Sunday, June 15, 2014

Good morning family. I'm truly having a great time with my Texas family. They've shown us so much love. I can't imagine not having them in my life. God is awesome in His timing. Wishing all the fathers and dads a Happy Father's Day. My husband puts up with a lot, allows a lot and forgives a lot. I've had the priviledge and honor of being in his life for 36 years. He's a good father and the best grandfather ever. I may not act like it sometimes but I know I am blessed to have him. I pray for continued unity and guidance. Thankful for all the men in my life. They hold our families together. I'm thankful for my brother, uncles and cousins. My sons Chris and Cory hold my heart. They have really embraced fatherhood and I look forward to seeing where God will take them. I remind you as I remind myself, life is short. We can't walk through it holding on to unhealthy attitudes. We will never be perfect and our families won't either. We can't wait for the perfect time to change and we can't keep putting off the healing process. There's always going to be that something that nags at our peace but we have the power to let it go. I can tell you this, if I had not let go of past hurt my family structure would look a lot different than it does today. I'm thankful for the time God has given us together and I can't wait to see what the future will bring. TeamHappyFather'sDay. Bblessedloveyou

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