Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Increase Giving
Good morning family. Happy belated birthday to Turk (Charm's dad). We're blessed to have him in our lives. There are so many fathers who aren't attentive and don't care whether they have a relationship with their children or not. So ladies, when you find a guy who goes the distance for his children, respect it and thank God for it. So we're getting ready to finish this year out and I couldn't be happier. I'm looking forward to what God has in store for me and my family. There's one area in particular that I want to focus on and that's giving more. And not just giving what I don't need but giving from the heart to fulfill the needs of others. Giving based on how God says we should give. We accumulate so much when we really need very little to survive. What I know for certain is that God wants us to be cheerful givers and not people who pinch off a little here and a little there to satisfy our conscious. I know that He's not pleased when we hoard things and money. He's not pleased when we give "junk" away. I constantly remind my grand-kids about their blessings and that there are so many children who don't have. As I remind them, I need a good reminder myself. There's so much need in the world and it's only getting worse. This morning I pray that we all understand our role in the lives of our fellow man. TeamIncreaseGiving. Bblessedloveyou. Malachi 1 vs 1-14
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Share My Story
Good morning family. All praises due to the Most High. It's the last Saturday of 2013 and I'm ready for whatever comes. Praying for Turk and Ms Cheryl's family as they prepare for their Aunt's funeral services today. From what I understand, she lived a full life, no regrets, 80 years old. Life is a wonderful thing if we allow it to be. We need to be better at sharing our "life experiences" with the new generation. They need to understand where we come from. It's also important that we bring our ancestor's history forward. To many of us have left the "stories" of old behind us because we don't feel their important enough to share. I don't know about you but I want to know more about where I came from. I want my children to feel my "past" and understand that I didn't always focus on doing "the right thing". Keep in mind that the strongest people have struggles. They get through them by sharing their experiences and seeking advice from elders and peers. We are weakest when we hide our failures and refuse to ask for help. This morning I pray that we all look for and take the opportunity to talk about our experiences. We should share those things that have weakened us and those things that have given us strength. It's also a good idea to journal. Whenever I find something my mom wrote, it warms my heart and makes me feel good inside. Just seeing her hand writing brings back memories of days gone by. Everyone have a super Saturday. TeamShareMyStory. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Godly Relationships
Good morning family. What a fabulous day we had yesterday. Thanking God for family and friends. He is doing a wonderful work in our lives. Things aren't perfect and we still have problems but when we understand the plan of our Father we're able to move forward. I woke up this morning thinking about a text I received last night from someone I truly love and admire. I was reminded that until our relationship with God is right, we won't have "healthy" relationships outside of His will. We have to get His word in our system in order to understand how we should function in the "worldly system". We can't have a good relationship with money if we don't break spending habits, reverse the affects of our debts, focus on giving and get over the fear of being without. We can't have good relationships with people until we begin to walk in His love and peace. We can't progress on our jobs if we don't present our leaders with the right attitude (Godly). Bottom line, those uncomfortable feelings, those frequent tears and that constant fear will not subside until our relationship with God is strengthened. The life line He presents is the only thing that will save us. Feeling blessed and ready for the New Year. Have an amazing day. TeamGodlyRelationships. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Good morning family. Merry Christmas. It has been a beautiful morning. I looked at Dee and said, so it's like Christmas #29 that we've celebrated as The Matthews Family. God is so good. My family has had it's share of disagreements and arguments this year. We've cried, screamed, yelled and said very hurtful things to each other. The amazing thing about family is that we recover and we move on. The good days certainly out way the bad. For anyone who's stuck and confused, frustrated and tired, misunderstood and lost, let go and move on. Our Lord and Savior was sent for our healing. Receive it with an open heart and everything else will come. God loves us unconditionally and I'm so glad He does. Without Him, we are lost. His word says that we can do all things through Him. That means we can forgive, we can love, we can receive and most of all we can live "the good life". This morning I am so satisfied, not because of the gifts under the tree, but because He lives in my heart. TeamBlessed. Bblessedloveyou. Merry Christmas from The Matthews Family. Can ya'll believe we have 10 grands, 5 girls and 5 boys...just wow every time I think about it.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Handle With Care
Good afternoon family. Christmas Eve. Can't believe we're here but I'm excited for the babies. They've been planning and plotting for the last few weeks. Making Christmas list and really focusing on what they want. As I was making breakfast this morning I thought about all the choices children have today. From the type cereal they eat to the type shoes they wear. I don't know what kind of kid I would have been if I'd been presented with so much stuff. Probably severely damaged, who knows. I had cereal that had to have sugar added and got new shoes three times a year (back to school, Christmas and Easter). Before we present our children with their gifts this Christmas season, I hope everyone has reminded them that they are extremely blessed. We're living in fast times where everything is for sale, especially our children. We can't allow them to bought by commercials, celebrities, money, material things and their peers. I'm very thankful for the opportunity to help give our grands a nice Christmas but I'm most thankful for being able to hold real conversations with them about life. That's the true gift. While you have the chance, while you have their attention drop some knowledge on them. Ask them what their goals are, ask them what Christmas means to them and remind them that gifts/money/people are not the key to true happiness. There is so much more to life. God has blessed us and entrusted us with these precious beings. Handle with care and remember, a good parent is not defined by how much they give, a good parent is defined by how much they love. TeamHandleWithCare. Bblessedloveyou
Monday, December 23, 2013
Thankful For The Year
Good morning family. Thinking about Turk and Ms Cheryl this morning. Their Aunt passed away a few days ago. Please keep them lifted up in prayer. I feel like I'm on a journey, a good journey. Over the past year I've grown up a little more. I know that sounds crazy since I'll be 49 in a few months but it's so true. We never stop growing/maturing. My eyes are wide open and so is my heart. The word of God is moving me to places I would not have gone to before. So thankful for our Father who patiently waits for our change. I encourage anyone who's struggling right now to get into His word and find true acceptance and understanding. Our world is a frightful place right now. Things are moving so fast. We can't turn on the news without hearing a sad story. We can't turn on the news without hearing stories about our disfunctional government. I don't know about you but that's not what I signed up for. While I know we can't control the world, we can control ourselves. For me, I'm encouraged to be better by owning what I've done/who I am while being more than open to what God has planned for me. So very thankful for my family because they have to put up with the many "moods" of Sharon. TeamThankfulForTheYear. Bblessedloveyou
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Good morning family. Loving this Sunday morning. Feeling blessed and inspired. I almost allowed the actions of others steal my morning joy but God's messages of song and praise reminded me that I was being less than understanding and a little selfish. As women we sometime get a little to touchy/feely, a little to emotional about how and what we think others should be doing. What a powerful and wonderful night we had last night. My sisters, daughters, niece and friends made me feel so good. Laughter can cure and move us like nothing else. Two generations came together last and had a blast. Our God is doing a work in us all. I was blessed to see the young women lead. I was reminded that when we allow God to fill us, there's nothing we can't do. Never get to holy that you can't have fun. Never get so strong that you can't cry. Never become so independent that pride won't let you ask for help. Never miss the opportunity to show love and to say I love you. We all need each other and I'm more than thankful for all of you TeamSisterhood. Bblesseloveyou
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Maturity Comes
Good morning family. This feels like Sunday. We're up and moving, getting ready to finish up our Christmas shopping. Want to invite all the ladies over tonight for a "game night". Thought it would be fun to laugh a little, play some games and relax. No babies, no men, just us. If you're free, swing by for a good time and good eats. I don't think we ever outgrow "thinking back". We're often reminded that we shouldn't dwell on the past and I agree with this. But I can't help but think about my immature years and those things about me that still require additional maturity. I finally realized that being in a "grown up" body didn't make me a mature adult. Maturity truly kicks in when we realize that our parents loved us enough to offer correction and that their primary goal was to protect us. We looked at it as a restriction, lack of understanding on their part. What I've taken into "adult hood" is that our children may not understand everything we do, they may not behave the way we want them to and they may even resent us at times. But if we've done our part, giving all we could give, done all we can do, loved them as God says we should, then we need only sit back and wait for their maturity. Remember someone had to wait for us to mentally grow up. This morning I ask God to give us all "mature" hearts and minds, I pray that we all focus on being better/stronger people of God. I offer my children this, never sell out for what the world offers you because you've been bought and paid for in full. Jesus paid it all. Everyone have a blessed Saturday, happy shopping for those who have to put the final touches for the holiday. TeamMaturityComes, Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Working On The Inside
