Sunday, October 5, 2014

Rich In Love

Good Sunday morning family. It's a little chilly here in the "Ville. Everyone's up doing their thing. I'm feeling blessed and highly favored (we should feel this way 24/7 no matter what). Had a great week at work and a wonderful Saturday filled with family and friends. As I walked through the week I realized I'd dodged a lot of bullets. I truly understand, even though I don't have a lot of material things and my money isn't as long as I want it to be, that I may be one the richest women in the world. Funny? As I look around, I see my life as being full, rich with people who love me, a God who has allowed me to make mistakes and still opened His arms to me when I asked forgiveness. That's rich. When I say I've dodged bullets, I mean I've done some crazy things that could have taken me down paths of darkness, things that could've taken my life (mentally/physically). This morning I rejoice because I've been restored, redeemed and set free from a past that will no longer over shadow/outshine my present/future. Heavenly Father I say thank You this morning, I am in awe of You. You've opened my heart/cleared my mind, made me better than I ever thought I could be. Thank You for showing me that giving of myself is more fulfilling than receiving every/any fleshly desire. Those things bring temporary relief. Lord I thank You for my family, my friends and my life. I pray that You continue filling us with wisdom and love so that we can share who we are and what we have with those who are in need. Lord I bless and praise Your Holy Name this morning, thanking You for all and wanting for nothing. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. TeamRichInLove. Bblessedloveyou. Psalm 18:16. Romans8:12-14. 2Chronicles 9:12

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