Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Good morning family. Woke up on time this morning, faith as strong as ever. I love when I ask someone how they're doing and their response is "blessed and highly favored". It makes me feel good to know people around me are walking in faith. Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and to the fathers who are having to pull double duty as well. As I listened to the endless chatter of my grandchildren this morning I thought about my childhood. A childhood that has left such an impression on me as an adult that I don't want my grands to miss out on enjoying theirs. This morning I thank God for a family of women from my community who touched my life. Nanny, Momma Verna Mae, Momma Ms Smith, my Mom, Aunt Carrie, Aunt Glo, Aunt Mary, Aunt Sue, Aunt Phyllis, Momma Ted, Curtistene, Ima Jean, Virginia Sue, Ms Helen, Vera and Verna Joe, Virginia Ann, Ms Hazel, Cheryl Crayton, Mary Scott, Brynne, Ms Brazzle, Ms Shug, Ms Judy June, Aunt Peggy, Ms Ford, Ms Jean (Doris Jean's mom), Jean Scott, Delores, Red and Ms Gates. (I know I missed someone, forgive me) I remind you as I remind myself, what we put out is what we get back. We have to build our young women up, help them understand compassion/love/commitment. Avoid sitting in judgement but offer kind words of correction. I am honored to be a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a person who wants to be what God created her to be. As the old song says, "help me on my journey, help me on my way, oh Lord, I want You to help me" because we can't do it alone. TeamHappyMother'sDay. Bblessedloveyou. 

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