Sunday, March 31, 2013

Get Up

To many of us woke this morning feeling no responsibility for any one other than ourselves. Some may still be sleeping just as the disciples slept while Jesus prayed about the choice He had to make. At some point in our lives we have to choose "life". Not this fake stuff the world offers but a true way of living. Jesus chose us and decided that we were worth dying for. He could have ruled over the earth as a "man" but chose to save us and sit at His Father's side. I'm thankful for the sacrifice He made. Our job is to honor His chose by obeying the word of God but some of us, to many of us want to "rule the world". We are to focused on nice clothes, pretty cars, making money and un-holy relationships. I'm guilty of not living an obedient life. I share my thoughts but I am far from being who He says I should be. Let me encourage change in you as I continue working on me. I ask God our Father for direction and correction for all of us. I ask Him to forgive our short comings and ungrateful ways. I thank Him for this day and I thank Him for His Son. As we move through this day let our hearts and minds be focused on sacrifice and not greed. Let us rejoice in a new day that wasn't promised. God, You and only You deserve the honor and praise. Let us remember that Jesus rose with all power in His hands. With that power He gave us new life. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN. Now get up!!!!!!!TeamRefocusToLiveBetter. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Living Lighter

Every day given is an opportunity to become better, to do something different, to lighten our load and to move closer to being who God wants us to be. Yesterday on my job I dressed up like the Easter bunny. This was a simple act but it was something that I would have avoided last year. When Dee saw a picture of me in the "bunny suite" his face lit up with laughter because I just don't do things like that. This year I'm living a lighter life and have stopped taking myself so serious. People enjoy us more when we're positive and smiling. In our daily walk we have to learn the importance of a smile and making someone else smile. It bothers me to hear constant complaining, gloom and doom, brokenness and spite. It's easy to get caught up in criticizing others and focusing on the negative. All of these things are "learned" behaviors that can be changed. If you're a person who finds joy in bringing others down and not being uplifting, good news, you can undo your "learned" behavior. Start today. Jesus died so that we could live. He wants us to live good lives, happy lives. Yesterday I made people smile and I loved it. How will you change your life, what will you do to make living easier, what will you give up to reach inner peace, who can you offer encouraging/supportive words? There is definitely work to do. I'm ready, are you? TeamLivingLighter. Bblessedloveyou

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Your choice of words can make or break you or someone else. As a little girl I absolutely hated when my mother fussed and cussed at us. I would rather of had a beaten than a scolding. The beaten could only last for so long but the scolding could go on forever. What we have to remember and understand is that it only takes one word to change someone's day, it only takes positive acknowledgement to move someone the right way, it only takes speaking with sincerity to boost moral and it only requires a willingness/effort to speak words of kindness. Just reminding each of you as I remind myself of how much power there is in the words we speak. Sometimes we need to "shut up" and listen. Sit back and watch. Stop using empty words, hurtful words. It's simple, be positive and look for the good. Proverbs 13 VS 2...TeamUsingWordsWisely. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mind Your Business

Sometimes we assume it's ok to share information with others. We trust that they'll keep our conversations in confidence. I can't tell you how many times people have told me something and a few minutes later called/texted/doubled back and said "please don't share that with anyone else because I wasn't supposed to say anything". I've learned that I only have one or two people that I can talk to openly and honestly. Everyone should examine and be mindful of what they put in the "wind". Sharing confidential information or our thoughts on a situation can be dangerous and "blown" out of proportion. I learned long ago that people aren't always receptive and if someone is sharing another person's business with me, then they will probably share my business with others. Worldly people thrive on gossip, their ears perk up, curiosity peeks like the top of a mountain. My advice, talk to God, pray about your issues, ask Him to send people that want to help you as oppose to people who only want to listen and judge. Lastly, if you're sharing other peoples business thinking you're helping, stop it. A gossip will always try to justify and then deny what they've said or done. Speaking from experience. TeamMindingMyOwnBusiness. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


