Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Adjust Your Speed

Good Morning Family. First of all, Happy Birthday to Sug and Yahzia. I am so thankful for my family. It's such a privilege and blessing to have family. I really think a lot of people take family for granted. One thing that holds true with us is we celebrate each other, we may not always like each other, but the love is strong. This morning I thought about Courtney getting on my treadmill one day. She really wasn't used to it, wasn't really serious about using it. Anyone who's ever been on a treadmill knows that it takes a minute to get adjusted to using it. If you're not careful, you'll fly right off the back of it and that's just what she did. That incident reminds me about our lives. We "jump on life" so quickly, full speed ahead when we should be adjusting the speed as we go. That's the way I used to live. Thinking I should take advantage of every single opportunity that came my way. Opening credit card accounts just because I could, buying new things just because I could, not saving a dime, spending my paycheck down to the last cent and then some. All of that plus clubbing/partying, staying out late, sleeping until lunch time. My life was really out of control. The funny thing was, I didn't even realize it. I thought I was living a normal life. I can't change who I was or the things I did, but I can "adjust the speed", change my pace and direction. A lot of us are looking for quick fixes, easy ways to get out of debt, relationship changes based on nothing but emotion, a support system that caters to "what we want' with no consideration for anyone else. That's all well and fine if you want "short term" results, but if you're like me, you want "lasting results". Change that will take you into the rest of your life. This morning I thank God for "change", I thank Him for understanding and peace. Praying that we sit still and allow God to speak to us, that's the only way things will get better. Bblessedloveyou. TeamAdjustYourSpeed. Psalm 46

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