Thursday, February 28, 2013

New Day

Thank God for bringing us to a new day. February brought challenges and situations that could have drained our energy but by the grace of God we are on the last day. I pray that everyone is moving forward and building on lessons learned. At the end of day/week/month what we accomplish or what we fail to accomplish is what makes us stronger and builds our character. Praying for everyone who's really wanting a change, praying that we forgive ourselves and focus on being who God says we are. Asking God to strengthen our families, give us a stronger bond. I pray that we respect the choices others make and that if they happen to be the wrong choices, we give it to God and not use harsh words to express our disappointment. Remembering that as Christians we are to be uplifting and encouraging. Receive God's grace and mercy, walk in a faith so strong that it confuses the enemy. Thanking God for all and wanting for nothing. Amen. TeamNewDay. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Random Thoughts

Good morning family. Woke up thinking about brand new mercies and opportunities. Remembering that God provides so much and we take it for granted. As I pray about my life's situations I ask God to also watch over and keep each of you. Every day is a new beginning. We have to decide if our new beginning is going to be a repeat of yesterday or a fresh start. For some, it will be a repeat because we're so intent on maintaining a worldly image and others will really start new because we'll realize that our spiritual image is so much more fulfilling/joyous. May God grant each of us the courage to leave unhealthy relationships behind, courage to function successfully on our jobs, courage to love without judging, courage to forgive, courage to right a wrong, courage to listen more and speak less, courage to be stronger men and women of Christ and courage to celebrate each other even when things get difficult. Today wasn't promised nor is tomorrow so let's be thankful/glad and show God our appreciation by shaking off the dust from yesterday, enjoying what He provides and multiplying our blessings by sharing with others. TeamRandomThoughts. Bblessedlovyou

Mind Games

People who have past hurts will try to vacuum you up in all their pain. They are seemingly sane people but there are pieces of them that are "insane" and damaged. They can't focus on their own short comings so they are fixated on what others aren't doing. They will admit that they've done wrong but refuse to admit that their wrong doing had anything to do with the pain they've endured. What I know for sure is we have to change our conversations in order to move forward. Take back your peace/piece of mind that doubt and distrust have occupied for so long. Stop focusing on the short comings of others. If God has blessed you to bless someone else be thankful and stop bringing up what you were able to do. Remembering that if you offer help/assistance to another, it should be from the heart. Also keep in mind that there is not one perfect person amongst us, we all have faults. Please stop standing around talking about what's past, let's move forward with thankful hearts, renewed spirits and faith that withstands anything the world brings our way. Lastly, stop counting how much others do for you, instead thank God that you're able to do for yourself. TeamNoMindGames. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Am I Forgiven

When your actions break someone's heart it's a long road back to forgiveness especially if the broken heart doesn't understand Godly forgiveness. I have committed selfish acts that could've destroyed my family. I've been so caught up in fleshly/worldly things that I couldn't see the hurt I was causing. We tend to live only for the moment as opposed to preparing for our future. A good friend of mine divorced her husband because he had a baby by another woman. When the decision was made to file for divorce, my friend wasn't saved. She told me that had she known the Lord during that time she wouldn't have divorced her husband. We have to really understand the tricks of the devil in order to protect ourselves. The devil hates unity and does everything possible to destroy what God brings together. Think long and hard about what you're putting someone through in order to satisfy the flesh. Will you be forgiven, will you live in regret, will you have to battle for the love you gave away? Protect you and yours. TeamIsThereRoomForForgiveness. Bblessedloveyou

Empty My Basket

How many times have you walked through the grocery store picking up things you don't need only to get in the check out line and start removing items. In essence we take inventory of what we've picked and decide certain things aren't worth purchasing or we simply don't need them. It's crazy but we use this same method as we walk through life. Putting things in our "life" basket that aren't good for us. Paying more for things than we should. That man/woman you picked because they looked good but their "good" date expired long before they ever met you. That friend who is the life of the party but when the party is over they can't be found. That co-worker who does a great job but is only out for self, never gives you the heads up when their made aware of an opportunity because they don't want you as competition. Even a relative that talks a good game about family support but disappears during a family crisis. We load our baskets up praying we'll get our "money's worth" and that we've selecting the right people. It's not always pretty and not always easy to return what we've purchased after leaving the check out line but we must remember that with God change is possible. When we go to Him with a sincere heart He will fix those things/choices that are not good for us. Our job is to pray about our choices even when we feel like we've made the best choice. Let God be your first choice and ask Him to guide all that follows. TeamEmptyMyBasket. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, February 23, 2013

