Friday, May 2, 2014

Fix You

Good morning family. Happy Friday to each of you. I'm looking forward to a busy weekend. Things to do and people to see. While I love sitting at home on the porch, I realize I have to get out, move around and enjoy life. Praying everyone has a safe/productive weekend. So this story about the Clipper's owner has dominated conversations since last weekend. I can honestly say it didn't upset me, it actually made me laugh. What I know for certain is that people of different cultures who have never taken the time to fully understand other cultures will always feel the same way this man does. It's not a black or white thing, it's a human thing. Our Father in Heaven put us on earth to love and serve each other but we're to busy judging. There are those who have yet to get over the fact that an African American was actually elected President of the United States. Everything he's done has nit-picked. Then there are those who continue to blame prior Presidents for their current circumstance. If we all stopped and thought about why we're in a mess we'd see that it's of our own doing. It doesn't matter who owns the Clippers or who's President. Our country gives each of us freedom of choice. With those free choices we've decided to sit in judgement of others, over eat, over spend, cheat our employers and then complain about out-sourcing, refused to take lower paying jobs, to miss out on the opportunity to get an education, to not invest in the future of our children and a host of other bad choices. Yes, the Clipper's owner was in his own home when he spoke but he spoke in front of someone who was less than a friend, less than loyal. And all of our President's have fallen short but guess what so have we. Maybe non of this applies to you but it certainly reminded me that I need to be more responsible. I pray that we all work on ourselves before we try to fix others. TeamFixYou BblessedLoveYou.

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