when I need it, good conversation when I can't talk to anyone else and courage when fear tries to take over. This life is good to each of us when we embrace and appreciate what we have as opposed to dragging through it complaining. Thanking Him for giving my grandchildren to parents who love and appreciate them. Here's to a bright future for all of us. Have beautiful day family because no matter what comes we're up/breathing. Winning. Amen TeamJustThankful. Bblessedloveyou. (May you rest in complete peace Uncle Dean)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pushing Forward

Most people live life without preparing for what may come. They simple don't think about "what's next". If I'm being honest there are times that I'm not prepared because I'm distracted or I procrastinate. I didn't prepare for this part of my life, almost 50, kids grown, working full time, no concrete plans. There are a lot of people living just like me. I'm working on change but change is hard when you've been hard headed most of your adult life. Thankfully and faithfully I live with the knowledge that all things are possible with God. I have new goals, new ideas and different things I want to do. Every day I'm realizing that there are habits that I need to undo, there are lines I need to straighten out, actions I need to take in order to continue moving forward. I ask God daily to be my guide, give me wisdom and courage to ask for those things that will make me happy but keep me in His will. I pray that each of you are seeking happiness and God's will as well. Life can't always be perfect but God is the Perfecter, the Healer and Pure Supporter of our lives. Thanking Him for leading and caring for us all. TeamPushingForward. Bblessedloveyou.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

God Bless the Child That's Got His Own

"Don't accept an invitation to eat a selfish person's food no matter how good it is". People like that take note of how much you eat. They say "Take all you want!" But they don't mean it." Please understand that everyone who offers help is not always sincere. We sometimes put ourselves in the line of fire by not praying about what we receive and from whom. I am not a prideful person but I don't like continually going back to someone for help. When Dee and I were younger we relied on his mom for financial help as well as for help with our children. One day we realized that we'd never be self sufficient if we continued down that path. We had to be responsible for ourselves in order to mature. While I appreciate everything she did for us, I understand that it wasn't fair to her. My mother in law was not a selfish person however I knew that our dependency on her was creating a rift in our relationship. I also understand that there is a time and a season for everything. I understand that we can't keep leaning on the same people for support, we have to grow up, learn to function on our own and seek the wisdom of God as we move forward. TeamGrowUp. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Hold My Peace

Proverbs 15: "A kind answer soothes angry feelings, but harsh words stir them up. Words of wisdom come from the wise, but fools speak foolishness." One thing working in customer service has taught me is to "listen" before I speak and complete my research before I offer an answer. I've also learned not to take the words of others personally. I follow this in my professional and personal life. I grew up around gossip, heard hateful things said about good people, lost family members because of foolish words. We're living in an age where words reach the ears and eyes of others in a matter of seconds. Hear say only takes a few clicks to become full blown rumors. We have to be mindful of how we respond to others. Every comment or accusation is not worth a response. What you find offensive may be music to someone else's ears, what you didn't want to hear may be just what you needed to hear and making the decision not to comment may have been your best choice. Life isn't perfect but we still have control over our responses and interactions. You will find more peace when you hold your peace in time of conflict and chaos. Angry words come from an angry mind/heart. TeamHoldMyPeace. Bblessedloveyou

Monday, April 15, 2013


Somedays I wake up feeling like I've been "pigeoned holed". You know when you feel your progress is on hold because you're waiting on someone else to complete a project before you can move on? I woke up feeling that way this morning. This feeling places doubt in your heart, makes you second guess choices and commitments. You just start to wonder if it is all worth it. You have to ask yourself what you're doing wrong or if you're trusting God. My cousin and I discussed this and came to the conclusion that I was limiting my "faith". Believing but only going so far in my believe. As I remind myself I remind you that we make our choices, it's our God given right. What we have to do is let God be the center and the author of our choices. It's in His time that our change will come so there will definitely be times we may question how much longer. The challenge will be having faith that's unshakeable, working with and appreciating what you have, looking beyond what you want, recognizing that all your needs have been met and standing on God's word. We must also find the courage to prepare for our change by letting go of people and things that "choke" the life out of us. This morning I ask God to forgive me for not fully believing in who He says I am. I thank Him for everything He's done thus far because I know I don't and didn't deserve anything. I thank Him for His unconditional love for me. I receive all that He has for me. Thanking Him for keeping me in my right mind. I pray the same for each of you, may your day be blessed. TeamFaith. Bblessedloveyou. Rest in peace Uncle Dean. Amen