My thoughts are flying all over the place this morning. Trying to focus on anything today is going to be useless because the kids are so busy. All I hear is them talking to each other, yelling at each other, laughing at each other. I always tell myself, "they're kids, this is what kids do". They build character by interacting with each other, challenging each other. It's up to us to teach them and correct them when their actions are wrong. Do you ever watch and listen to your grown children? Do you ever see or hear yourself from years gone by and think "oh my, I used to be or do that exact same thing". Doesn't it hit you in the face when you realize they may have picked up one of your bad habits? Doesn't it make you feel good when they say or do something right that you would've done? God gave us these wonderful people, He gave us this huge responsibility to mold and develope "little people". As I read the lasted news updates this morning, I felt a sadness. Sad for all the people who are in the news for criminal behaviour, misbehaviour or as victims. I wondered what kind of a childhood they had. Did they have a support system? Were they abused/neglected? Had they ever been loved by another human being? Had someone taken the time to tell them about Jesus? Had the ones who committed crimes done so because they didn't care about life or did they think they were above the law? What I know for sure is that we have to be more responsible for our children. We have to teach them, love them and protect them, give them to God. It's foolish to think that people can survive without structure and instruction. It's not guaranteed that our "church children" will be perfect but being a Child of God gives them a good shot at living right. TeamSupportAndTeachChildren....Be a blessing....Love you all to life....PEACE....FREE MY PEOPLE....

Monday, March 25, 2013

Choose Better

Sitting here thinking about the choices we make in life. We choose our paths but most of us are not satisfied with our choices, never really sure we made the right choice. I listened to a couple of performers talk about how they knew music was for them. They poured every ounce of themselves into their careers. They sacrificed earning an education because the path they wanted to take was so clear that they could feel their dreams coming true before they'd achieved any success. Most of us just settle for what we get, not what we want, what we get. I'm reminding everyone that we all come into this life the same way. We are all presented with an opportunity to live above the "rim". It may take more effort for the majority but if the thought and desire are there our dreams will come to pass. It doesn't take illegal activities, it doesn't take unethical behavior, it just takes dedication and prayer. I know I've wasted time/energy/money because of bad habits and laziness. I let being a teenaged mother define who I was. Settling for a little when I should have had a lot. Not realizing that dreaming small actually cheated my family out of having more. I am in no way focusing on material needs but I am talking about the comforts of life that we work hard for. I thank God for where I am and where I've been, thanking Him even more for where He's taking me. I pray that each of you stretch your limits. I pray that you focus on building a stronger life/future. It doesn't matter where you come from or what you've been through. There's no limit to what God can do and will allow. All things are possible, just believe and walk right. TeamChooseBetter. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, March 24, 2013


I get up every morning knowing how blessed I am. I don't have a perfect life but I do have a life full of grace and mercy. Every since I can remember God has surrounded me with people who love and support me. I have to be honest and tell you I didn't always understand the value of being loved. As I look back and remember days gone by I really have to give God thanks/praises. I thank Him for everyone He ever placed in my life even if it was for a short time. As the saying goes, everyone you come in contact with serves a purpose, good or bad, right or wrong. Especially thinking of my sisters and my cousins this morning. They were my first friends, the people who loved me not only because we're blood but because there is so much value and strength in our relationships. As adults, my sisters and I have never had an argument. That's not to say that we agree on everything, but it's because we respect each other's choices. My cousins and I are the same. We may not share the same views but we love unconditionally. So this morning I give thanks for my family and I pray that anyone who has chosen to distance themselves from family really reconsider their actions. Family may disappoint you but we must choose to move forward through disappointment. Love should be the connection that we never allow to break. I thank God for giving me sisters and cousins to grow up with. I thank Him for blessing and keeping that connection going. I thank Him for allowing our children to have the same experience and I thank Him for family, yours and mine. TeamKeepThatBloodlineGoing. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Have Plenty

