Sunday, May 18, 2014

Will Not Confront

Good morning family. I pray everyone is having a nice Saturday. The weather in Jax is gorgeous. I don't know about yours but my work week has been jam packed. I need this weekend to recuperate. Thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes last week. I appreciate it. Already looking forward to next year. If the Lord says so, I'll be 50 years old. A few conversations I've had this week have brought me to the question, "why do we have to confront people about what they said or what they did?" First of all, if someone is coming to me/you with some "mess" it's probably not worth talking about anymore. Second, is the person you're confronting really worth the time and emotion? Third, is pride behind the need to confront another person? Maybe I don't see the need because I generally steer away from conflict, but is that a good thing? I don't know. I know this about me, I won't confront anyone about hurtful things. I put my trust and faith in God because I know He is the only One I have to please. He has accepted me and filled my heart with hope. I have to be honest, my feelings get hurt when I feel I've been taken advantage of, when I don't feel appreciated or when I don't get the response I think I should. But in that honesty I also remind myself that a "child of God" should always pray about those issues, give it to the Lord. Remembering that we've all been given a pass at some time/point or another, we all say or do things we don't/didn't mean, everything said about us won't be favorable and we all fall short. I'm so glad I/we serve a forgiving God. TeamWillNotConfront. Bblessedloveyou.

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