Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Good morning family. It's going to be a terrific work day, I can feel it. Yesterday was very busy, thankful for "busy" because we learn a lot about ourselves when things aren't going as we feel they should. We can feel challenged and over used at times but I remind myself that nothing is to hard when I focus and remove negative/selfish thoughts. There will be times in our lives that things will be revealed about us that we're ashamed of. I've had my fair share of these times already. My first big reveal was when my mother found out her 14 year old daughter was pregnant. To say the least she was not happy. I can't remember all the words she said that day but I remember feeling reduced, just small, ashamed. As an adult I've realized that our secrets, our reveals become our testimonies. Instead of breaking us, they actually make us stronger when we share our experiences. The only regret I have about this "secret" is that I wish I had been able to talk to my mother before she found out from someone else. Unfortunately, I was not comfortable enough nor did I have the courage to tell her. To all the parents, create an open atmosphere so your children won't be afraid to tell you when they're in trouble and to the children, learn to trust your parents. Parent/child relationships are so important. I have to say that after Cedric was born my mom was so proud of him, loved him, helped me care for him. I had some setbacks as result of being a teenaged mother, but God. TeamParentChild. Bblessedloveyou.

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