Friday, August 23, 2013

I Get Crazy Sometimes

Good morning family. Wishing my middle son Christopher a happy birthday. He's a healthy 29 years old. Dee and I were married the year he was born. Time is not waiting, right? This morning I ask for your prayers as I venture out today. Asking for prayer because I need an attitude adjustment. It's something that happens to the best of us. We get it in our heads that we're right about something and nothing anyone does or says can change our opinion/mind. I thought about "that mean old" Pharaoh. God showed him several signs but Pharaoh's heart was still hardened. He didn't care, he saw what he saw and he wanted what he wanted. That's the way I get sometimes. I understand how God wants me to live but this "ole flesh" gets in the way. I don't want to be foolish in my decision making and I don't want to be hard hearted when dealing with others. I want to live based on God's word. This morning I pray for me as I pray for you. Father God, I come to You asking for forgiveness. Asking You to remove selfish thoughts and ways from my life and anyone else who's going through. I ask that You forgive me for the prideful stance I take sometimes. God I would be lost without Your word. My heart would not stand a chance against this world. Lord thank You for opening my eyes and guiding me to Your word for me today. I give You honor and praise for Your word never changes, You don't give and then take it back. As humans, we walk away from our blessings because we feel we deserve something better, something more. Lord, I tell You today, I'm satisfied with where You've brought me and I'm ready to go farther. Walking in a minute by minute praise and worship. In Jesus Holy Name, AMEN. TeamIGetCrazySometimes. Bblessedloveyou. Exodus 5 Exodus 7

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