His Word is Established

You cannot offer correction where love has not been established. You cannot expect "respect" where character has not been built. You cannot expect honor when it is not deserved. You cannot expect success where there is no hard work. You cannot expect stability when there's is constant movement. You can not expect loyalty when it has not been shown. You cannot live in peace when God is not the "Head" of your life. What I see today are people expecting what they have not earned, expecting quick returns. Expecting the best when they're living in sin. Expecting other people to save/cure them/make them and expecting them to be their god. Worshiping money, celebrities and wishing for fame. This is not God's plan. His plan is to prosper us, make us wealthy, mentally/physically. What we have to do is live/work according to His word and not the word of man. Take shelter from the tornado you've created, let God do a new work in you. He will take you places you never dreamed of going if you just honor Him and live according to His word. TeamLivingOnHisEstablishment. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, February 22, 2013

A Second Chance

"Do Overs". Who wouldn't love another opportunity to change something in their life? If you're like me, you've made mistake after mistake. We're human so we should expect set backs/problems from time to time. For some, we live in those problems to long. We want to get out but aren't willing to put in the work/words. This morning I want to remind everyone that life is not a game, we don't get "do overs" but we get second chances. Use your second chance to heal relationships, to be a better employee, to improve your parenting skills, to be a better spouse/relative/friend, to establish a true relationship with God and to be the best "you" anyone has ever seen. Understand that you can only change you. Don't expect others to do as you say when you're not doing it. With change comes sacrifice, so be willing to go all the way. Don't just talk about it, really do it. A homeless person was asked why she liked living outside, her response was that she was free from responsibility, no bills, no problems. Are you living with this same attitude? If so, your second chance will never come. TeamThankGodForSecondChances. Bblessedlovu

Words Don't Phase Me

"Thin skin", sensitive, "wearing you feelings on your sleeve" this morning? I learned from my momma that I had to toughen up. There are people in our lives who use their words and actions to puncture our hearts and self esteem. Their goal is to destroy our happiness and not look back. There's always going to be that "one" person who goes back and forth carrying messages that they know cause chaos/unhappiness. They have an old/jealous heart. Understand, that person just wants to hurt others because they're hurting. Don't let words bring down your relationships. Protect and pray for what you love. Also understand that somethings aren't worth responding to. Stand firm on your faith in God, declare that you will forgive and move on. Today is a new day and I'm not with the foolishness. Let's stand and agree that we are sticking with our 2013 plan to leave, cut out all the craziness. Glory to God for all things new. Thanking Him for keeping us in perfect peace. If you aren't at peace then your focus is not on His will for your life. You are still wondering around lost and defeated. Praying that you come out, join the praise party. TeamYouCan'tPhaseMe. Bblessedloveyou

Monday, February 18, 2013

Quiet Strength

The strongest people are not the loudest, the funniest, the prettiest, the smartest or the richest. The strongest person is the one who truly understands/craves and lives a "purpose filled" life. Not that life that only offers self fulfillment but the life that looks out for others/fills voids. A person who is following/living in their purpose has a "quiet strength". That strength that doesn't need recognition or approval. That strength driven/authored by God's word. That strength that is so strong that it will bring you to tears if you stray away from it. That strength that feels so natural when it's used for the right reasons. I pray that we understand true strength. Don't let the big booming voice of Godless people fool you with their "fabricated" strength. You'll recognize it when their backed into a corner or when they don't get their way. They are like machine guns spitting fire laced bullets. Pray for them and walk away in peace. TeamQuietStrength. BblessedLoveYou

