Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Who You Talking To

Each of has a person in our lives who brings up old "junk". That uncomfortable "junk" that they can't let go of. I know it's true because I used be that "junkie". Years ago I would harp on something I was unhappy about. I would bring it up everyday. My friend Elizabeth had finally had/heard enough, she turned around and said "why don't you talk to the person you're upset with instead of telling us". I immediately shut up because she was right. What relieve was I getting? None. I was looking for someone to validate how I was feeling, someone to be on my side. I was wrong for doing this and a coward for not talking to the person I thought was doing something they shouldn't be doing. Most of us live this way because we don't trust ourselves to have honest conversations with the people in our lives. We assume that an argument will take the place of peaceful communication. We assume the other party has a bad understanding/attitude. We judge prematurely and don't completely reflect on "who" we are/ "who" we've been. Because we're afraid to have an open conversation we end up emotionally tied to an issue, paralyzed or even frozen in a "past" issue that the other person didn't even realize was an issue. Wow, the power we loose by not learning to effectively communicate. Pray about your issues, ask God to give you the right words and timing. Lastly, search your heart to see why you're really bothered/angry. Is the conversation really needed or do you need to let time heal the issue? TeamWhoYouTalkingTo? Bblessedloveyoy

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