Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Research Your Vote

Good morning family. Well it's my second day at home. I actually planned to give this day back and go to work but I thought about how busy I've been over the past few weeks, decided to stay home. Dee told me I deserve it, so another day "sitting up in my room". A friend of mine and I were talking last week about the upcoming elections. It's so sad that the commercials we're seeing are so negative. We have become people who blame everyone else for everything that goes wrong in our lives. It seems people with "book sense" have lost their compassion and common sense when it comes to the affairs of those who elect them. We've become so used to the corruption that it doesn't even shock us anymore when things done in the dark are brought to the light. It's just "my opinion" but casting a vote now-a-days is a crap shoot. What I know for sure is there is never going to be an elected official who can please everyone because we're all different, we have different needs, we have different views, we come from different races, we've had different experiences. I can't speak for a "community" I've never lived in nor do I want someone who's never lived in my "community" to speak for me. People stand outside the "communities" of others judging and making recommendations but most of those people have not felt what it's like to live "there". The only and one true way any of us will have peace of mind and joy in who we are is to follow and obey the words/will of Our Father in Heaven. He's laid the foundation but we got side tracked by what/who America said we should be. Before any of us vote, we should pray, we should really understand what our candidates believe, we should know if they are in it just for the attention or do they honestly want to help those they are supposed to serve. I am blessed to live in this country. Ask anyone I speak with and they'll tell you that I don't travel outside the country because I feel safe here and there are so many places I haven't seen in the US, so why leave? That's just me. Please be prepared to vote. TeamResearchYourVote. Bblessedloveyou.

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