There is no doubt in my mind that more money will provide a better quality of life where material things are concerned but is it worth loosing your spiritual mind/sacrificing your relationship with God? For me, no. We can live with less and have a feeling of achievement. It all depends on our mentality and understanding of how we use what we're blessed with. Some of us fill our lives with things thinking that the more we have, the better we'll feel. In the end we don't feel any better, haven't gotten any higher and most times only use what we purchase for a short period of time. God offers us eternity. He has promised that all our needs will be met if we follow His will. When we look to Him as a Provider, we don't miss shopping. We're not stressed about bills. We feel rich even if our pockets are empty. The world around us thinks we come from the land of "good and plenty" because we seem to have it all together. Little do they know that when our God touches us we have "good and plenty" along with more to come. This morning I pray that we all understand what we "truly" need to live. I pray that God gives us clear minds, open hearts and wisdom beyond what we see. I pray that we appreciate all He has given. As the saying goes "if He never does anything else for me, He's done enough". TeamMyNeedsAreMet. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, March 22, 2013

Irresponsible Self

We forget that we're responsible for our growth and lack there of. It begins with being able to take direction. I asked Little Cory to pick some things up off the floor, his response was "those aren't mine, they're Amia's". My response, "do it anyway". Cory is 5 and still learning the value of discipline. He's an intelligent child who will fully understand responsibility because we're constantly reminding him. But what about these adults? The grownups. Who's reminding them? The ones who won't take responsibility for themselves or anyone else. The adults who swear they're not going to help others if there's no compensation for them. These adults that you work with and listen to them complain about everything all day. These adults that you call "friend" but can't count on them to give you a glass of water. These adults you can't have a normal conversation with because they're just not "normal". We have to remind them of God's love for them. Remind them that we are to be examples and good servants. Remind them that they are "grown". I can honestly say, someone had to remind me. It's not easy accepting responsibility but it sure feels good when you learn how to maneuver through it. I can tell you that I made it harder than it had to be because I lacked commitment and I wasn't living right. Once you break that pattern of irresponsibility there's no turning back, the sky is the limit. Praying for you all as I pray for myself. TeamTakingResponsibiltyTodayAndForever. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Congrats to all the married couples who've decided to stick together through thick and thin. Cudos to anyone who was in an abusive marriage/relationship and had the courage to walk away. Shout out to those who valued their self esteem/self worth/mental health/happiness enough to walk away from a dead relationship/marriage. God bless anyone who is waiting for the right one. God bless those who have made that giant step and decided to settle down. My prayer is that anyone who reads this understands that marriage is more than a word, more than a state of mind, more than a status. It is one of the greatest signs of commitment on earth. Marriage requires time/nurturing/understanding/submission/growth. Marriage should change our out look on life. Sometimes it means leaving old friends/habits/things behind. Sometimes it means accepting and doing things you never thought you'd do. I applaud those who make it look easy and those who lay their struggles out on the table. At the end of it all, we are all human and without fault. Forgive and love whether you hung in there or decided to walk away. Wishing Sug and Lynn happiness as they make their commitment today. TeamBlessedMarriedOrSingle. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Our Children

My parents allowed me to see and hear to much of their wrong doing. I'm not judging them, just sharing because I did the same with my children. I've learned that we should not take for granted what we do or how we live when children are involved. They love unconditionally and trust whole heartedly. When they witness our lives they assume our actions are correct. They learn how to "be" or not to "be" from us. What are you teaching our kids today? Are you instilling in them the courage to achieve anything they want? Are they being taught to love God and understand true happiness is found only through Him? Are they being taught to move from relationship to relationship, home to home? Or/are they experiencing stability? Are you cultivating their talents, encouraging growth? Showing/telling them how to play games, stay healthy and fit? Are you telling your little girl to be independent and showing her how? Are you telling your son to be respectful and showing him how? Are you making sure they understand that they are first and foremost a child of the Most High? We cannot expect our future generations to be any better if we're filling their heads/hearts with junk. Set goals for them, be a positive force/example. Show interest, treat them as assets. Show up. How are you living/teaching and growing? Kids these days are smarter than ever, they see us, memorizing every move we make. What's your next move? TeamKidsNeedUs. Bblesseloveyou

