Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Family Growth

Good Morning Family. What a weekend. Thank you so much to the event planners, you guys did a wonderful job. This was one of the best reunions I've attended. Let me put this on everyone's heart, if/when there's an opportunity to visit with family and friends, don't miss it. Reunions give us a chance to learn about our family history, to see our family history and to heal. We come together to celebrate what was, what is and what's going to be. I speak for myself and probably some of you when I say there's a lot of emotional baggage that I carry around because of the past. Attending family events helps me move forward. Hearing and seeing my grandma, aunts, uncles and cousins always makes me feel better about who I am. Don't get me wrong, I love the person God made me, but I recognize my flaws. It's time out for playing the blame game, it's time out for standing in the background complaining, it's time to build our families up, make them stronger than ever. We need more high school graduates, more college graduates, more responsible parents and most of all we need the word of God to be our focus and reason for doing anything. This morning I pray for the men in our families for they are the leaders. I ask God to give them the courage and vision to move our families forward. Lead with honor, patience and kindness. I also pray for all the women. I pray we stand behind/beside the men in our familes. Offering encouraging and uplifting words. We cannot move forward if we don't work together. Lastly, I say thank You Lord for Your mercy and grace, for the favor You've shown our families. You have shown Your love for us in wonderful ways, especially in the blessing of allowing us to gather once again to celebrate family. "I am so satisfied with my Savior"....TeamFamilyGrowth...Bblessedloveyou

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