Good morning family. Prayed up on this "Terrific Thursday". So thankful for the blessings of the Lord today and every day. Listening to Bishop Jakes this morning I was reminded that we can't focus on the negative. It's so easy to allow what other people are doing and saying affect how we feel about our situations. I'm more than grateful for where the Lord is taking me and my family. It may not always look like we're changing on the outside but the Lord is doing a "mighty work" in those I love. Don't be fooled by what they say and how they're responding to life right now. God is bringing them out of bondage. What I know for sure is that praise and obedience brings blessings and release. This morning I ask our Father in Heaven to continue keeping us all. Thanking Him for deliverance and for loving us. Giving Him the honor and glory for everything, the good and the bad. Thanking Him for this precious gift of life. And a truly heart felt thanks for our families and friends. May God's blessings cover us all during this holiday season. AMEN..TeamWorkingOnTheInside. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Less Is More
Good morning family. I've been MIA for a couple of days. It's crazy how we allow distractions to take us away from things we need to be doing. So, one week till Christmas. I have to say, I'm excited because I love seeing my grandkids reactions to what they receive. There's nothing like seeing happy children. I'm hoping everyone's holiday is filled with love and joy no matter what is received or given. The father of a young lady's children in our neighborhood was killed recently. Today would have been his 30th birthday. I met this young man twice but knew of him through my children and Facebook postings. The young man who took his life is 23 years old. Both African American. My heart breaks every time a story like this is played out. What our younger generation fails to realize is that money/material things/fame are temporary. None of this is worth taking a life or loosing a life. What's left behind is destruction and heart ache when acts of violence are committed. They're selfishly thinking that if they had more, things would be better. Guess what, more doesn't make it better especially if it's obtained illegally. My family has had it's fair share of tragedy but my family has also done their fair share of dirt. This morning I ask our Father in Heaven to touch the hearts of all those who are caught up in a world that brings pain to others and I also ask Him for healing. I ask God to be with our families, continue blessing us and allow us to bless others. Praying that we make informed choices, choices based on what God says and not based on what we want. "For what does it profits a man to gain the whole wide world and loose his soul?" Mark 8:36. TeamLessIsMore. Bblessedloveyou. Please say a special prayer for Keisha and her children.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Help Us Lord
Good afternoon family. Enjoying the warm up this morning. A little rainy but warm. Praying everyone is having a nice Sunday. Doing something important but mainly thanking God for another day. It's easy to get side tracked and not give Him "His Time". It's easy to think we're doing all this "stuff" on our own and not give Him praise and thanks. Thinking the money we're making or the people we hang out with is a sign of success is a false assumption, a band-aid. Our true focus should be on the things of God. Only He can give us peace. There is no amount of money that will protect you from evil. The more you make the more you'll be looking over your shoulder and walking in "paranoia". In addition to this, the people who choose to hang with you may turn out to be like "roaches". Full of disease with no more to offer than infestation of your heart/mind. This morning I pray that we all seek what God has for us. Father God I pray that You be our reason for doing anything. I pray that if there be anyone of us looking for approval, that it be Your approval and not the approval of this sometimes "horrible world". I ask You, Father God to touch our hearts and minds as we maneuver through relationships and situations that cause us pain and bring us to anger. I pray that we each learn to speak the "language of love" as opposed to hateful words. I pray that every selfish tendency be doused with a good dose of good will and love. Father God, I ask that we all use our God given "talents and tools" for your will and not personal gain. I pray for this generation of children who have lost sight of You. I ask You to touch their hearts Lord, allow them to change and experience love as You intended. Lord thanking You for Your grace and mercy, for loving us even though we haven't earned it. In Jesus' Holy Name, AMEN. TeamHelpUsLord. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Stretched Blesdings
Good morning family. I hope everyone had a great week no matter what was going on. Got the morning started off with Mia crying because her mom was leaving for work. Then the party really started when Baby Cory and Mya woke up. Needless to say the "house" has been up since 5am. God is good. I've been thinking about how far my blessings have stretched. I know I've been covered by grace all my life. Never wanting for anything even when I thought I didn't have enough. But this morning it hit me that the blessings I've received and the ones I'm receiving now have been stretched over a period of time, a very long time. What I mean is I've received so much but didn't always see the blessing in what was received. But that/those blessing(s) just kept stretching and kept giving. I know there are other people like me who have taken people and things for granted not fully understanding "true purpose". A good example I have is the house we live in. I've never really fully embraced it because it's old but what I've overlooked is that it's provided shelter for many. It was a starting point for my immediate family and extended family. It has served it's purpose and most people can't see Dee and me living anywhere else. It's a blessing that has truly been stretched. One of the greatest blessings has been my husband. Lord knows he's put up with a lot but by the grace of God, he stuck it out. As we get closer to celebrating (it's actually a daily celebration) the birth of our Savior, I pray each of us understand that His birth is the greatest blessing anyone of us has received. What He bought to this earth has stretched over several generations and it's the Gift that keeps on giving. Here's to "stretched blessings". TeamStretchedBlessings. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Love Our Children
Good morning family. Baby Cory had a big day yesterday. He was so excited about his birthday. It warms my heart to see a child, any child happy about life. I am forever thankful for the gift of parenthood. God has graced us with the beauty of our children and so much more. It doesn't take much to raise healthy children, happy children, loving children. We just have to love them and treat them like our future depends on every breath they take. Parenting is not a competition, it's about completion. When we properly "sponsor" our children the world will see how much they are loved. The best gift anyone can give a child is the knowledge and understanding of God's word. Some may grow up and tuck it away in the hearts until they fall into a "season" of distress and hurt but once that knowledge is there, they'll always have it and come back to it. As I watched Cory interacting with his friends last night, I felt good inside because children should be filled with hope and joy. It's our job to help them balance their needs and wants. It's our job to help them understand blessings. We have to do this so they won't grow up worrying about not having everything, not having enough. We have to change what the "American Dream" has become and focus on what it used to be based on. Honesty, hard work, respect, love, support and wisdom based on what God set forth. Let's be honest, we've all been fooled by the "American Dream". We've lost sight and our consciousness is bankrupt. Me, I'm working on changing my approach, my understanding of life and how it should be lived. I have to be honest and tell you, I'm afraid to think of what our future will be like if we don't raise stronger-God-fearing children. TeamLoveOurChildren. Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Be Pleased With Me
Good morning family. December is moving like a speed racer but I'm not complaining. I'm looking forward to every moment of it. During a Sunday School lesson I asked my grandchildren to be mindful of their behavior and if they ever wondered whether or not what they were doing was wrong, to stop and ask "if God would be pleased with me?". That's a question that stays on my mind all day, in all my work and interactions. So many times our "strengths" or "hard headedness" doesn't allow us to see or acknowledge our wrong doings. We feel justified/vindicated. Then later, sometimes much later, conviction and shame take over. Maybe this hasn't happened to you but it's happened to me several times. The good news, God forgives and allows us to get back up. He sends us a way out, a way through the mess we created. If/when we understand what He's teaching us and where He's taking us, what was weak becomes strong, we rise above. Maybe this isn't you, but it certainly has been me. What I thought were my "shining moments" were probably my most shameful because I was satisfying "flesh". Those occasions and situations I thought needed celebrating were the ones I should have been embarrassed to share. But when you get His word in your spirit, the forgiveness and the freedom received is overwhelming. It makes you want to "whoop", it gives you "fresh sight". Father God, this morning I pray for those of us who have been brainwashed, those of us who try so hard to keep up appearances, for those who put more faith in money and things than we do in You Father God, I pray for those who have created bad habits and are passing those same bad habits on to their children, I pray for those who don't know or don't understand their history, I pray for those who don't support their culture and I pray that we all begin to see the beauty in who we are. Lord we need You more than ever. Please watch over all and send Your healing. In Jesus Name I pray, AMEN. TeamBePleasedWithMe. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, December 9, 2013
We Need To Rest
Good morning family. Happy Monday. What a blessing to see another day. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I like to walk in the room and see my grandchildren while they're sleeping. I used to do the same when my kids were young. There's something about the peace that's on their faces as they rest. They have full/robust personalities when they're running around playing but just watching them sleep fills my heart. It reminds me that no matter what mischief they got into during the day they are still able to lie down and dream, release worry. What if we, as adults, found that same peace at night? What if we let our daily problems rest? Our children don't fully understand "real" problems, they haven't created "real" chaos but it's just amazing to watch them let the cares of the day float away as they sleep. They get up running and ready to start all over. Their personalities are the same, they smile, they laugh and they cry but they understand/believe tomorrow is coming. This morning I pray the peace of God fall over each of us. Asking our Father in Heaven to watch over us as we go about our day. Thanking Him for rest and asking Him to cover His "children". Praying that if there is anyone of us who can't find peace, who can't rest, let go and Let God. He wants us to rest like babies knowing there is always tomorrow as long as it's in His will. Father God, I ask that You touch our hearts and help us understand Your forgiving grace. Remembering that You truly love us. Father, thank You for everything, every waking moment and every moment of rest/peace. Let us see the true miracle of life. AMEN. TeamWeNeedToRest. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Get Off The Fence
