Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Not Without Fault but Healed

Good morning family...Getting closer to this three day weekend. Around this time I usually get emotional because this holiday reminds me of Cedric. I'm reminded that our God is so awesome. He sends healing when it seems the pain won't stop. He sends people our way to encourage and inspire us even in our darkest moments. The God we serve is so good. My son is resting peacefully, away from the cares of this world and God has given me "sweet peace" by allowing me to move forward. Sometimes you have to remember the pain to get to the joy. Sometimes you have to just look over what someone says to you and about you to get to your victory and more importantly you have to stop taking the immature thoughts/words of others so seriously. There was a time in my life when I sought counseling because my husband and I were struggling terribly. I went to one session. During that session the first question asked was "what are you doing to push your husband away". Can I tell ya'll I was offended because the counselor placed the blame on me. In my immature thinking, I just assumed he would take my side because I didn't think I was doing anything wrong. I walked out of the session upset but what I missed in that question was the opportunity to complete a self-examination of "me". Some of us miss that on a daily basis...We try to fix others before fixing our "broke down" attitudes. Maybe this isn't you but it was definitely me and sometimes still is. So this morning I ask our Loving Father to forgive and help us look within before we lash out and blame others. If not for His grace/sacrifice and the prayers of others we would all perish. If someone has responded to you in a negative way, give it to God. If it doesn't seem like you're making headway in any of your relationships, give it to God. At the end of the day that's where it should been in the first place. Bblessedloveyou. TeamExaminingMe.

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