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Slide

How many times have we used or heard "I'm going to let you slide this time"? I've used it and it's been used on me. Isn't that what God is ultimately telling us each time He allows us to see another day? "For we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God". "For the wages of sin is death". God continues to let us slide even in our disobedience. He's allowing us to prosper and to live as "we" want. What I know is, it's time to get off "the slide". God is not pleased with our living/giving. We take His love for us for granted by living sinful lives that He wants us to abandon. I'm thankful for another day, but I know He let me "slide" again. I'm praying that we all get it together and stop thinking that how we're living is okay. Ask God for forgiveness and to take away the desire to do wrong. Remember, your sin may not be one that the world condemns but it's still a sin in God's eyes. TeamTimeOutForSliding Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Measuring Stick

Do you find your self measuring everything/everyone? It's okay if we're measuring so we can be better. Let's face it, most of us need an example to drive us to that next level. But some of us are measuring others so that we don't get stuck doing more. We're still behaving like we did as children. Remember your dish day/week? If your mother asked who's turn it was, no-one popped up and said it was theirs. If you were like me you probably said "I washed dishes last". I was lazy and didn't want to wash even though it was probably my turn. Unfortunately, some of us still treat life that way only now things are more complicated than "dish day". I pray that we stop watching and measuring the "next man" out of spite/envy/selfishness/laziness. I pray that each of us not worry about how little or how much others are contributing. I pray that we zoom past all our goals and get to God's goals. If we have a heart for Him, we won't have time to measure how much someone else is doing. Giving God the honor and glory for all He's doing and putting my measuring stick away. TeamStopMeasuringMyWork. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, February 15, 2013


Isn't it crazy how we find it hard to link our actions to our results? We have to find the will and the courage to correct things that aren't working for us. Have those conversations that you've been avoiding. Stop lowering your moral standards too compensate for another person's disobedience to God. Accept that we fall short more often than we care to admit. Be willing to absorb the wisdom of someone who is trying to help you. Stop thinking that a financial blessing is the cure. We need to stay in prayer for our growth/prosperity/deliverance. When we begin to "check" ourselves against the word of God, we better understand how to re-act. TeamMyFirstReaction. Bblessedluvu

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


"Brand New Kind Of Me". Have you stayed in one place to long? That old house that holds so many memories but it's falling apart. That one-sided friendship where you seem to carry the load. On that job where you haven't felt appreciated in a long time. That marriage/relationship that's draining you of all your energy/time. That city/town that you no longer enjoy living in but can't find the courage to leave. We should embrace change as opposed to staying in a place/situation just because it's what we're used to. We should write down our goals, follow our dreams, work towards a higher education and press forward towards a more productive lifestyle. There is not one among us who doesn't have room for change/improvement. Not changing can lead to depression, decay and frustration. Remember the promises you made God at the beginning of the new year, for that matter yesterday. Praying for change/strength/progress.TeamINeedChange. Bblessedluvu

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Message to Cory

I know how you're going to respond to this but I want to put something on your mind, you and Alva have to be co-parents. Parenting is hard when parents don't get along. As adults we have to put personal feelings aside. Your kids need their mother here. They don't have to live with her but she needs to close. If you dislike Alva that's fine but please learn to get along with her. You've found someone else and I think she'll be happier if she moves on and finds someone to. In ten years when Mia is graduating you'll appreciate and be glad that the two of you were able to move past your hurt feelings and usher your child into adulthood. You may not think it's worth making peace with Alva right now but trust me when I tell you it's worth it. I know, because I was a foolish/selfish person in my twenties. Those ten years I would gladly redo. I love you and I'm not judging either of you, just want the very best for my grandchildren. No more tug-a-war.

God Is In Control

Stop allowing people to lead you around by the nose. There is always that one person who wants to control you but if you know who you are in Christ you won't allow it. If you think a controlling person loves you, think again. A controlling person doesn't love anyone but themselves. They are insecure/self centered and sometimes hateful. Controlling people use tears, lies, other people, money, and material things to lure you in. They get you hooked/side tracked so you can't see their true nature. Look around/think about the people in your life. If there is one person like this, put a stop to it now and mean it. TeamJesusTakeTheWheel.BblessedLuvYou