Good morning family. Thankful as always for Sundays. I know that every day is a blessing and we should walk in His word but Sundays can be the most fulfilling and reflective. Mostly because a lot of us don't hear "a word" until Sunday. Gotta do better. Have you ever lost something or someone and knew it was your fault? Maybe a relationship you sabotaged or a possession you didn't take care of? There are a lot of us who loose people and things because we place little value or no value on or in them. Some are absent either physically or emotionally when their children are growing up. As a result, the child doesn't acknowledge them when they become an adult. Some were blessed with a good man or a good woman but because they recognized the blessing to late, they're now alone. Many of us have lost homes, cars, jobs and valuables because we wanted to upgrade to something we couldn't afford or we simply didn't take care of what we had. My eyes filled with tears as I watched a movie yesterday. A man who'd had a beautiful wife and a wonderful son wouldn't settle in with his family. His spirit wasn't ready to do so until another man stepped in and began to appreciate the beauty of his family. What is this "thing" inside of us that keeps us from doing the right thing until we're forced to? What is it that keeps us from walking that straight line until we're forced to? I think most of us know what we should be doing but we allow our minds to trick us into believing we have more time, that we can beat the odds, that we can straddle the fence just a little while longer. I don't know about you but straddling the fence makes me tired, straddling the fence has caused me to miss out on family life, straddling the fence has caused heartache and pain, straddling the fence has affected me financially and most importantly straddling the fence has kept me from doing/living as God would have me live. This morning I pray that each of us take a long look at our lives, think about those things we're still on the fence about, what needs to change? We won't always make the right decisions or choices but when we let God lead, our way is so much clearer. TeamGetOffTheFence. Bblessedloveyou. Jude 1:20-25, Hosea 14:9
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Camera Life
Good morning family. Ready for this Saturday morning to officially start. Thankful for all the day will bring. God is good. There's always someone at our house. The doors are constantly opening and closing. At one point I started locking the front and back door, making everyone go in the side door. My son, with his funny self, said "pretty soon we're going to have to climb in a window to get in if you keep locking doors". I'm sharing this because I often think about the crazy-off the wall things we do at home. Sometimes I have to stop and ask myself, what if there was a camera following you? Would you want the outside world to see you like this? What would people say if they heard you say or do that? I have to be honest, when I'm in "a mood" and things aren't going my way, I would be embarrassed if someone outside my family witnessed my behaviour. What I know about myself is that I emotionally short change my family, the ones who love me the most. I expect them to be mind readers and see things the way I do. I can be a tyrant when I'm focused on a "clean house" and I get frustrated when things aren't "just right". Maybe we need cameras in our homes, maybe it would push us to be more compassionate and understanding mothers/fathers/children. The good news is, God is like a camara. He's watching and recording even though He all ready knows how everything ends. Our job is to focus on His word and become the loving/responsible people He wants us to be. We have to "unlearn" old habits and be more accepting/open in our homes. We get rated at work for how well we perform but at home there is no rating system so we fail to fully think through our actions/reactions. It's like there's is no accountability only "selfish expectations". But that's not how God wants us to be. I don't know about you but I'm choosing to do better/be better in our home. TeamCameraLife. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, December 6, 2013
Good morning family. Shout out to my folks in TX and OK. Ya'll be careful on that ice today. I haven't driven on icy roads since 1980 something. Praying everyone be safe and stay home if you can. Yesterday I told a story from my point of view about 5 or 6 times. By the end of the day I realized that the story I was telling wasn't that important and I was only telling it to gain sympathy from those who took the time to listen. Why do we do things like that? I say we because I know I"m not alone, there are several people who do the same thing. We take offense to what someone says or does and we just run with it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could "shut up" and let it go? To many times we take the low road, indulging in gossip and voicing our opinions about petty things that won't matter next week. This morning I asked God to forgive me for my "pettiness". To be honest, it's not attractive and it's pointless when we venture down the roads that serve no purpose other than to make us feel better about our shortcomings. What we should focus on and remember is that everyone makes mistakes, there is not one perfect person on this earth. The "beautiful" people on TV are flawed, the leaders in our work place are flawed, our church leaders are flawed, our family members are flawed and I don't know about you, but I'm definitely flawed. The good news, God loves us, flaws and all. So today and everyday, I'm thankful that He forgives and my goal is to stay in "my" lane, no crossing that lane of "shame". TeamFlawed. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Still Climbing
Good morning family. I'm back at work today. The last few days out of the office weren't my most productive but nevertheless I enjoyed being at home. I missed my work family and look forward to seeing them today. So I keep having this reoccurring thought. Thinking back on when I realized I was an adult. For some of us, we're well into our late 20's before we actually begin living independent lives, taking ownership of who we're supposed to be, I know that was the case for me. I was 26 when I realized I wasn't living a "mature" life. I know this was the time because I'd just given birth to my fourth and last child. Back then I lived by my own rules, not really caring what anyone thought of me. You know that phrase we throw around, "I don't care what other people think", that was my excuse for living a "hellish" life. Most times when we say things like that, we're not doing the right thing so we pop off with "this is my life and I'll live it like I want". Guess what, it really isn't our life to live like we want. God has placed us here for a reason, His reasons. True enough, He allows us to choose how we'll live but we all know there's only one "true" way, His. I don't beat myself up for not maturing fast enough or for taking my responsibilities for granted. In all honesty I feel like I lived the way I did so my story could help someone else. Teen-aged parent, teen-aged wife, raised in the church but fell off, fell behind, barely graduating high school and disregarding a higher education. But for His grace and mercy I would still be living "my" way. Life isn't perfect, but it's so much better. Still have work to do and I'm still climbing. My message for you and me this morning is, get out of the way, let go and let God. Pure and simple. TeamStillClimbing. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
No More Lack
Good morning family. Praying that everyone is having a fabulous day and thanking God for vision, thanking Him for our future no matter what it holds. I know I keep bringing up the holidays but I can't help but think about all the mothers and fathers who are probably worried and anxious about how they'll provide for their families. For some the anxiety and worry is a daily thing because there is a sense/feeling of "lack". Lack causes confusion, leads us down the road of "bad choices". What we focus on can be what we become. So when we focus on lack of "whatever" it consumes us. Maybe this is just "my truth" but I know it happens. The lack of attention will cause us to act our or shut down. The lack of love makes us feel like it's okay to hurt others, to withhold love. The lack of money can turn us into thieves. Oh you don't steal? What about the items that are purchased from the local "boosters"? Lack! But what a wonderful feeling it is to know that our God covers all "lack". His love is so powerful that it will/can remove all feelings/thoughts of lack. Please go into this holiday season understanding that we are celebrating life, understanding that it's about "The Spiritual Birth-Gift" that God gave a dying world and not about the material-gifting that we've become accustomed to. TeamNoMoreLack. Bblessedlovyou
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Missing The Old Days
Good morning family. Enjoying a quiet house this morning. I don't know about you but I get excited about being alone sometimes. With everything and everybody being so busy, it's important to enjoy a little peace. Don't get me wrong, I love the chaos and noise but I also love being by myself every now and then. Praying that everyone has a blessed/productive day whether at home or work. My grandkids are full of questions and ideas. They never cease to amaze me. Sometimes I think the generations before them, mine and my parents, were so much stronger but then I think about everything their exposed to that I wasn't. When I watched television as a child, I was protected. The people who made TV shows and commercials made sure I didn't see anything or hear anything that wasn't child-appropriate. The people on TV had drug problems, marital problems and other things going on but I didn't know it. I was under the impression that they were living beautiful lives, dreamy lives. Now a days our children see and hear just about any and everything on TV. We have to constantly monitor what they're taking in, looking at. The love of money has pushed our networks to the limit. I know it's up to the adults to control what goes on in our households but don't you miss the old days when you didn't have to spend so much time patrolling your living rooms? I bring this up because my grands do ask a lot of questions and I work towards having the right answers. I think to many times we're allowing the outside world to answer their questions because it's easier. In order to help our children grow into strong adults we have to set the right examples, have the good/honest answers, be good people. Lastly we have to ensure they understand what God says about them, who God is to them and what it really means to be loved by God. Praying for all as we move closer to the Christmas holiday. Let your light shine for our children, they need us more than ever. TeamMissingTheOldDays. Bblesseloveyou.
