Sunday, January 26, 2014

Love & Support

Good morning family. I pray everyone is up having a beautiful Sunday. Our house is quiet for the moment. Mia is with Ms Val and Baby Cory is with Auntie Zeina. Today and every day I'm thankful that God continues providing for us. This morning I keep thinking about the people in families that are supposed to lead. You know, the ones who have enough but tend to hold back because they feel everyone is responsible for helping themselves. They've adopted the attitude that "if I can do it, they can to". I'm not saying they're wrong but they are certainly not right. One of my favorite scriptures is "To whom much is given, much is required", Luke 12:48. It amazes me when someone who had nothing begins to accumulate things but instead of sharing and blessing others, they become hoarders. This isn't restricted to money and material things, it's knowledge/wisdom and love as well. I know it's hard to support what's considered foolishness when the same mistakes are being made over and over but our job is to offer support, lend a hand, listen. We have to open our hearts, be empathetic and in some situations sympathetic. Trust me when I tell you that seeing someone break through and rise above their problems feels so much better than receiving a financial down pour or material things. I don't know about you but I want to live a life that I says I love God and His people. All this fluff that we want comes and goes but our God will never leave us so it makes sense that we should do the same for people who need us. He wants us to be genuine in our giving and our living. Lord knows we can't do either of these things right if we're hoarding what we've been blessed with. What I know for sure is that all of us are on different levels, we reach places of understanding and maturity at different times. Knowing this and experiencing this reminds me that if I'm patient and work towards it, things change/people change. I'm living it right now. TeamLove/HelpOthers. Bblessedloveyou. Matthew 19:21-30, Matthew 20:26-28, 

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