Sunday, October 20, 2013

Change For The Better

Good morning family. Up this Sunday morning. Enjoying this cool weather, it's perfect for a light sweat shirt. Yesterday was the longest day ever. Saturdays are never long but I felt like I was on another day by 7:00 pm. Maybe it's the change of season I'm feeling. Nevertheless, thankful for everything. I've been focusing and thinking about "what's next", wondering what next year is going to look like. For the first time, I really feel like I'm moving forward, I'm growing up. I know that may sound funny to some since I'm 48 years young but I haven't really lived life for me. For those who know my story, I've been a mom since I was 14, a wife since I was 19 and an employee since I was 15. I'm not making excuses but when you start your "adult life" early, your growth is delayed when you're not mature enough to walk in the ways of God. My grandson, Little Cory, played on a "no weight" limit football team. He's 5, soon to be 6. After each practice, if he didn't do well, his dad, Big Cory made him run laps. That's the way life is, if you don't do well, you're constantly running laps until you get things in order, get things right. I feel like I"m finally making the right choices, finally coming to a place of transition, finishing strong. I am so ready for next year, not rushing my life away but believing that as I continue making changes/adjustments and seeking God (following His word) my vision will become clearer. Praying that all these laps I've run will pay off, praying that my change/adjustments will make a difference in the lives of others. Change is never easy and some may not accept the changes I have to/need to make but if God says so, change will happen. TeamChangeForTheBetter. Bblessedloveyou. (doesn't matter what it looks like now, just wait on "the next round")

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