Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Trading Bad Habits For Peace

Good morning family. Monday traffic was beautiful, thank you Mr Christopher Columbus for the holiday. Feeling better today than I did yesterday and the weekend. Sometimes life will throw punches that knock us down but faith in God allows us to keep getting up. Along with strong faith has to be "good works". Both move us past hurt and disappointment. There will be times when we won't understand why things are happening, may not even be able to process the information for a minute but if we hold on, peace will come. To help bring us to peaceful places, we first have to "weed" out bad habits, start cleaning up old messes. How many times have you stopped drinking, then decided you'd have just one more and it turned into a six pack? How many times have you laid in bed and said I'll miss this Sunday and go next Sunday but now six weeks have past? How many times have you said this is my last time going to the club but a new weekend is here and there you go again? How many times have you said I'm going to do better on my job but end up with the same results? And what about that dead end relationship you just can't seem to get out of? We say we want change, we say want peace but our actions tell a different story. Some of us seem to like dwelling in those dark places, for some reason we find comfort in our old habits. We knock down the church doors when there's a struggle but when we have a little cash flow, when our boo thang is behaving and things seem to be working, we forget about the promises we made God. I know I'm guilty but I've learned my lesson, no more. I keep God's word close to my heart and always on my mind. TeamPeaceForOldHabits. Bblessedloveyou. 1 Corinthians 10:13 Ephesians 4:22-24 Romans 12:1-2

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