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday Morning

Good Sunday morning family. Thanking God for much needed rest. Asking Him to watch over us as we move through this day. With a bowed head and open heart, giving Him the glory for the peace in knowing all things work for our good. Thankful that our needs are met and that He has prepared our hearts and minds for triumphs and failures. Thanking Him for each breath I take, each step I make. We all know that today wasn't promised, we all know that our lives can change in the blink of an eye, we all know that if not for His grace we would be lost. I thank Him because He has shown me mercy and kindness all my life. I thank Him for good "fruits" even though I deserved the "bitter". He's so worthy. Thanking Him for conviction, His authority, deliverance and guidance. "All to Thee I owe". No greater Love will we find than the love God has for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen. TeamThankful. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, April 13, 2013

True Success

The measure of true success isn't how much money you make. You can make millions and still be labeled a failure. It's character/dedication/spirit/use of resources that make us successful. Nothing has changed with regard to how society worships/reveres those with money. Everyone is interested in their thoughts, how they make money and what they're going to do next. What people fail to look at his the "true" person. What do they believe, do they know Jesus? Where is God in their life? Sometimes we find that they lack balance and structure. This is not to say that everyone with money is the same but don't get caught up in "money status". There are so many well to do people who live lonely lives because they were so focused on making money that they lost their families or didn't make time to start one. I remind myself as I remind you, don't follow the money, follow God and all else will fall into place. TeamMoneyIsn'tEverything. Bblessedloveyou


Thanking God for this wonderful day. Some of us woke to a "worry" free day, nothing to do, no where to go. Some of us woke to a life changing event. Some of us woke to find that our circumstances were the same as yesterday or worse. No matter what you woke to, be thankful for all. I'm thankful for where I am. I pray for you as I pray for myself, asking God for continued peace and grace. Asking Him to watch over our families as we work through/process those things that we don't understand. Thanking Him for keeping us in our right mind when the world says we should be having a break down. Thanking Him for allowing us to get up and move even though our minds were telling us that we deserved a pity party. Asking God to continue showing/guiding us to who/what He wants us to be. Thanking Him for life and death even when we don't understand how to live after someone we love passes on. Thanking Him for that job we never seem to fully appreciate but our bills are paid. Thanking Him for the blessing and opportunity to speak positive words to encourage someone who's struggling. Thanking Him for resources and ideas that we can use to bless others. Thanking Him for His Son and His word for without it we would all be lost. Thanking Him for family, friends and all those with whom we come in contact with. Asking Him to bridle our tongues, keep our words strong but positive. Give us the courage to move forward/past any situation that's not pleasing to You Lord. Lastly, bless my family and friends, bless this nation and our leaders. Thanking You for all. In Jesus Name, Amen. TeamBeBlessed. HBD Ava and Daryl. RIP Momma, love you. Cedric, words can't describe how much I miss you.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

There's A Bright Side

Good morning family. Loving this April weather. I think I can finally put my boots away. Thanking God for health and strength this morning. I'm encouraged to go on because there's so much to do. Sometimes we let life overwhelm us because we're not truly prepared for what comes our way. Unexpected illness, layoffs, car troubles, foreclosures, evictions, you name it and somebody is going through it. The blessing of "going through" is the peace that comes after the "storm". Ms Rosie Sims used to lead a song in church, "There's A Bright Side Somewhere". As a child the words didn't mean much, but carrying the memory of her belting out those words has helped me get through many long days and nights. I'm reminded every day of God's grace/mercy on my life. He carries me like a mother carries a baby, refusing to allow me to go without. Understand, I don't have fancy things, my house is old, I shop on the clearance rack and sometimes my paycheck can't hit the bank fast enough but just knowing the Lord makes me feel richer than a billionaire. I pray that we all understand true riches and if you're looking for the "bright side" of a bad situation, get somewhere and be still. Ask God to open your mind/heart so you can receive your healing through His word. It's the greatest feeling to know that even in your darkest hours His light still shines for us. TeamHeIsTheBrightSide. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Rambling Thoughts

