Thursday, October 10, 2013

He Is The Reason

Good morning family. It's "Throw Back Thursday". Clear skies and dry roads this morning, Thank You Lord. Our bridge is still out of service but there's progress. Hopefully traffic will be back to normal by next month. Also praying that our leaders will get it together and approve this budget. As a person standing on the outside, all of our leaders look selfish, but we're not in their shoes, we don't hear all the arguments and points made. As Christians, we have to keep them lifted up in prayer. Ask God to intervene as opposed to allowing the media to fuel our fears. I'm as caught up in the news as anyone else but I'm more caught up in what God says about me. This "potential for government shut down" is not going to shut me down. No matter what my fate is, good or bad, I have faith in a God who can do all things, my strength is Him. This morning I pray for you as I pray for me. Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for wisdom, knowledge and Your word. Thank You for always reconfirming who we are in You and for Your never changing ways. Lord we live in a world where people are loosing their minds, their faith and their families because they want to keep up with "people". So many of us have lost sight of what You want for us. Our influential pastors now have a reality TV show, Lord I pray that anyone who chooses to watch understands who You are and that we must be mindful of what we allow in our spirits and minds. Father God, I also thank You for reminding me/us, that we should always focus on the message and not the man who's delivering it. Lord remembering that our hearts should be full of love for You. There are those who are so "in love with their church/ministers" that they've forgotten who their "First Love" is. Remind them/me that You are the reason, the only reason. In Jesus Precious Name, AMEN. TeamHeIsTheReason. Bblessedloveyou

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