Monday, December 2, 2013
I'm Not Impressed
Good morning family. Thanking God for waking us this morning. It's so important that we recognize the true gift that life is. As we move closer to Christmas I hope and pray that we all understand the true purpose of the holiday celebration. This is a season to share who we are, to grow and rebuild, more importantly, it's a season to honor the birth of Christ. Yesterday I heard a lot of things that really hit home for me. One thing a pastor said was "as a young man, I needed a lot of attention, needed the spotlight on me". He went on to say that as he grew older, he didn't want all that attention, it was no long important. When we're young we tend to focus more in impressing people, wanting to be the center of attention. We dress to impress, we drive fancy cars (that we can't afford) to impress, we carry fancy purses (with no money in them) to impress, we purchase homes (that we shouldn't) to impress and the list goes on. We crave attention. This craving gets us in a lot of trouble. Our finances suffer, our relationships suffer and we are so stressed out that we can't enjoy the things we purchased in attempt to impress others. Now this is totally about me because there have been times that I focused far to much on impressing people who really didn't deserve it but my immature mind thought they did. My thoughts were based on what they had, not who they were. I encourage and pray for anyone who's living to impress others, to stop it. We should live to "inspire". The gifts and opportunities that God has given us should be used to help others, to promote authenticity and to be uplifting. I pray that we each be considerate and honest as we fellowship with family and friends. I ask God to open our minds and hearts, bridle our tongues so we don't say the wrong things, take our focus off what we don't have and give Him total thanks and praise for everything He's allowed. It is such a blessing to be a blessing, walk in it, speak it and live to inspire. TeamI'mNotImpressed. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Good morning family. Looking forward to a good Sunday, all day. Thankful for God allowing me/us to wake up this morning. So very thankful for His grace and favor. Lord knows I don't feel like I deserve any of it but He keeps on blessing me even when I'm not at my best. We walk through life taking what we have for granted, spending our time moaning and complaining, forgetting how He's kept us over the years. My granddaughter Samyah Iris Matthews was born a premie. She was the size of my husband's hand. A tiny life born to to live a "huge" life. Today is her 8th birthday. God is good. Truly a blessing. My daughter often reminds me that I'm nicer at work than I am at home. I agree with her. My work life is balanced/a controlled environment. No one sits at my desk or bothers my things. If someone needs something from me they ask before taking. When I need help/assistance completing work I need only ask and someone is there. So it goes without saying that I feel more relaxed at work because my days are pretty predictable, rules/guidelines are in place. Now, I don't feel that it's right to have a "work" personality and "home" personality". I feel that I should be balanced enough that my family sees a "stress" free me, the "me" my co-workers see. As a women, we like to be the martyrs, the one who falls on the sword of "cleaning/cooking/care-taking". Our intentions are good because it's what we're supposed to do. But what I realize about me is that being a martyr, taking on this responsibility is draining. It keeps me from being the best me at home. Because we work together, my daughter gets to see the "work-life" me and I'm happy about that, glad she's seen a different "momma". This morning I pray for me as I pray for you. Father God, I pray for that we all learn to let go no matter where we are. I pray for the women and men running households, praying they find structure and organization. Lord teach us to ask for what we want/need, keeping us humble based on Your word. Lord we have to be better at asking for help as opposed to demanding. Lord teach us to share how we feel as opposed to lashing out when we feel no one is listening. In Jesus' Precious Name, AMEN. TeamBalance. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, November 29, 2013
Circle of Strength
Good afternoon family. I've let the morning get by me but I've been productive. Our tree is up and lit. My grands helped especially Charm Marie aka "ChaCha". Thanksgiving day was busy and the blessing of having full "bellies" was received and greatly appreciated. I'm very thankful for all God has provided because Lord knows things could have been so different. Yesterday as we gathered to say grace before dinner my daughter made the statement that it was the smallest group of people we've had in a long time. Even though everyone didn't eat with us there was still about 15 total. That's a nice size group. What she said sparked a conversation about "small groups". We all chimed in, made our comments, but what I was reminded of is, it isn't the size of your group, it's the quality. As we move into the new year, each of us should take a look at the quality of our friendships/relationships. How good are they? Are they working for us or against us. Why do we hold on to certain people and why do we let certain ones go. At the same time we should really think about our growth. Is our "circle" filling a need, a purpose? Or is our "circle" made up of people who don't want to rock the boat so they don't contribute at all. I don't know about you but I want people in my life who can teach me something "good", things I need to learn/change, things I need to reach for, things that will "rock my boat" but add value. 2013 has been a good year for my family. We've changed and matured but I/we still have work to do. I truly believe that God is strengthening my network, strengthening my family/friends so that I/we make the right choices and live according to how His word says I/we should. Our network of people have to be people of high standards, people on the move, people doing things better/different/more efficiently. I challenge you as I challenge myself, pray for those who have been placed in "your circle" and pray for those who will enter in. Lastly, have the faith that Daniel had when you're making decisions, understanding that God's way is the only way. There are are lots of lions/tigers/bears waiting on your faith to slip, waiting to devour you. TeamCircleOfStrength. Bblessedloveyou
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Rest Required
Good morning family and Happy Thanksgiving. We've been planning and getting ready for this day for the last few weeks, can't believe it's finally here. So many things to be thankful for but the main thing is I'm thankful for my life and yours. Yesterday I left work with the goal of starting my cooking last night, at least getting the baking out of the way. When I got home, I know longer had the desire or energy to start. I looked around the kitchen and decided it wasn't going to happen. Sometimes we have to allow our plans to change and not do things just because others are expecting it. Most women I know stress about getting things done on time or having the resources to do the things they want or need to do. What I've found is, that if I make up my mind about something I shouldn't feel guilty about it. If I'm unable to meet a deadline or complete a task, I should accept it and regroup. There are days that all we need is a good nap or a good night sleep in order to move forward. We become cranky and irritable when we don't allow our bodies and minds to rest. So guess what I did instead of cooking last night, I went to bed. I am better for it and my dinner is almost done. So shout out to all my women friends who stayed up late last night or got up early this morning. I'm sure our dinners will be great and I'm thankful that God has provided. Lastly, I'm so thankful for my hometown, Vernon TX. I learned so many lessons there and one of the best things I experienced was good cooking. Remembering the flavors and smells as we visited different homes during the holidays is what keeps me cooking. Never forgetting the smell of home. TeamRestRequired. Bblessedloveyou (For Ms Ro, Proverbs 21:10 and 27:15-16)
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
You're Grown
Good morning family. Worked from home yesterday. Enjoyed the peace and quiet and the fact that I didn't have to be out in the rain. Praying for peace and that everyone have a glorious Thanksgiving feast. If you're like me, you have internal struggles. You know those times when you're really not operating in faith, when your heart is somewhere else, when that stubborn side of you kicks in, when you want to shout people down. My internal struggles, all of them. My internal struggles come with lack of obedience and I know I'm not alone because I interact with a lot of people who know what the word of God says. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging, I'm just saying. To repair internal struggles and to become more obedient, we first have to confess, own our shortcomings and realize that change is needed. One of the greatest struggles I had was learning to forgive my mother for "her" life choices. Learning to forgive her for something she didn't know she needed forgiving for. I had to confess to her that I often wondered what life would have been like had my father lived instead of her. Once I shared this with her and my reasons why, our relationship was better. I felt a release and I think she did to. I also felt convicted because I'd held her accountable for my "adult" transition. Like she was responsible for all my bad decisions. After our conversation I realized that all the things I had been mad about were nothing in comparison to all the "good" things she represented in my life. My mom was a strong-willed beautiful woman. She had a spirit that shined brighter than anyone I ever met. She commanded attention and wasn't afraid to speak her mind. The most important memory is her love for God. I share this to remind all the adults in my life that no-one is responsible for your happiness but you. I understand that childhood trauma/drama is real but I also understand that what we're exposed to is meant to make us better/stronger/happier. Our exposure should not be used as an excuse to live like "hell" on earth. My heart spills over with love when I think about my mom, oh how I wish she were still here. As the holidays approach begin to release, begin to confess and most of all begin to walk in thankful praise for everything, the good, the bad, the ugly and the beautiful. Thankful for a merciful God who has kept me. TeamYou'reGrown. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Good morning family. Yesterday morning I received messages from someone who was very upset. I had a choice, I could respond emotionally or I could keep it moving, keep it real. I chose to keep it real. When I say "keep it real", I mean I focused on the love I have for that person and not what they were saying. This person wasn't upset with me but didn't like the way things were going based on prior and current interactions with others. Sometimes we get so busy proving and defending that we forget how to love, we forget to forgive and let go. Our emotionally charged responses have us boiling, saying things that in five years won't even matter. This morning I pray for anyone who's tied to an emotional issue from their past/present. I ask God, our Lord and Savior to touch the hearts and minds of those who for some reason can't let go of a hurt, that hurt that stays in their front pocket locked in their heart. I ask our Heavenly Father to open our minds to healing and shows us how to communicate the way we're feeling based on His ways, His words. I ask Him to lead us away from words that divide and cause pain, give us words that help us move forward, help us rebuild relationships we've thrown away. I ask God to take those fingers we point at one another and direct them towards ourselves because at the end of the day, we have to own what we feel no matter how someone else made us feel. I ask our Lord to grant us the courage to love "anyway" even when the people we are charged with loving may not deserve it. I fall to my knees in thanks to our God for keeping everyone in my life safe for there are so many families who aren't planning Thanksgiving dinners because their focus has to be on planning funerals for their loved ones, setting court dates, planning visits to a jail or hospital or making no plans at all. Father God we are blessed beyond measure and we ask Your forgiveness because we forget what and where you've brought us from and too. With all my heart I ask You to watch over my family, my friends, my co-workers and the people of our nation, thanking You again for allowing us another chance, another day/year to break bread with each other and to bask in the glory of Your generosity/blessings. In Jesus "Sweet" Name, AMEN. TeamThankful Bblessedloveyou
