Saturday, January 11, 2014

Respectful Children

Good morning family. Enjoying the morning, sinus headache and all. Thankful for Ms Allana sharing her music knowledge with the kids. God is good, we just have to position ourselves in order to enjoy His goodness. Decisions/choices. I feel very fortunate to have grown up in a time where children were taught to listen more and talk less. While I appreciate freedom of speech, I feel that some have taken it to far. We've simply stopped "listening to learn and only listen to respond". I remember all the words we weren't allowed to say as children. These words weren't even curse words but they would earn you a pop in the mouth if you slipped up and let one of them slide out of your mouth. Now-a-days our children say to much but it's not all their fault. As adults, we have to be better at teaching them respect, teaching them how to hold healthy conversations and reminding them that some situations don't deserve/need a response. Responsibility for what our children do in the street falls back on "home" training. I know we can't be with our children 24/7 but we can plant the seeds that will eventually sprout into beautiful adults. It's not an overnight process but it can be done. Our children are God's blessings and His promise. Handle with care. TeamRespectfulChildren. Bblessedloveyou. Genesis 16:10. Proverbs 17:24-25

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