Saturday, January 4, 2014

God and Family

Good morning family. Enjoying this cold weather this morning? It's actually not that bad because the wind isn't blowing. Dosing the kids up on cold medicine today. Preparing them for school Monday. It's been a long two weeks. I'm so very thankful for the holidays and for the New Year. I've made a few promises to myself this year just as I did last year. Every year of our lives should be better than the one before but it's up to us how we move and change. Two areas of life that I think all of us should focus on - Spiritual growth/a closer relationship with God and building a stronger bond within our family units. When we seek understanding through the word of God and take our eyes off man, our vision is made clear. We begin to understand that change starts within, we stop trying to force others to be the people we think they should be. I can honestly say that I struggle with the "me" within because I still hold on to old habits that aren't benefiting "me". I'm unlearning the things of the past that I thought gave me strength and incorporating God's word/ways into my daily walk. Yesterday I spoke with my granny, she's 89. Whenever I call her, she recognizes my voice and calls me by my name. As simple as it may sound, this is something that grips my heart and reminds me that God has blessed our family. I understand that as a family unit there are regrets, resentment and anger. But I also understand the love that has to be resurrected. When we allow the "devil" to whisper in our ear our families are divided. This morning I challenge and pray for you as I pray for me. I pray that we all strengthen our relationship with God and family. Doing this will help us move forward and the blessings from our Father will flow continuously. TeamGod&Family. Bblessedloveyou. 

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