Monday, November 25, 2013
Telling Stories
Good morning family. Praying for my family and friends in OK and TX, the hawk is out along with sleet and icy roads. The cold weather continues this morning. Thanking God that it didn't feel like 41 degrees. It's actually not that bad. I dosed the kids up last night because they played in the cold all day. Our kids aren't as tough as we used be. For some reason I don't remember us having colds and coughs like they do. Maybe it's because we played outside more as opposed to sitting in front of the TV playing games. Exercise is one of the keys to raising healthy kids. IJS. This morning I give all honor and praise to God for all He allows and shows. The more we learn about ourselves based on His word, the better we become. What I've learned is that I/we can't allow my/our circumstances to discourage me/us or others. Speaking positive affirmations is a must. I'm so grateful that I've been able to understand that negative things happen in my life to make me stronger, to build me up. I'm more aware of seasonal transitions so I don't allow frustration to take over. Change is a must and welcomed in my life. What we all must learn is that every second of our lives holds a story that someone needs to hear. Whether the story is funny, whether a story is a lesson or whether it's a release, we have to continue telling telling/sharing them. When we don't tell/share our stories we miss the opportunity to help others. I can't tell you how many times my spirit has been lifted by hearing someone else tell me their story or share an experience. As we inch closer to the New Year, I pray we all continue sharing our lives. I feel that every day is new journey for my family and friends, a journey worth sharing and documenting, a journey full of stories that will influence the "me" God wants to see. Praying for us all. TeamTellingStories. Bblessedloveyou. (reading for today, Daniel 1:1-21, 2:1-20, 1Peter 3:8-22, 4:1-5, Psalm 119:65-80, Proverbs 28:14)
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Explore the Talent
Good morning family. What a beautiful Saturday. This is one of those days that you not only appreciate life but you appreciate living in Florida. One of the best weather days this year. I've been sitting listening to kids cycle through their piano lessons and it really makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something even though I'm not taking the lessons. Exposing our children to "life" outside of our normal life is very important. I know we can't guarantee them success when they become adults but we can point them in the right direction. Guiding and directing them starts at home. If you have an opportunity to speak to and encourage children, don't miss it. It's so easy to just wait around for children to grow up and move on, but that's not the right thing to do. While we have their ear, while we have the chance to influence them we should be supportive, affording them the opportunity to explore theirinterest. My three boys always played baseball. I can remember standing in the middle of the park at Rondette trying to watch Courtney play in the dirt and three baseball diamonds at one time. They played so much ball that they became disinterested and simply decided to quit. What I failed to do is ask them what they wanted to do, what their interest were. I didn't try to uncover any other talents because my husband and I felt sports was it, they were boys, right? Courtney always had the gift of gab and writing, but I had no idea my boys possessed that same gift. I can't make up for what I failed to recognize in them but I can help my grandchildren find their niche, that thing they love, that thing that makes them smile. I can and I will. TeamExploreTheTalent. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, November 22, 2013
Mature & Patient
Good morning family. Everyone have a great Friday, enjoy the day. Feeling thankful and refueled this morning. Safe travels to those going to the Classic this week. Praying that our family and friends "play" responsibly. Sometimes we loose patience when we don't receive the answer or response we're looking for. Some get angry, some judge, some shut down and some argue. What I understand is that until the person responding and the person asking are on the same page, there won't be an agreement. We have to work towards "agreement". What works for me may not work for others. The things I do for others may not be the things another person is willing to do. What others give may seem minimal to what you bring to the table but it depends on who's doing the measuring. It's also important to understand how mature a person is. Have they had enough life experience, have they been exposed to life events that help shape a "mature" thought life? As we move through our days, we should think about our responses/our request/our suggestions. We are all unique and constantly learning/growing/changing so have patience when you're on the brink of loosing control based on interactions with others. TeamMature&Patient Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Rebuilding Finances
Good morning family. Thursday are always busy. Is it me or does everybody feel all their meetings are on Thursday? Anyway, just happy to be living a productive life full of family and friends. I know that sounds cliche' but it's so true. Some of us have taken the long way through life, missing out on joy and happiness because we've allowed ourselves to be consumed with human responsibility that was never meant to be ours. Yesterday I had two different conversations about the same-thing, finances. When I think about how I ran through money, not using it the way God intended, I cringe. It took years for me to understand that money wasn't going to make me a better person, it wasn't going to fix all my problems and certainly wasn't the answer to true happiness. I used to envy people who I felt were better off than me. You know the friends that were able to buy whatever they wanted. What I wasn't getting is that I had no idea how they were able to shop like they wanted, were they using credit cards, were they functioning on borrowed money? Why did their finances seem to be flowing so freely? Sometimes standing on the outside of a person's life leads us to wrong conclusions, makes us feel inadequate because we think they have the secret to success based on what they've accumulated. What we have to do is find out for ourselves how to reach financial freedom. The first step is to evaluate our spending habits, our giving habits and overall needs/wants. Are we giving God our first, I know I haven't been, are we spending when we should be saving, I am, are our closets so full that we can't squeeze another thing in them? What's over-loading us? It's time to break those financial bad habits. Stop accepted what we're used to and start implementing biblical/practical habits. Face it, we ain't getting no younger. TeamRebuildingFinances. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Seeking Peace
Good morning family. I feel like my week should be farther along than it is. Thinking about "elevation". You know, getting to a higher level in life. Not necessarily more pay but more peace. Don't get me wrong, more pay is a good thing, but the more I understand about living a peaceful life, the more peace I want. Every morning on the way to work I come down Main St. There are always men and women sitting on the sidewalk, most of them waiting for a "day" job. I assume some of them are homeless. I use to feel sorry for them and want to pull over and give them the few dollars I had in my purse. Convicted because I've never given them anything unless I had to stop there and gas up. Usually one of them will approach and ask for change. This morning I almost envied them because they look peaceful. They're not running off to a stressful job, may not be worried about feeding anyone but themselves, don't look to concerned about the weather and certainly aren't hiding who they really are. I think for the most part they've decided to stop living based on "human" expectations and started living carefree, putting the stresses of life to bed. I'm not saying I want to live the life of a homeless person, I'm very thankful for everything God has allowed my family to accumulate and sustain. But I am saying that if more of us would live life based on God's word and not the word of the "world" then we would be at peace. We would stress less about what we don't have and praise Him for what we do have. Using our resources more responsibly/spiritually. We would understand that every relationship is not made to last and that "when one door closes, another door opens". We would see/share the true beauty and lessons in failure and success. Our walk through life would no longer be "self centered" but lives focused on the betterment of those less fortunate. That's how we start the search for peace. Starting my walk today. TeamSeekingPeace. Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Celebrate Because
Good morning family. Traveling grace for my husband this morning as he gets on the road for work. Also, thinking about Sug on his new job in LA. May God watch over all. I'm very thankful for a new day, for the sunrise. As Thanksgiving and Christmas inch closer some of us will start to feel a little anxiety. Wondering what the holidays will bring. Some wishing their money was a little longer, some wishing they had a "special" someone to spend time with and some just wanting to get to the new year. What I've found is, if we focus on the true meaning of the holidays, we understand that it's not about what we're able to buy, not about having someone around to share your life and it's not about "just" getting through. We accept where we are and vow to move forward, be better, do better. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family and friends, not expecting anything but peace and love. Remembering that God's blessings have been poured over us time and time again. Focusing on the true gift and celebration, Jesus Christ. There's not a Thanksgiving feast that can fill us like His love for us can and celebrating His birth is the best present any of us could give or receive. I pray that we all understand that it's not about our purchases, not about our parties and certainly not about what we expect to receive, it's truly about life, living it to the fullest based on God's will and purpose for each of us. TeamCelebrateBecause. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Inspire to Inspire
Good morning family. A beautiful day here in Jax. Praying for all those affected by the recent storms in the States and abroad. These reminders of living life to the fullest keep hitting us in the face but some of us keep ignoring them. Happy Birthday to half-of-my best friend team, Teri Kirkland. A support system I can depend on, she is always willing and ready to give of herself. Sets the bar pretty high for me. Love her to life. Yesterday I attended a coach's workshop. Everytime I'm around this group I come away inspired and closer to the change I want for my life. I was reminded that "the gifts" (Ms Gigi) we seek are already in us. We just have to accept and "walk in" what God has given and prepared for us. In order to move forward in life, we have to leave the "yes" men behind. I want people in my life who are growing, exploring and living authentically. I'm so over the phony, fake people, the ones who laugh with you and probably at you when you're not looking. I want people in my life who have succeeded and are on their way to even greater success. Does it make sense for us to continue working hard, receiving the same return or does it make sense that we work hard and our return be mind blowing, unbelievable. I want the mind-blowing, unbelievable return, but I have to work hard, work smarter, use my opportunities wisely. The workshop yesterday reminded me that the automatic doors of life won't open until I move forward (Ms Gigi). A huge shout out to J. Dianne Tribble and Ms Gigi for the wisdom they shared yesterday. TeamInspireToInspire. Bblessedloveyou. (some of my friends will receive this twice, don't fuss at me)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Feeling Some Kinda Way