Monday, March 18, 2013

Facing Change

Giving up or letting go is easier said than done. As human beings we tend to stay in a place longer than God intended, we hold on to things longer than we should, we even put off saying things that should have been said long ago. We do this because we're afraid that leaving that "place" is a sign of failure, throwing things out/giving them away is a sign of wastefulness and using our words to correct or uplift is over stepping our bounds or uncomfortable. In order to change we have to pray about our movement, our possessions and our choice of words. When we've done things the same way for so long, held on to things for so long, been silent for so long it's natural to feel a little uncomfortable about change. Pray about each step/the change you want to take. Don't let fear or pride keep you from what needs to be done. If it's a new job, go for it, a new home, go for it. If you want to change your surroundings/environment and don't want to move, donate your old belongings, stop holding on to things you're no longer using because there's always someone in need. If you're choking on words that need to be said, ask God for the opportunity and the right presentation. Don't wait to late to talk to a person who's going the wrong way or a person who's got it right. Don't let the people in your life down by not offering support. Praying for you as I pray for myself in all these areas. Asking God to help me/you move forward in our spiritual growth and thanking Him for all. TeamDon'tBeAfraid/Prideful. Bblessedloveyou


One thing the world has lost is patience. We let our right now situations put us in places of regret. As I rode to the store yesterday I realized my mind wasn't focused on "waiting". I'm trying to rush things and not really looking at long term impact. Right then I thanked God for helping me see that my focus was off. Although tomorrow is not promised I realized that I have to wait on some of the things I want. Our younger generation has to get this. They are in such a rush that they can't see that every thing they're running to and through probably won't matter in the next six months, for that matter, tomorrow. Years ago Dee and I had a car that was given to us by my mom. The car needed breaks but we didn't have the money to fix it. Here we are with no car payment, just needing to focus on getting this car fixed. Guess what we did, we traded the "paid for" car in for a smaller car with a car payment. Our next immature move was to only purchase PIP. The car wad totaled in a car accident so we were left with a car payment and no car. Because we weren't patient, we paid for it. We could've rode the bus while we saved money but we didn't. Couldn't see the blessing of sacrificing. I'm to old for that foolishness now. We're still paying for our younger careless days but we have a better understanding of patience and sacrifice. Praying that we all understand God's plan for us. Praying that we live within our means. Praying that we ask God for guidance in our purchasing, giving and saving. TeamPrayingForPatience. Bblessedluvu

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Bullies come a dime a dozen. There's no age limit for a bully. Speaking to those who are in a relationship with a bully, shut it down! God does not intend for us to go through life being bullied. Most bullies operate out of jealousy and self pity. If you want peace put your foot down. Stop acknowledging these people. The more we answer them the bigger they become. As Jesus hung on the cross one thief taunted Him, questioning Who He really was. The other thief understood Who He was and asked for forgiveness. So even at death a bully has the choice to change but don't wait on death to get them out of your life. A bully doesn't love anyone but themselves (that's not even love). If you have a bully in your life ask God for the courage to leave or disconnect. Ask God to touch their hearts and let them see the damage they're causing. Understand that a bully can be very deceiving. They know the right words to say to make you think they've changed so ask God to help you see who they really are and if they've changed. I really I have women in mind as I'm writing this because our young women need to understand that the men in their lives can be or is a bully. Remember Who created us, remember the power He gave us, remember that He loves us all and remember that we should never submit to anyone who doesn't respect us (man or woman).

Friday, March 15, 2013


Good morning family. Woke in the middle of the night to the "insanity" infomercial. I have to stop sleeping with the TV on. I tried laying back down but I couldn't sleep. The word "insanity" just kept running through my head. I began reading and really thinking about the "insanity" in our lives, the "insanity" we create. Maybe you're worried about how much money/time your babymomma/babydaddy is contributing so your mind/heart is filled with resentment. Maybe you're spending your money on expensive things but asking for help to pay for things you need. Maybe your past hurts won't let you move forward/heal relationships that are important to you. Maybe you're working hard for a living but not taking time to live. Maybe you're focusing to much on having a clean house and not enjoying the people who live in it. Maybe you're abusing your body and not caring that one day your insides will let you down. Maybe you've hurt the one you love/ the one who loved you so often that they can't stand the sound of your voice anymore. Just thinking about how I felt last night when I came home made me look at how insane it is to forget all God's blessings just because things aren't the way you think they should be. Thinking about all the people He sends a "ship" load of blessings but they won't get on board because He didn't send a "yacht". Insanity, if we don't refocus and give God thanks. I can't pretend that life is perfect but if we don't change our approach, our thought process, we won't have peace. We cannot continue living in/with "insanity", it's time out for that. I have a friend who is sick right now. She can only dream of doing the things she used to do and I have the nerve to complain about my life, insanity. Praying for each of you as I pray for myself. Asking God for healing and forgiveness. I can no longer live with "insanity". TeamNoMoreInsanityPlease. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Getting My Spirit Right

