Thursday, October 31, 2013

Walk The Walk

Good morning family. Why does today feel like Friday? Maybe because it's Halloween, oh well. Closer to the weeeeeeeeeeeeekend baby. So much to be thankful for. Rested well last night, gas in the truck, employed, husband, kids and all family members are well, still full from yesterday's lunch, coffee was perfect and I got paid today, thank YA. Praying for anyone who's unable to get up and thank God for a fresh start, a new day. I overheard a conversation yesterday that reminded me that there are so many people who are not prepared for what they think they want. I say that because the person speaking didn't understand that when you want something, i.e. promotion, marriage, financial security, success, you have to actually start "walking in it" before it's received. For that promotion, are you learning and accepting responsibility for what it will take to get that promotion? For that husband/wife you're looking for, are you obeying God, being submissive, ready to share, ready to compromise, ready to commit, give completely/fully of yourself? Are you able to live within your financial needs right now, are you being a good steward, living within your means, blessing others? For the success you're pursuing, have you've learned everything or do you already "know it all", are you willing to take direction, can you sit at the table with those who have succeeded and let yourself be led? What I figured out is life is like "layaway", you have to start paying now to get what you want later. Nothing falls into your lap. Walk in what you want as if the blessing is already there/been received. You'll find that you're already blessed and what you sought after is just icing on the cake. TeamWalkingTheWalk. Bblessedloveyou

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