Good morning family. Just thinking about all the things women are charged with doing and how the women in my life keep things moving and flowing. It's not that I don't think about the men in my life and their responsibilities, but women are tied to emotions that sometimes keep them off balance. What I realized about me and I hope you realize the same, the deeper understanding I have of what my true role in life is, the less foolishness I'm willing to put up with. Listening to a pastor yesterday made me take a deeper look at where I want to be and who I want to be in the lives of others. I also thought about my "self portrait" and "my inner portrait". Is it the picture that I enjoy looking at, the one I want the world to see? Am I really changing/growing or am I subcontiously pretending to grow? I ask that because sometimes we fall into habits that make us think we've changed but in reality, we're the same person, doing those same underlying things that stunt our progress. Running from uncomfortable conversations and not confronting those issues that consistently make us doubt ourselves. The person who puts on makeup to cover up scares and imperfections. I want my change to be natural, no cover ups, just natural. I want my change to be real, effective and powerful. I want people to see me and believe my change, but I have to believe it first. What I'm certain of is that I will never go back to living without the word of God. No matter what changes in my life, His word won't. No matter who He brings into my life, His word wont't change. Thanking Him and praising Him for showing up whenever I need Him and for giving me the courage to take responsibility for actions and reactions. I'm really in a place of gratefullness and gratitude. So very thankful that God gives each of a voice that we will/can/should use to deliver truthful and uplifting words. Asking our Father in Heaven to continue guiding every one of us as we walk the sometimes uncertain road of change. Amen to all He brings. TeamFeelingSomeKindaWay. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Protect and Love
Good morning family. I pray everyone is having a nice Saturday morning. I'm having coffee without having to referee any fights or arguments. Looking forward to piano lessons later this morning (grandkids, not me). I was asked a question that really caught me off guard, "would I lie to protect someone who'd committed a crime?" My answer without hesitation, no. Will I stand by a person's side? Yes, but I will never lie to keep someone from going to jail if they are guilty. What everyone knows is that mistakes are made, some are within our control and some are not, but whatever the mistake is, we have to own it and not run from it. I'd be lying if I said I haven't done anything that could have sent me to jail, but God saw fit to give me a second chance, let me slide, He saw my future when I didn't realize I had one. Some people think lying for another is a form of loyalty, respect and love. What they miss is that if a person loves you they won't put you in a position to have to lie. When you love people, you protect them by living a clean life, by making the right "life" choices, by serving God. I have to be honest and say I haven't always protected my family through my actions and choices. I've lived selfishly and didn't really think about "impact and outcome". This morning I pray for you as I pray for me, Father God, continue guiding us through our daily journeys, opening our eyes to those things that cloud our view/vision of what You would have us do and how You would have us live. God I/we thank You for confirmation and peace. Your ways are so powerful and I am so grateful for change and opportunity. Lord, without You, we are nothing but pawns in the "earthly" games others play nut under Your protection we flourish/prosper and live. Lord I/we are so thankful for Your presence and the fullness of Your word. Let every man/woman and child understand and open their hearts to what You've prepared for them, leaving old habits behind, removing vulgar language, drinking/drugs, arrogance and the love for material things behind. Loving this life You've giving us, in the Name of Jesus, AMEN. TeamProtect&Love. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, November 15, 2013
Work Life In Full Effect
Good morning family. Wow and welcome to Friday. I'm excited, ready to get this party started. It's been an interesting week, productive and eye opening. Yesterday I remembered that there are people that I love and respect so much that I don't want to let them down. I know our goal is to not let ourselves down but when people have a positive affect on your life, you always want to make them feel proud to know you. This is something that comes from childhood, the thing that our parents instilled in us. I can hear my grandma saying "don't go up there on "them" people's job showing out, you go up there and appreciate the opportunity you've been given". I've fallen short a few times on my job but I've bounced back, I've been disrespectful but I've asked forgiveness, I've been unappreciative but reality hit and I realized how fortunate I am. Not wanting to sound preachy this morning but being employed means a lot to me. Having a job means my family has food on the table, having a job means that I have something to look forward to, having a job allows me to grow, having a job gives me confidence, having a job provides me with options. God is so very awesome. When you start feeling like you're working for nothing, look at where He's brought You from, look at what He's given you and most importantly, how are You treating what He has allowed you to gain. Sometimes we are to touchy feely about our growth opportunities, missing the opportunity to embrace the new, let go of the old. I, for one, will not miss out on anymore opportunities just for the sake of being "comfortable". TeamWorkLifeInFullAffect. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Finding Purpose
Good morning family. Thankful for clear skies this morning. It's cold but we have a beautiful sunrise. Sitting in my "window" seat at work enjoying the view. Praying that everyone makes it to their destinations safely. My heart is full this morning. So very thankful for the strength God gives each of us. He has given each of us a purpose. Some of us are walking in ours while others are still trying to figure it out. There are some who know what their purpose is but feel they aren't strong enough or educated enough to step up to the challenge. I'm reminded that when a purpose is revealed, God has a plan. We need only pray, asking for direction and clear vision. When we walk in the will of God, putting in the necessary work, we get to where we need to be. Some of us "chicken" out because we can't "muscle" up the courage to face what has to be done. We're to afraid of hearing no, to afraid of rejection, to afraid that we won't meet with the approval of our peers, but when we truly turn it over to God, nothing else matters but what He has approved/affirmed. This morning I pray that we each face our true "purpose" in life, stop standing on the outside waiting for someone to give and approve what we want. I love the song "What God Has For Me, It Is For Me", it says man can't take it, love, love, love it. I also remember a song from my childhood that played on Saturday mornings, it basically reminded us that to get something, you have to really want it, just let go of fear and fly high. TeamFindingPurpose. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Standing On His Word
Good morning family. My Jax family is "chilly" today. 47 degrees but not bad. The way the wind was blowing I thought it feel colder but it was okay. I'm juiced up on skittles and peanuts, gotta do better. Happy birthday to my 10th grandbaby Chase DeJuan Matthews, he turned 1 today and got his first hair cut. Time is passing fast people, make the best of it. I woke up from a dream this morning that made me think about how I present myself to my family and friends. As I stumbled around getting dressed for work I realized my dream was reminding me to be open and transparent. Understanding that sometimes when we're exposed it's important that others see that even in times of trouble we're still strong/confident, walking in peace. There are people who see us when we're down, but instead of being uplifting they take advantage of the vulnerable state we're in. Attempting to belittle the way we're feeling, trying to leave us feeling unworthy. But our Father in Heaven has blessed us/those who walk through storms looking for the bright side. Those of us who are determined to get our lives back on track no matter what others say or do. So if/when you're feeling stripped down don't let what others say keep you from getting back up. We're built to withstand whatever comes when/because we stand on His word. TeamStandingOnHisWord. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Daddy & Momma
Good morning family. Loving this weather. Long sleeves and a light jacket. Not to cold, not to hot. Praising God with every step this morning and every morning. Refusing to take anything for granted. Loving the skin He blessed me with. My son posted a comment about watching the kids on the rides at the fair. His comment was around the fact that the he was now the parent watching his children on the rides. There is something so amazing about growth, physical and mental. As we watch our children get bigger and taller we sometimes forget to stretch their mental growth by praising them and affirming them on a daily basis, ensuring they feel loved by God and us. The busyness of life distracts us and makes us forget that our children are God's blessings to us, our rewards and part of our purpose for living. Now that my children are grown and have children of their own, I see the opportunities I missed by not being fully present/engaged in their every day lives. I believe Dee and I gave them a strong foundation but I can't help but believe it would have been even stronger had I known the meaning of "true parenting". So this morning I applaud my children for being "all in" when it comes to their children. They explore and recognize the talents their children posses and they make sure no one goes without. I feel beyond blessed to know that they love my grandchildren unconditionally, I see it and I love it. Thanking God for the blessing of parenthood. TeamDaddy&Momma. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Work Hard
Good morning family. Happy Veteran's Day to all those who serve and support the citizens of our country. Servicemen make huge sacrifices and fight wars they don't necessarily believe in. The love for their/our country moves them to protect us/it. It takes heart to leave your family, leave the protected soil of the US so others can experience the freedom most of us take for granted. So good morning Vets and thank you for all you do and have done. Saturday I was reminded that it takes more than words to succeed in life. You have to put in work, more work than your peers, more work than your family and work that you may not want to do. As American's we're raised to ask "what's in it for me?". What I've found is when that question is asked the person asking it is really not seeking success. They're wanting to be rewarded, not realizing that a reward is a temporary fix. When we get past asking "what's in it for me?" and start doing positive/helpful things, whether a reward is included or not, then we're on our way to success. I personally feel that giving of yourself without asking for something in return is the best reward EVER. It's a freeing feeling, one that tells others who you are and what you're about. The greatest example of this is Jesus. He knew the cost but He accepted what had to be done so we could live, so that we could choose. He loved us that much. In essence, He knew the answer to "what's in it for me?". This morning I pray that we all understand our purpose, I pray we've all established goals, I pray that when we're asked to do a little more that we eagerly accept and work with grumbling, I pray that we put the needs of others first and that the desires of our heart be based on what God desires for and of us. TeamWorkHard. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Get It Together