"It's by God's grace". This morning I am so thankful for His grace and mercy. We take so much for granted because we rely so heavily on the things of this world. My goal, my prayer is that I not be in bondage to the things of this world. I appreciate all I have, physical, mentally and materially but I understand that my spirituality comes first. If I walk in a "natural" life I will not accomplish anything. Getting ready for work I thought about my sisters and the change I've seen in them. Their change has inspired me to want more out of life. They committed to getting what they wanted and stayed focused on their goals. I'm so thankful that God allowed them to be first-hand examples of what it takes to change your life. I pray that each of us understand that our goals can be met as long as there's an established vision. I pray that we push ourselves to change. I pray that the spirit of "I will never be" turns into the spirit of "I am". I pray that we take our failures and turn them into triumphs. I pray that we remember where we came from but not let our past control where we're going. I pray that we give our minds and bodies time to heal when we're exhausted and sick. I pray that we show our appreciation and admiration to/for God by living clean/spirit filled lives. There are so many things that we've overcome. Think of where you were this time last year; waiting to graduate, in need of a car, wanting to get married, in a jacked up relationship, unemployed, without a purpose or goal, no vision/plan. I can truly say that I feel a change in my life. I'm thankful. AMEN. TeamRamblingThoughts. Bblessedloveyou

Monday, April 8, 2013

Finding A Church Home

Life style changes come when what you believe in your heart no longer matches how you live. Through the years I've always been in church, not as consistent as I should, but I've been there. Sitting/serving in church didn't move me to change everything all at once but it did allow a gradual change. We have to understand that not everyone drops their sinful ways as quickly as others. For some it takes a little longer to let go of bad habits/sinful ways. As a child I believed that "church" people were all good, I mean isn't that the reason they're in church? That was foolish/childish thinking on my part. "Church" people are just people who show up just to show up. I realize now that it is "spiritual" people who really seek to honor the word of God. They understand releasing/leaving the old man behind. They come seeking change and asking God to forgive them. I can say that I was one of the "church people". Back then I had no intention of changing completely. Church was on my "to do" list. At this time I'm not a member of a church but in my opinion I'm a better Christian, a more mature Christian than I ever was back then. Praying that anyone without a church home, including me, be lead to a church that feeds and nurtures its members. A place that encourages it's members to give their all. A place that builds from the "inside". A place that causes us to search our hearts with each step we take. A place where God's word overrides tradition/rituals. A place filled with the joy of the Lord. TeamSeekingAChurchHome. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Watch Your Mouth

One of the easiest things to do is criticize someone. I'm guilty and I know I'm not alone. We open our mouths and our words flow like a River. Funny thing is, I have no room to pass judgement or criticize anyone, what about you? I am far from perfect. I am so flawed and in need of prayer all day, what about you? The hardest thing for us to do is live for others, support others completely and acknowledge the accomplishments of our peers. Why? Because most of us are jealous or we lack confidence/courage in our own abilities. We spend far to much time "spitting" negative words about others, even those we don't know personally. I am so thankful for people who support and encourage me, personally and professionally even when I don't deserve it. Let me say to, that we need to support our brothers and sisters in ministry. We closely monitor what they do, waiting on them to make a mistake as opposed to standing up for them. It's true that when you're doing the Lord's work the enemy comes in from every side. Ignorance and the lack knowledge will cause even those you love to throw daggers, so as you continue on your faith walk, pray for all with whom you come in contact with, family included. Praying for those in ministry, asking God to keep them focused no matter what comes. Praying for me and you, praying that we keep our minds stayed on Thee so we can "keep our mouths" off others. May God keep and guide us. TeamSupportThePositive. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Good morning family. Thanking God for this beautiful sunrise. There is nothing like a clear blue sky. It reminds me of our lives, no limits. God shows us through nature that we have the power to begin our days anyway we choose. We decide if we will laugh/smile or stay frowned up. We decide if yesterday will carry into today or if we'll use yesterday to make today better. We decide if we'll effectively communicate with others or if we'll live in our little shells of "self centeredness". We decide if we'll be that stand up person God has prepared us to be or if we'll keep sitting and accepting defeat. Our change can be as simple as tuning into a radio station that teaches God's truth. It can be as simple as falling on our knees in the privacy of our homes and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. It can be as simple as asking those that we've hurt to forgive us. Change is only as hard as we make it and it only comes through accepting that a change is needed. Seek God's wisdom, start listening/reading His word. If you're like me, the changes you need will become evident. You will not want to be the same person. It stormed yesterday but today it's clear, so goes our lives. Change. TeamSeekChange. BblessedLoveYou

