Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Good morning family. Hello Wednesday. Praying that everyone has a blessed/productive day. Things can feel unbalanced at times. In those times we should focus on the "bright side" of things to come. I've come to realize that when you let go, decide to allow your emotions to "flush" through your system, there is so much peace. Some people hold back emotions, pretending to be strong when they are "one more thing" close to a nervous break down. Being honest about who we are and what we're feeling can take us to another level. We have to decide to live in peace no matter what we're confronted with. Decide to accept what can't be changed while being determined to change what we have control of. After we buried Cedric and everyone went home, I found myself in and out of emotions. One moment I could be smiling and enjoying life and in the next moment I felt like my heart was breaking all over. One particular day at work I was attending a training. The room was full of "chattering" people. Sitting there waiting for the training to start I started feeling anxious, felt the tears coming. I felt like I was floating, like my body was there but my mind was leaving. Because I didn't want people to see me cry, I left the room, went to the restroom. In the restroom stall, I caved, I cracked, I broke down. It just so happened that one of my friends, Sallie Storey, saw me go in the stall. She asked if I was okay and by my response she knew I wasn't. Sallie sent our director to check on me. She immediately walked me to medical so I could catch my breath and regain my composure. Her concern touched my heart and reminded me that I was going to be okay, I'd get through. The thought of that day has me crying right now and thanking God for healing, thanking Him for consistent grace/peace/mercy. I'm forever convinced that there is nothing I can't overcome based on what I've been through and what God says about me. Please join me. TeamOvercomer/Healed, Bblessedloveyou

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