From: matt1894@live.com
To: matt1894@live.com
Subject: Get It Together
Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 09:56:45 -0500
Good morning family. I hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday morning. Praying for Alva and her family, Mr. Al's mother passed away this week. Also saying a special prayer for Sug and his family as they travel to their new home. Missing them already. Kids are out of school tomorrow, hope all you parents and grandparents are ready. Really not sure how I'm feeling this morning. Do you ever wake up unsure of what you want to do but knowing you should be doing something? That's where I am this morning, just unsure. I had a busy work week and for the past couple of weekends, I've been on the go. Really want to be lazy but who has time for that? I'm caught up in the thought of not wanting to appear ungrateful for all God provides. See, this week also brought bad news and bad weather for others. Sure, I don't know or didn't know those affected but nevertheless their bad news reminds me of how precious life really is. I've lost a child but not two and I've been in storms but made it through. It seems our world is getting worse but is it? I think the media is playing more and more to our insecurities and fears. Thing is, it's up to us to pick up on what's happening, be better people and change those things that aren't pleasing to God (the signs and reminders are all there). I don't know about you, but I fall short more than I care to admit. I let my guard down, participating in conversations that I know aren't right. Also letting/allowing my patience to wear thin when I should sit still, listen and open my heart. This morning I pray for the families who lost loved ones, especially those two young sisters and I pray for those in the Philippines. We should not walk in fear or be insecure about our lives but we must get it together. TeamGetItTogether. Bblessedloveyou
Friday, November 8, 2013
I'm Not Mad Anymore
Good Morning family. Welcome to this glorious Friday and I do mean glorious. Revelation and conviction this morning but nevertheless excited to start this work day and get to the weekend. Praying for our friends/co-workers in the Philippines. These storms ain't no joke. (remember when ain't wasn't a real word?). As I rode in this morning the narrator from my audio book said something that made me laugh. She told the story of how she and her husband were having a disagreement and she knew he was going to win the argument. In her mind she was plotting how long she would stay mad and planning how she would react to not winning. I laughed out loud because that's exactly how I behave. First let me say, I should be ashamed of myself for planning to be mad and next I'm ashamed because I control my emotions. There are so many times in life that we prepare to be angry, we go into meetings with our minds instead of our hearts. We rehearse how we're going to respond and we decide that our feelings will be made known, we will be heard, we will not put up with foolishness? I can honestly tell you that I've folded my arms, I've set in silence, I've put on a somber/un-approving face and sat in rebellion based on the fact that I didn't like something or didn't get my way. Surely that's not the way God wants me/us to behave. There have been times that I've stayed mad at Dee so long that I forgot what I was mad about. I can honestly say that during those "mad" times I missed not being able to share my day with him, share my gossip and good news. As we prepare for the weekend, I pray that each of us learn and practice responding in love, understanding that no-one benefits when "anger" is the center of attention. Loving life and all of you. TeamI'mNotMadAnymore. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My Pitcher Is Full
Good morning family. Feeling grateful this morning. I've come to the conclusion that the McDonalds on Merrill Road has the best coffee. All Mickey D's are not the same, bummer. This morning my mind is raising, my heart is full. Ladies our lives are like big "ole" water pitchers. We allow to many people to pour their feelings into our "pitcher" not fully realizing we're already over flowing with feelings of our own. But, that's how we're designed, how we're built. It's up to us to pour out some of those things that make us unhappy, keep us unbalanced. We have the power to do so. Our lives should be over flowing with love and joy not hate and misery. I thank God that all the women I'm close to understand how to rid themselves of things/people who aren't pouring love and peace into their lives. I'm reminded and thankful that God's word provides us a means and way to handle everything that's thrown at us. I'm encouraged to get up and be a better me, better than I was yesterday, better than I was last week, better than I was last month and certainly better than I was last year. We get better with time and reflection. So ladies, whatever you do today, stop and give God praise and glory for a sound mind and "glowing" spirit. Thank Him for allowing you to separate the "real" from the foolishness. Stay in a place of "thanksgiving" so that you continue flowing in the blessings of God. Smile even when it hurts and give yourself a break. TeamMyPitcherIsFull. Bblessedloveyou.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Good morning family. We are mid-week already. Wow, these mornings come fast, sometimes to fast but thankful for rest, a renewed spirit and a brand new start. I think I drank my coffee to fast because I need another one already. Anyway. "I'm So Glad Trouble Don't Last Always" is what's on my mind and heart this morning. We sometimes engage in arguments that lead to frustration and discontentment but when we understand that some arguments are meant to make us stronger, bring us closer then we begin to move forward. It's in those times that we walk in resentment that we stop progressing. Conversation is a huge part of my every day life. Because of this I've learned to watch what I say, how I say it and when. Being mindful of my audience is also important. The flip side of this is being able to listen and accept feedback. There are so many people who miss the opportunity to learn because of their inability to listen and fully engage in productive conversations. I'm glad that I have reminders every day that it's not always about how I feel or what I need, it's really about the needs of others. I also realize that it is not important to have the last word, the importance comes from the words we use/say. Sometimes you just have to "shut it up", keep calm and move on. TeamConversation. Bblessedloveyou.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Good morning family. A little misty here in Jax and the wind was really up. The truck was "rocking" a little when I drove over the Dames Point. Had to slow my roll. Thankful for a safe drive into work and bless God, I didn't pass any accidents. Yesterday I had the opportunity to receive feedback, correction if you will on something I said, something I did. I listened and I agreed with what was said. It wasn't the feedback that I would have liked but it did bring attention to an issue I'd already given thought to. What I realize is that everyone walks to the beat of a different drum and we all have different expectations. What I think is okay may not be okay for another but at the end of the day it's how we react to our differences that counts, that matters. The person who gave me feedback could have sat on it and let it build up, could have let it go, could have just decided that it wasn't worth the time to even have a discussion but because this person cared enough to speak up I received "words" that will benefit and guide me. There are times in our lives that we are careless with words, careless with our actions. When we face those times, we have to take a step back, ask for forgiveness and focus on moving forward. So this morning I ask God for forgiveness and anyone I may have offended. With an open heart I say, I'm sorry. In life we all find that it's easier to walk away and not accept responsibility for our words/actions. The hardest thing to do is face the music, own your words/actions and step into correction. TeamConvicted/Forgiveness. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Dream Big
Good morning family. Sunday morning, have I mentioned how much I love you, oh Sunday morning. This has to be the best day of the week, the Sabbath. Time for reflection and renewal. So many things on my mind this morning and I love it. What if I didn't have anything to do for the rest of my life? I'd be lost without a "cause". Dee and I are up preparing food for a "video party" Cory is having today. This "party" started as a question and turned into an event. What you have to know about my son, about my children is that when they set the hearts and minds on something, it usually happens. While they may have small doubts in the back of their minds, they don't let it hold them back. What I've learned from watching them is that they are determined to make things happen, they are not afraid to venture out of their comfort zone. Now, I have to be honest, sometimes it annoys me that they take risk, I get a little annoyed when they broadcast things that I think should be private, I get annoyed when I think they're speaking out of turn, but that's the parent in me. I'm sharing this to remind those "closed minded", "small dreaming", "lack of trust", "non progressing" people (me, myself and I) that anything is possible if you want it. Most of us have the resources at our fingers to reach goals, to make dreams happen and to obtain the so called "unobtainable". We have just grown so accustomed to accepting less that we can't see ourselves walking in victory. Lastly, I know life is challenging, life is sometimes interrupted by things that we can't control, life isn't perfect, and we are subject to failure but I also know that if we don't try, if we don't look past what's wrong to get to what's right, we'll live with regrets and "what ifs". As I return to the kitchen, my old kitchen, I say thank You to our Father in Heaven, Who's word reminds me that where I am in life is where I'm supposed to be at this very moment, The Best Is Yet To Come. TeamDreamBigWorkHard. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
The Gift of Giving
Good morning family. Enjoying the sound of a rainy Saturday. It's peaceful and calming especially when you don't have to stress about getting out in it. Thankful for a full week of work, completion. I absolutely love the conversations I have at work and the ones I over hear. I'm not an eavesdropper, it's just loud on my job. Yesterday we had a huge food day. Anyone who knows me knows I'm about the food day. I like cooking and sharing food. What I know about feeding people is that it opens up conversation. I've always fed others because I believe food actually helps cultivate relationships, brings people together. This morning, listening to and responding to my grandchildren I realized that "we" are people who find it hard to share sometimes, especially when others haven't shared with us. It's a learned behavior that's very hard to break. "So you want to play with my toys but last week you wouldn't let me see yours" or "So you want some of my candy but the other day you wouldn't give me any of yours." What I know is that I want to live my life giving even if no one gives or shares with me. Giving is not a game it's a "gift", a way of life. I fully understand the blessing of being able to bless others. I'm fully aware that there are people who will take advantage of the sincerity and charitable spirit of others but I also know that God is our true provider and will not leave us without. So to anyone who doesn't give because they remember "when", let go and walk in the blessing you've received because tomorrow is not promised. You can't take any of these earthly things with you. Lastly, I don't know about you but I would rather be remembered as having a "giving spirit" than be remembered as someone who held on, held out based on "past" interactions. TeamTheGiftOfGiving. Bblessedloveyou.