Most of us were raised to want and desire more. Problem is, most of us weren't given instruction on how to obtain more. Because of our lack of knowledge we struggle with out of control debt, bad credit and living from paycheck to paycheck (some, no paycheck). When you begin to read God's word, you understand that money/things should not be what we work hard for. God wants us to have clean hearts, clean living and to help those in "real" need. He provides all the rest. I hear people complain all the time about their finances, seldom do I hear them take ownership of their situation. Instead they go from one extreme to another. I am guilty. How many have paid high interest rates on borrowed money? How many can't get a place/car in their name? How many have used payday loans? How many have maxed out credit cards and have nothing to show for it? How many have spent or gambled away bill money? How many have spent bill money on their "boo"? How many have expensive cars/purses/shoes/clothes/hair but don't have a dime saved up? How many have children but haven't worked for a living in years? How many have families but haven't thought about who would take care of them if something happened to you? For most of these questions, I had to raise my hand. I thank God for giving me understanding of how I should live. I no longer live for material gain, only for the spiritual. To live any other way only brings frustration/unhappiness. TeamGettingMySpiritRight. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who You Talking To

Each of has a person in our lives who brings up old "junk". That uncomfortable "junk" that they can't let go of. I know it's true because I used be that "junkie". Years ago I would harp on something I was unhappy about. I would bring it up everyday. My friend Elizabeth had finally had/heard enough, she turned around and said "why don't you talk to the person you're upset with instead of telling us". I immediately shut up because she was right. What relieve was I getting? None. I was looking for someone to validate how I was feeling, someone to be on my side. I was wrong for doing this and a coward for not talking to the person I thought was doing something they shouldn't be doing. Most of us live this way because we don't trust ourselves to have honest conversations with the people in our lives. We assume that an argument will take the place of peaceful communication. We assume the other party has a bad understanding/attitude. We judge prematurely and don't completely reflect on "who" we are/ "who" we've been. Because we're afraid to have an open conversation we end up emotionally tied to an issue, paralyzed or even frozen in a "past" issue that the other person didn't even realize was an issue. Wow, the power we loose by not learning to effectively communicate. Pray about your issues, ask God to give you the right words and timing. Lastly, search your heart to see why you're really bothered/angry. Is the conversation really needed or do you need to let time heal the issue? TeamWhoYouTalkingTo? Bblessedloveyoy

Monday, March 11, 2013

All Clubbed Out

Anyone who grew up in Vernon TX will understand this. As a teenager I couldn't wait until I was old enough to go to the clubs. Vernon is small but we would party all night. The only ID we needed was "parent" approval. Needless to say, I started my clubbing years early. The reason I'm sharing this is because Dee and I grew up in the same place, partied in the same place but by the time we were married and living in another state, he'd out grown the club scene. On the other hand, it took years for me to get it out of my system. I don't have to tell you that this aggravated my husband. He didn't like it and he was right not to. In relationships we must understand that it's our responsibility to mature and release our "childish" desires. Clubbing only provides temporary "excitement". Don't get me wrong, I had fun with my friends, but that fun cost me time with my husband/children. I don't think going "out" is wrong when it's done in moderation, responsibly and respectfully. All of these I missed but by the grace of God my husband and I worked through it. If you're where I was, please take a step back, fun memories can be created at home with your family. Be careful the "fleshly" choices you make don't cause heartache and pain. TeamAllClubbedOut. Bblessedloveyou

