Thursday, September 12, 2013


Good morning family. Getting closer to our weekend in Atlanta. Going to support The Rams. Ya'll watch out for #26, Daryl Richardson. Praying for safe travels and a good time. Feeling blessed and motivated this morning. Ready for my day to begin. As I prepare for the day I'm asking God to watch over all of us. We are so busy filling our days with activities that we sometimes forget to acknowledge the One who makes it all possible. Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us life, thank You for waking us and allowing us to move around. We plan our days based on our needs, sometimes looking past You and not asking for guidance. Father, I pray that we all take a step back, think before we speak. Let negative words and thoughts be dissolved by thoughts of Your Holiness. There is nothing to hard for You. As we speak with our family members, peers and strangers help us remember that we are "that light" shining brightly. Let us approach situations with good intentions, Godly intentions. Remind us that we are in and out of seasons, some harder than others, but "we've come this far by faith" and that same faith will carry us through whatever struggle we're in right now. Lord, I pray for my co-workers who are having a hard time understanding the "why's" of business decisions. Give them the strength and courage to hold on. Father God, I am so thankful for rest, work, provisions and people, You keep providing for us. I don't no about anyone else, but I am far from being what You want me to be, but thank You for helping me/waiting for me as I come up "the learning curve". Proverbs 10 vs 17, Deuteronomy 28:1-68 TeamIn&OutOfSeasons. Bblessedloveyou

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