Friday, November 1, 2013
No More Picking
Good morning family. Love Fridays. It represents the end of the work week and the beginning of rest and relaxation/fun and fellowship with friends and family. Good all the way around. Wishing my friend Shawn a happy belated birthday and Grandma Blanca a happy birthday today (Alexis' mom). I'm blessed to know them. During a conversation yesterday at work I was reminded of how often we look over the strength of others because we only see their flaws. I'm guilty. What I've come to understand and must continually practices is that we have to be uplifting even when we're being "tried" by what we see. I can't allow my views to overshadow basic reason when the actions of others don't meet "my" approval. In most instances "my approval" doesn't even matter because as humans, we do what we want, when we want and how we want. This is not to say that we shouldn't offer corrective critisim when needed. But we should take into consideration the maturity level, growth and life style of others as well as our own. I have personally gotten to caught up in what I think is right especially in my thoughts about my husband and my children. Although we're a family unit and strong one at that, we all have different opinions, dreams, needs and wants. It's taken me some time to really accept that my husband and children don't and won't always see things my way but I'm there (I know Dee is thanking God and so am I). So, as we begin our Friday work day and the start of our weekend, let us all be reminded that our focus should be on the strength of others and not "the picking apart" of their weaknesses/flaws. TeamNoMorePicking. Bblessedloveyou.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Walk The Walk
Good morning family. Why does today feel like Friday? Maybe because it's Halloween, oh well. Closer to the weeeeeeeeeeeeekend baby. So much to be thankful for. Rested well last night, gas in the truck, employed, husband, kids and all family members are well, still full from yesterday's lunch, coffee was perfect and I got paid today, thank YA. Praying for anyone who's unable to get up and thank God for a fresh start, a new day. I overheard a conversation yesterday that reminded me that there are so many people who are not prepared for what they think they want. I say that because the person speaking didn't understand that when you want something, i.e. promotion, marriage, financial security, success, you have to actually start "walking in it" before it's received. For that promotion, are you learning and accepting responsibility for what it will take to get that promotion? For that husband/wife you're looking for, are you obeying God, being submissive, ready to share, ready to compromise, ready to commit, give completely/fully of yourself? Are you able to live within your financial needs right now, are you being a good steward, living within your means, blessing others? For the success you're pursuing, have you've learned everything or do you already "know it all", are you willing to take direction, can you sit at the table with those who have succeeded and let yourself be led? What I figured out is life is like "layaway", you have to start paying now to get what you want later. Nothing falls into your lap. Walk in what you want as if the blessing is already there/been received. You'll find that you're already blessed and what you sought after is just icing on the cake. TeamWalkingTheWalk. Bblessedloveyou
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Stop Complaining
Good morning family. Thankful to see this beautiful sunrise. Understanding that we are blessed beyond measure. Sometimes we forget our manners, forget to say "Thank Ya" to our Lord who makes all things new and possible. My heart is full of gratitude and appreciation of "life". We had a nice family dinner last night at Red Lobster, I don't know if the Red Lobster employees thought it was nice but I enjoyed it. Love my crew. I find myself confessing and apologizing a lot lately because I can no longer give myself a pass when I fall short. My most recent episode happened yesterday at work. I let someone's written emotional response move me to complaining. I was not pleased with my reaction. What I realize is that I wasted about 45 minutes of my day venting to everyone but that person. I also realized that my venting served no purpose and if I am who God says I am, it doesn't matter what someone says to me or about me. Sometimes we miss the opportunity to remain positive on our jobs. We complain about addtional responsibilites and focus far to much on what others aren't doing. I don't know about you but as of yesterday at 5pm, my "job attitude" changed. I no longer want to get caught up in the "side bar complaining". It has gotten me nowhere and will take me nowhere. So to those I belly ached to yesterday, I apologize. We all have to take a step back, really use our hearts when receiving and giving out information. Practice makes perfect. TeamStopComplaining Bblessedloveyou
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
I Won't Go Back
Good morning family. What a beautiful day. Tuesday. Thankful for a nice start, a good word, peace and praise. Happy Birthday to Assante (AKA Mr Belvadeer) and congrats to Bernard who was signed by the Baltimore Ravens yesterday. God is good all the time and all the time God is good. I love the song "I Won't Go Back". It speaks volumes. This song reminds me of all the false starts I've had. Those times where I began a new process and flat gave it up before I could finish. I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to turn back, I don't want to revisit old habits. During the last weeks of my mom's life some family members were talking about using bad language "cussing". One of them looked at momma, asked if she cursed, her response was "I used to". At this point in her life, she'd lost or forgotten some of the habits she'd developed over the years. Her answer sticks with me because it's how I want to treat all my old/bad habits, as "used to". Every day I find that I've stopped doing things that were unproductive and served no purpose. Those things I thought were fulfilling turned out to be things that I used as fillers and most didn't make me feel any better about who I was. The walk that I'm on now has me feeling like I can do anything I set my mind to. I am confident in who I am, no longer ashamed of my past failures. When you finally come to the realization that "worldly things" come with "worldly pain" then you start letting go. So this morning I say "I won't go back, I can't go back to the way it used to be, before Your Presence came and changed me". Thanking God for favor and change, He is so awesome. TeamIWon'tGoBack. Bblessedloveyou.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Forgot My Blessing
Good morning family. Happy Monday. Blessed to see a new week. I'm actually hanging out at home for a little bit today. Something I haven't done in months. We had a nice weekend. The kids really had fun. Thanks again to all who came over for their party Saturday. Assante is looking forward to his birthday celebration at Red Lobster tomorrow night. So I have to tell on myself. A few weeks ago I was working from home. All of sudden the lights went out. I went to the door to see if the stop light was on, it was. I checked the breaker, it was okay. Next I picked up my cell phone, called Dee because he pays the light bill. When he admitted that it hadn't been paid I sort of lost it, talked a little trash and hung up. Now, back in the day, if the bill wasn't paid, I knew it was because we didn't have the money, but today I'm thankful that I can say we have money to pay our bills. It's just that my husband has a bad habit, so do I, of waiting until the late notice comes. This is a habit we developed when money was short and we sort of had to move it around to make ends meet. I'm sharing this story because I was reminded that men have enough stress without our attitudes being added to what they have to think about. Unlike women, men, real men, feel the burden and responsibility when bills don't get paid, when things break down around the house, when legal issues arise and when "family matters" happen. I'm learning that if I let go and allow things to work out naturally, I'll feel better and so will Dee. That day, I called, paid the bill over the phone and the lights were back on in a matter of minutes (modern technology). I know ya'll remember when someone actually had to come back out and turn them on and you didn't know if you were going to have lights before night. What a blessing to know that God supplies our needs and brings us from places of despair to places of prosperity. We just need to honor His word by living better, making better choices and accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. TeamForgotMyBlessing. Bblessedloveyou.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Old School
Good morning family. Thank you to everyone who came out to support the Matthews Children's Halloween party. I was very impressed with all the super heroes that showed up. We had some spooky visitors, princesses, mickeys and fairies as well. Shout out to Court, Alva, Zeina and Lexus for putting it all together. Dee and I, as usual, cooked and cleaned, WOW. Watching our children interact with others always teaches me or reminds of things that have changed. As a child I didn't always have a bucket to put my candy in. I picked up a grocery bag or a pillow case. I didn't question my parents about a lack/need or beg for a full costume. I was lucky to get a mask, ya'll know the little cheap ones. We didn't have an organized party and as a matter of fact we had to walk to the other side of town to get the good "candy". There's no doubt that the lives of our children and grandchildren are totally different from what we knew or where we come from. What I understand and believe is that we have to instill better values, remind our children that the reason they are more privileged is because someone stood up for their future. Someone died to give them the right to celebrate whatever they wanted and whenever they wanted. My parents and grandparents raised me to be respectful of others, not to speak out of turn and to listen, basic discipline. I'm not criticizing anyone or judging, just putting a reminder out there that the same disciplines that applied yesterday have to be applied today. If we can take it back to "back in the day" we'll experience less "black on black" crime, a more successful family life, less stress, more graduates and more respect for who we are from the "inside and outside". Lastly but certainly not least, our children need to know our Lord and Savior. It warms my heart, makes me smile, when my grandkids ask me questions about God or about biblical characters. I shout on the inside. YAH. TeamOldSchoolPleaseComeBack. Bblessedloveyou.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Happy Birthday Kevin
Good afternoon family. I have been up all morning, just moving around, helping prepare for the party today. I spoke with my cousin Patty, just checking on her to see how she's doing. Today would have been her son Kevin's 29th birthday. It's been four years and it still feels like yesterday. There is nothing that stings as much as loosing a child, nothing. We all remember Kevin as a young man who had a heart as big as gold and a smile to go with it. He was book smart and always helpful. There wasn't anything he wouldn't do for others. Kevin worked with/for Dee off and on. He was very impressive on the job, so impressive that one of Dee's customers actually offered to pay for Kevin to go to college. I'm not sure why he didn't take him up on the offer, maybe he wasn't ready or maybe college just wasn't his thing. Most of us say we'll do more tomorrow, enroll in college, find a new job, move to a different place, call a relative, call a friend or even take time out for ourselves. For some reason, most of us never get to the things we put off until tomorrow. What we must understand is "tomorrow is not promised". Everything we do is in God's time and if we start paying attention to where He's leading us then those "tomorrow things" start getting done. As I think about the path my family has taken (all of them) I realize we're making progress, we're doing more as opposed to just talking about doing more. Our family has more high school and college graduates, we're talking more, saying I love you more and even grooming and preparing future leaders. Our children are doing things I never dreamed of doing, they're traveling, leading church ministries and holding down steady/professional jobs. I could go on and on but my point is, we need to remember and honor those that God has called home by continuing to knock doors and chip away at generational curses. I'm encouraged/inspired and in love with my family. TeamHappyBirthdayKevin. Bblessedloveyou.
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