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Be The One

The Bible tells us that Josiah became king at age 12. He disobeyed God just as His father did. This trend of disobedience is repeated through out the Old Testament. Fathers and sons ruling others and not following/doing God's will. I think about today's families, sons doing as their fathers do/did and it makes me sad. It's a shame that this trend has carried on for so long but all is not lost. Josiah became aware of God's Laws and started living accordingly. See it only takes one father/mother to change/correct their living. If you're a parent, understand that how you live may very well be how your children will live. We all fall into the trap of the "flesh", feeling good temporarily but not understanding the repercussion of avoiding "spiritual" living. Thank God Josiah had the good sense to honor God's Laws after being made aware of them. Some of us know His word but we keep on "trucking" past it as if it doesn't apply to us, good luck with that. Men/women, young and old, take ownership of your spiritual growth. Your fathers and mothers may have fallen, didn't teach you the ways of God, but you have an opportunity to learn for yourself. Don't miss the chance to bring God into the lives of others as well as your own. (Josiah's sons also disobeyed, not doing God's will. don't let it be you who fails God). TeamItOnlyTakesOne. Bblessedlovyou

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Read The 10 Commandments

I left my mom's home at the age of 19 or 20 never to live under her roof again. If I'd lived closer to her I probably would have broke "marriage" camp and ran back to her because that would've been easier than facing my responsibilities as a wife/mother. I share this to remind our young adults that life isn't easy and struggles will come but what a great feeling it is to know that you can overcome anything the world throws at you or the craziness you create. You just have to stick with it and don't bring everyone into your business. Let God be the head of your life and not those helpful advisors. I also want to remind our young adults that having family that supports you is a blessing. There are millions of people who can't go back home because their parents feel they've done their job by raising them. There are homeless people who have well to do families that won't take them in because of the mistakes they've made. If you have a family that accepts/supports/loves you, understand that you are blessed. Respect and be thankful for all they do. I love my family dearly, they are always welcome in our home. If you have a mom and dad that you can depend on don't cripple that relationship by being disrespectful. Fathers and mothers be reasonable in your support, know when to go all "in" and know when to back off. Remember God's will for families, unity, love and respect. TeamReadThe10Commandments. Bblessedloveyou

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pray For Those

Pray for those who want to be in charge but don't put in the time/work, pray for those who want recognition for the success of others but weren't present/supportive before the success, pray for those who think they know everything but they are still bringing up the rear, pray for those who take on a responsibility only to pass it off to someone else, pray for those who make excuses for continuously breaking the rules, pray for those who selfishly "take" when they aren't in need, pray those who pretend to be on "top" but in real life they have nothing. Pray, pray, pray especially if "those" are impacting your life. We all encounter people who aren't who they pretend to be. They have good intentions but can't seem to produce good fruit. They waste their resources chasing dreams that haven't been thought out. Infringing on the kindness and support of others. As Christians we find it hard to say no because we want to be helpful but a line has to be drawn. If we allow "those" to continue benefitting at the expense of others they will never do right. TeamPrayingForThose. Bblessedloveyou

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love Listening

Everyone is not equipped to hear complaints. They either take them personal or hang on to the message just to bring it up again at a later date. We all have good friends/true relatives that are willing to lend an ear when we need to vent, but please make sure they're listening and not judging. Talk to God first, but when you need a "human spirit" make sure that "spirit" understands that you just needed someone to listen. On the flip side, if you ask for advice or feedback, be prepared to receive and accept what's said. Don't get upset when it's not what you wanted to hear. Remembering that we're all human and only want the best for our loved ones and they the same for us. TeamLoveListening. Bblessedloveyou