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Birthday

Starting the day off by wishing my better half a wonderful birthday. God is good. He's held my heart since 6th grade. Honestly I don't deserve him because I haven't always treated him fair. I ask far to much of him and I expect him to do everything. He's the best dad and granddaddy. What's so amazing is that he's had to learn how to "be" on his own. He acknowledges his faults and short comings and vows to be better. God knew we needed each other in order to survive. My beautiful children look like him and respect him. He's "Mr Fix It and "call Uncle Dee". I know him like I know the back of my hand and I love him with all my heart. My prayer is that my children are blessed enough to settle down with the love their lives and cherish that love because everyone doesn't get the chance to marry their "childhood sweetheart". From Mrs Brazzle's 6th grade Science class to 10650 Lone Star Rd, still together. Happy Birthday Deforest. TeamForeverLove. Bblessedloveyou

Dee Says

Dee told me that there aren't enough "in the middle" women anymore. What he meant is that there seems to only be two types of women these days, the educated/employed woman who says she doesn't need a man and the woman who will settle for any man/to dependent on man for her happiness. I don't totally agree with him but I understand his point. I reminded him that most women are tired of compromising their growth for men who only seek fame/fortune, for the other women, they can't see nor do they understand that a man should find them and not vice versa. Relationships are failing because there are to many demands and not enough sharing of responsibilities. We first have to understand and abide by God's word before entering any relationship. For men, you are the head of our households, how you behave will have a direct affect on your family. Women, we are the support, we are to manage our homes responsibly without nagging. Offer solutions and stop making demands. TeamISupportMyHusband. BblessedLoveYou

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Don't Interrupt My Purpose

Speaking to anyone, male/female, who has allowed themselves to be battered, talked down to and taken for granted. God created each of us with a purpose. There are people who come into our lives and try to interrupt our purpose. Is it the man who curses at and around women, or the woman who in an effort to get attention curses like a sailor? Is it that man who feels that as a man he has to control a woman through violence? Is it that woman who is so focused on finding a man with money that she can't see the "God fearing" man who loves her? If you're surrounding or allowing yourself to be near or with people who spit ugly words at you, cheat on you, try to rob you of your self esteem or stomp on your dreams, simply walk away, stop taking their phone calls and ask God for strength to keep it moving. Remember, you don't have to be beaten to be battered, words/action can have the same affect. TeamMyPurposeIsToLive. Bblessedloveyou.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Simple things can become sinful things. What may seem like a blessing can become a curse. I'm not perfect in my ways, as a matter of fact I fall short of His glory far to often. What I'm working towards and for is eternal life with our Lord and Savior. There is nothing on earth that I can obtain or own that will help me reach this goal. The only way any of us will come forth as "pure gold" is through our living/giving. It breaks my heart when I see us taking short cuts. Our reasons may be valid but it doesn't make it right. God knows that we have obligations but He still does not appreciate when we break laws. Yes, most of these laws are man made but His word tells us that we are to obey these laws. A lawless human race is one destined for destruction and loss. I pray that we all understand the affects of our lawless ways. It may be a simple thing but it's still wrong. TeamNotBreakingTheLaw.Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, February 3, 2013

It's Done

True story: whatever I want all I need do is ask in His name. Scripture doesn't say that I have to ask over and over. Once i've prayed about it, given it to God, it's done. It may not be in my time, but it's done. So I ask you this, if I only ask God once why would I repeatedly ask a human being to do something? My God is greater than any human so you best believe I will only ask "you" once. I'm not saying that we should expect others to "jump" when we ask them to give or help but we should expect to receive a response. Either it will be done or it won't, just tell me. This is on my heart because I know there is someone who's begging and pleading every day, asking someone for help or asking them to change. You feel it's been a long tine coming but they are unresponsive. It seems your pleas are falling on deaf ears. Stop it. Take your issue to God. If He sees fit you'll receive what you need. TeamIAin'tAskingTwice. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, February 1, 2013

Live and Learn

If someone really told us the truth about ourselves we probably couldn't take it, wouldn't believe it and be totally devastated. Honestly most of us don't see anything wrong with the way we are. I stood in the mirror thinking about everything I am and what I represent. I have to tell you I am so off my mark. The bad thing is I'm critiquing myself and finding opportunity so there's no telling what others think. I know most of us don't care what others think and for the most part we sometimes have to shake off the thoughts of others however as Christians we have the responsibility of living/walking "right". We should always put forth our best effort and receive corrective criticism with an open heart and mind. Stop looking at it as an attack and be thankful that someone cares enough to talk to you about "you". TeamListenAndLearn. Bblessedloveyou