Saturday, March 30, 2013

Living Lighter

Every day given is an opportunity to become better, to do something different, to lighten our load and to move closer to being who God wants us to be. Yesterday on my job I dressed up like the Easter bunny. This was a simple act but it was something that I would have avoided last year. When Dee saw a picture of me in the "bunny suite" his face lit up with laughter because I just don't do things like that. This year I'm living a lighter life and have stopped taking myself so serious. People enjoy us more when we're positive and smiling. In our daily walk we have to learn the importance of a smile and making someone else smile. It bothers me to hear constant complaining, gloom and doom, brokenness and spite. It's easy to get caught up in criticizing others and focusing on the negative. All of these things are "learned" behaviors that can be changed. If you're a person who finds joy in bringing others down and not being uplifting, good news, you can undo your "learned" behavior. Start today. Jesus died so that we could live. He wants us to live good lives, happy lives. Yesterday I made people smile and I loved it. How will you change your life, what will you do to make living easier, what will you give up to reach inner peace, who can you offer encouraging/supportive words? There is definitely work to do. I'm ready, are you? TeamLivingLighter. Bblessedloveyou

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