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Mom's Birthday

Good morning family. My dreams were really busy last night but God is good and I woke to a brand new day, my mom's birthday. Nurse Finley. As children and young adults we place so much emphasis on what our parents don't do or haven't done. Taking for granted the silent lessons they're teaching us so that we can live productively. For all my mom "wasn't she made up for in other areas. She stayed on her jobs, therefore teaching me and my sisters the value of work, she always dressed nice, therefore teaching us that our appearance is important, we always had a roof over our heads therefore teaching us the importance of having/keeping a home, she always had transportation therefore teaching us the value of having our own ride. The most valuable lessons she taught us were to honor God no matter what your situation is, give, feed and support others and we will continue being blessed, love your family with all your heart no matter how much you disagree/fight, say what's on your heart and know when to let go. All this I learned just from watching my mom move through this crazy/unpredictable world. A beautiful woman who had her problems but the Lord kept and blessed her. I am so honored that he gave us the responsibility of walking with her during her last days. She will forever be missed and in our hearts. Never take your parents for granted. Seek to understand the choices they make as opposed to judging who they've been and who they are. TeamNurseFinley. Bblessedluvu

Monday, March 4, 2013


"Freedom", a strong word when truly understood. There are many of us who claim to want freedom but still allow ourselves to be "shackled" to something/someone that brings us pain/failure. Relationships, debt, crime, dead end jobs, lack of education are just a few things that keep us from "true" freedom. Most of us think freedom is purely physical but it's so much more. The Israelites were physically freed but they maintained a slave mentality. They truly didn't understand the power God had given them. A lot of us live the same way, with an "enslaved" mind. We won't experience true freedom until we practice/learn to sacrifice. You're afraid to marry the one you love, you're afraid to go back to school for higher education, you're afraid to tell your non productive friends that you have a life, you're afraid to tell your family that you need a change, you're afraid to give 100% on your job, you're afraid to excel in high school because it's not cool and you're afraid to admit that you'd rather be in a real relationship as opposed to running these streets. I could go on and on. Please understand that if you're living in/with any kind of bondage, you are not free. God's word/will is the key to unlocking all the doors. TeamLetMyPeopleGo bblessedloveyou

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Stubbornness will cause loss of family, jobs, peace, prosperity. What are you refusing to do/give up today? When I think about how foolishly stubborn I used to be, I just shake my head. All the time I lost. The peace I gave up. What was I thinking? Evidently I wasn't. We may not realize it at the time but our stubbornness only punishes us. Others move on and let us sit in misery. I pray for anyone sitting on their stubborn behind refusing to give in or change, refusing to say I'm sorry or it's ok, refusing to forgive, refusing to love, refusing to go home, refusing to leave home, refusing to grow up, refusing to be who God wants them to be. Remember Jonah? Stubborn, running from God. It took a "big fish" to move him, what will it take to move you?TeamLetItGo. Bblessedloveyou

Saturday, March 2, 2013

God Hears Our Prayers

"I'm so glad that God still hears a sinner's prayer". This song played in my head all night. What an amazing God we serve. Our days can be trying to the point that we feel like given up, cutting corners and even disrespecting others. Our responsibility is to be patient and understanding. Let the anxiousness that we feel subside by focusing on the positive, by focusing on those things that are working for us, by not letting the negative noise move us. It starts with prayer and it ends with prayer. When your heart is heavy and your days are long thank God because there are going to be better days/lighter hearts. Yesterday's problems have passed and we'll encounter more but praise God for keeping us. I'm convinced that there is nothing to hard for God so I choose to move on in thankfulness and praise. Have a blessed day, be joyous in all you do. TeamGodHearsOurPrayers. BblessedloveYou


To all the "do gooders" and helpers. Be careful when helping others. Pray about the help you give/offer. Make sure it comes from the heart because if it doesn't you'll be disappointed and let down. There are many who give/help just to show off. We sometimes get caught up in thinking that we can save people by continually bailing them out. The key word is "continually". It may sound funny but our help can stunt growth/maturity. If we "continue" being a crutch how will a person learn to walk on their own? If we're always "pumping" someone on the handle bars of a bike how will they learn to ride? If you're always giving your money and resources how will they learn to support themselves? Learn to let go and allow people in your life to grow. You cannot be everything and be everywhere. At the end of the day we"ll end up judging those that we help, questioning their choices because we've helped them and feeling set aside because they haven't gotten any better. I pray that we include God in any and every situation we're in, I pray that our hearts be filled with the desire to help others, I pray that in our doing we are also teaching others to do for themselves and lastly I pray that we look through spiritual eyes when we give. TeamTrueHelperAndGiver.Bblessedloveyou