Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Our Leaders Are Really Something Else

Good morning family. Praying for our leaders. Wow, they are really something else, all of them. When our leaders can't agree on what's best, it's a problem. Fortunate for them, we know who our true leader is, God. He's not changing for anybody. He doesn't have to beat His chest, He's not trying to be King for day, He's just blessing us, loving us, providing for us. Don't be upset with the people we voted for, pray for them, ask God to touch their hearts, heal those distorted minds. Asking God to send them a reminder that they are servants of His people. They need to follow Jesus' lead and "wash some feet". We will see progress when the definition of service is applied and understood. I'm standing on God's promises and not on the promises of people who have forgotten or never understood what it's like to not have health insurance, to not have a full meal, to not have a roof over their heads, to not have a job, to not know how their bills will get paid and to be constantly reminded that their needs are not important. I still believe we live in a great country but I also believe we've gotten to "big for our britches". Staying in praying for all because prayer changes things. Amen

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