Saturday, March 2, 2013


To all the "do gooders" and helpers. Be careful when helping others. Pray about the help you give/offer. Make sure it comes from the heart because if it doesn't you'll be disappointed and let down. There are many who give/help just to show off. We sometimes get caught up in thinking that we can save people by continually bailing them out. The key word is "continually". It may sound funny but our help can stunt growth/maturity. If we "continue" being a crutch how will a person learn to walk on their own? If we're always "pumping" someone on the handle bars of a bike how will they learn to ride? If you're always giving your money and resources how will they learn to support themselves? Learn to let go and allow people in your life to grow. You cannot be everything and be everywhere. At the end of the day we"ll end up judging those that we help, questioning their choices because we've helped them and feeling set aside because they haven't gotten any better. I pray that we include God in any and every situation we're in, I pray that our hearts be filled with the desire to help others, I pray that in our doing we are also teaching others to do for themselves and lastly I pray that we look through spiritual eyes when we give. TeamTrueHelperAndGiver.Bblessedloveyou

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