Sunday, September 8, 2013

Not Participating

Good morning family. Thanking God for bringing us here even if the journey was long and tired us out. As we mature things become less stressful and we begin to see things for what they really are. One day you wake up and your responses to the world and the people in it are different. For me, my desire to argue/to be right/to control situations/to have the last word is gone. My love for God and doing the right thing is stronger than any situation that presents an opportunity to "cut" someone with my words. I would rather use words that encourage and support. Don't get me wrong, Dee and I argue from time to time. Having disagreements and learning to work through problems/issues is a part of marriage. Not being able to reconcile and come to an agreement is what hurts a marriage. For those of us who are "slick" at the mouth, we need to understand that it's not cute or attractive. When we engage in public arguments, cursing each other and lashing out emotionally, it's draining, it's ineffective and causes feelings of regret. I'm thankful for God's word/ways because through it I've learned to look past what people say to me/about me and understand that it's really not about me. When someone lashes out or talks about someone else, it's usually about their internal struggles, something they haven't reconciled, something they're dragging around with them like an "emotional blanket". I remind myself as I remind you, everything doesn't deserve a comment, every comment doesn't deserve a response and there won't be an argument if you don't participate (walk away). TeamNotParticipating. Bblessedloveyou. 2 Timothy 2 vs 23-24, Proverbs 15 vs 1, Romans 12 vs 19, Titus 3 vs 1-2, Romans 14 vs 19. Have a beautiful Sunday, celebrating Mia's birthdy today...

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