Friday, April 5, 2013


Sometimes we run from our answers. We keep looking even when it's clear what choice we should make. I can tell you that I wasted time looking for and past opportunities because I focused to much on physical needs and material things. We have to be spiritually prepared in our lives in order to be totally and completely satisfied otherwise we will experience disappointment over and over. It's natural to want more out of life but we must learn to accept that everything won't work out like we want it sometimes. My daily message to myself is "get over yourself and move on". I believe that disappointment can only affect me if I allow it to stay in my system. I believe that if we treat disappointment as an opportunity as opposed to a defeat then we can turn it into a triumph. I've experienced disappointment on every level and I know that as long as I live and breathe there will be more but I refuse let it define me because God says I am healed. I pray for you as I pray for myself, walking in faith and the believe that everything is working for our good, Amen and Amen. TeamNotAfraidOfDisappointment. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

God Has The Last Say

My mom showed me that nothing should keep you from doing what you want to do. Her visits to her doctor brought good news and bad but she faced each visit the same, with hope and determination. Her condition never kept her from being Ms Lois. I'm sharing this because there are so many people who let their situations control them. When the doctors tell you there's nothing else they can do, give it to God because He has the last say. Never give anyone the last say over your life. We are children of the Most High. In the end His will is what will and has to be done. I'm encouraged just knowing that no matter what happens He remains in control. It's up to us to understand and process where we are but always remember that we are blessed. TeamHeHasTheLastSay. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Forgiving Momma

I pray that you each continue making the best choices and be not led by selfish desires but by God's will. At age 10 my father was killed with a single bullet. The man who took his life had just been at our home eating, laughing and talking with my mom and her friends. At age 13 my mom's boyfriend shot her 5 times. When we visited her in the hospital Meshun, who was probably 3 at the time, wouldn't let mom hold her because she didn't recognize her. Momma's jaws were wired because she was shot in the face. Her hair had to be cut off as well. Her face was swollen to where she could barely see. It took me a long time to process the fact that one bullet took my dad but my mom lived after being shot five times. After mom was released and began the healing process she allowed the person who shot her to move back in with us. This broke my heart and made me very angry. I didn't understand why she would bring the person who tried to kill her back into our home. Eventually, she realized he was always going to be a "two bit" hustler and put him out. He'd helped her spend the insurance money she received after my dad passed. I would rummage through momma's drawers looking at the numerous canceled checks she'd written him. I can honestly say that I felt a lot of anger and resentment because of her choices. It took years for me to finally forgive my mom. As I got older I realized that I'd selfishly held a grudge because she always took care of us. We never went without. I realized that as a woman she had the right to choose how she would live her life. Her choices made me stronger and better. I pray that the choices I've made, good/bad, influence you all to want a better life, a more productive life, a more successful life.

Protect This House

Good morning family. Thanking God for this beautiful day. Giving Him the honor and glory for all He has done. Also thanking Him for forgiving and loving us. He is awesome. Let me remind you as I remind myself that we are servants first. We cannot lead others without serving. Most of us don't/won't understand that we are caretakers, we have to take care of each other. Along with this responsibility we have to be mindful of who we allow to eat at our tables and sleep in our homes. I'm thankful that God provides for us so that we can give to others but I also believe He wants us safe from those who don't understand the concept of "family". For me, I forgive easily, I look past the negative and look for the good but when it comes to my family/friends I have a hard time accepting someone who mistreats them. I don't hold grudges but I won't deal with anyone who threatens them. God has blessed me with a good family and great friends so I can't see allowing anyone to mess with that blessing. I ask God to continue watching over us and providing. I thank Him for guiding our choices and removing anything that stands in the way of His will for our lives. Please protect "this house" Amen. TeamServeOthersGorgiveOthers. Bblessedloveyou

Monday, April 1, 2013

Open My Eyes

And just like that Paul became a believer. For some of us it takes a more dramatic approach to bring us home. Our believes and un-believes are so strong that we can't see things any other way. Watching "The Bible" last night reminded me that I sometimes focus only on what I think is right. I shut down and refuse to see things any other way than my own. Paul truly believed he was doing the right thing by persecuting the followers of Christ but in the end He had a change of heart. Once his eyes were opened to Who Jesus really was, his message changed, he changed. Walking in this new day, I ask God to open my heart and eyes so that I can continue experiencing change. I ask Him to guide my words/deeds, keeping my thoughts uplifted, avoiding judgement. I ask Him to keep me in perfect peace and to give me understanding and acceptance of things I can't change. I also thank Him for "sight" because sometimes we look directly at a person or situation and don't see the danger that may come. As I go to God for me, I'm also there on your behalf. Some of us continue going backwards even when the signs clearly point us in a different direction. Ask yourself "what's next?". For me, I want things to be "new". Tired of the same. TeamOpenMyEyes. Bblessedloveyou